With STEEM, frontiers can be pushed further. Many say that on the platform. @steemstem is not an exception.
We however wanted to demonstrate the statement and do something crazy: organizing the first steemSTEM meetup at 100 meters underground, directly inside the LHC.
And we did it!

[image credits: @dber]
What one sees on the above picture is indeed the CMS detector, open for maintenance, with the LHC in the middle. This grey pipe is indeed nothing but the largest accelerator ever built by humans (it is long of 27 kilometers) and the colorful object plenty of cables around it is CMS, one of the detector monitoring the high-energy particle collisions going on at the Large Hadron Collider. This picture has been taken by one of us. This happened for real (even after accounting for some Mandela effects).
22 Steemians managed to get to CERN, stand near the CMS beast and take as many pictures and videos as they wanted. They were coming from Columbia, USA, Canada, and a bunch of European countries. @steemstem is indeed very international! For some of them, it was a long trip to get there, and I recommend reading about their adventure by clicking on the different links provided at the end of this post. These posts are all worthy!
I will of course not give my impressions about the tour (this is my fifth times underground, inside the LHC). This, I leave it to the others… I will instead bring the other face of the coin, the one of the organizer (i.e. me).
Although on the official CERN visit webpage, it is explicitly written that tours do not include any underground visit, we were there, thanks to the magic of e-mails and phone calls.
Okay, this was maybe slightly more complicated than a couple of e-mails and phone calls… But in short, this proves that @steemstem can definitely push the frontiers further. (By the way, is this a real proof?)
[image credits: @justtryme90]
For those who know me a little bit (from the chat), the current period is actively stressing in terms of professional deadlines (note: the grant proposal has been submitted yesterday afternoon).
I nevertheless decided to create dedicated lecture material for the meetup which is still not fully posted, as can be observed from my blog. This will be fixed in the next few weeks (I have barely no time at the moment).
Putting more stress on me is better, isn’t it? :)
To make the story funnier, my slides were completed at 9:30AM on Friday the 9th of February, and the CERN tour was starting at 10:00 AM on the same day. Better late than never!
On top of that, the weather decided to challenge my venue. Paris (where I work) was indeed under the snow on Thursday. In other words, Paris was pari-lyzed. However, I managed!
And very importantly, organizing the food stuff was tough. How to find a restaurant not already fully booked, accepting a group of 20 and easily reachable as the amount of available cars was limited? This was easy… a couple of phone calls and e-mails, as usual!
Food-wise, this workshop was great! I hope none of the participants will contradict me here… The two restaurants I picked were great picks!
Wait a minute… did I just say 20? We were supposed to be 20, but we were actually 22. A couple of e-mails later (and no phone call this time), 22 people were granted access to CMS, instead of 20 :p

[image credits: @suesa]
The meetup organization was kind of easy, but demanded me a lot, once put into the context. Believe it or not… I however think that this was fully worthy, and I would be more than happy to organize a V2 in some time.
The tour was nice, and I think everyone enjoyed my one-day-long one-man-show. On my side, I have definitely enjoyed constantly speaking about physics during an entire day.
I must confess that I was a little bit surprized by many questions that have been asked during the day. Although I am not afraid of anything about particle physics in general, the more experimental side of the field is more complicated to me, and machine-related questions are sometimes a nightmare. I used the ‘I don’t know’ answer more than once :)
I by the way thank a lot all the people who helped in one way or the other, and in particular the drivers (@dber, @justtryme90, @aurel.proorocu, @tristan-muller and @alexs1320) and @suesa for the badges.

[image credits: myself (Samsung Galaxy A5)]
In addition, I would also like to thank @freyablekman, our CMS guide who just joined Steemit yesterday (I was a bit slow in creating her account).
Our tour had the chance to include a very nice presentation of the CMS detector thanks to her! Remember that I am a theorist, thus not expert in detectors, and my job with this respect would have been… at least not as great ^^
As a counter-effect of being the one talking most of the time, I didn’t have the occasion to discuss calmly with each of the 21 other participants. For the next meetup, we should definitely include in the agenda more time to discuss with each other! Lesson learned!
I am now trying to enjoy relaxing a little bit… Actually, I will do that on Sunday, when flying to the US, once also all my urgent duties will be cleared ;)
And I will soon restart writhing about physics… please do not worry!
With most of the steemstem crew at the workshop, @mobbs became the general in charge, with the help of most our curators of course (and in particular @kryzsec, @ruth-girl, @trumpman and @zest). The result was amazing:

The exponential growth of our community continues. More Steemians are continuously joining us on the chat, we reward more and more unique authors, more and more different posts, etc.
That is amazing to see! [This also means a lot of work for the crew, please bare that in mind before complaining about a post we apparently forgot to vote :p]
I do not know if the meetup at CERN contributed to our growth, but I like to think it did. We have after all brought STEEM in the mecca of physics ^^
Please check the write-ups of @alexs1320, @bendelgreco, @dber, @frederikaa, @galotta and one some math stuff that has been discussed, @justtryme90, @kerriknox and her chocolates, @lesmouths-travel, @scienceangel, our two @steem-hikers, @suesa and @suesa-random.
I hope I didn’t miss any… Otherwise please let me know :)
Soo...nice! :) I guess you all had a really good time! I'm a little jealous, that I was not attending this amazing trip. Things like this really make the steemstem community outstanding. :)
We we had. Too short, IMO, but we need to start somewhere! I am sure you will be with us for the next meetup :)
Oh, I would love to! :)
I won't miss the next one 😉
You won't have the choice ;)
Well, I for one agree the topic deserves a #sexyscience tag. Science is indeed sexy. Thank you for sharing the wonderful pictures and words. You promised and delivered. That puts the #steemstem crew on a map somewhere 100m underground in CERN. THAT is fantastic. Congratulations to all those that made it happen and brought us, sitting comfortably at home, great pictures and stories. Next meet up... Africa? :)
Dunno, maybe. STEM is a very large field :)
But for now, I will rest little bit if you don't mind, before the next moves ^^
@lemouth not a problem at all :)
yay, the final one! Gave you a resteem (not that u'd need it).
Follow for follow? :D
Followed you pls upvote me!!! ;-)
Too late :D
Thank you for sharing this, my friend. It's very informative, Sir.
Today I can upvote you only with 50%, I got the voting hangover :D
Come on my friend, it is Valentine's day :D
Ok, 50% more :D
Wow, that's quite amazing. I can imagine the fun and excitement you all have after visiting there. CERN is really a treasure of technology. A giant machine researching on smallest particles.
Thanks for sharing the experience and awesome pics and posts by other visitors as well. :)
That was a great steemstem moment! Maybe with you for the next one! :)
Hello @lemouth
Indeed organizing this will have taken a lot on you. Kudos to you and your team fro standing up to make the meet up an unforgettable event.
Keep the flag flying. Very proud of you guys.
@eurogee of @euronation & The Host, Show Us Your Witnesses Weekly Contest
Thanks for your nice message! :)
Welcome sir
Hi @Lemouth, I thank all of you that have shared this great experience with steemSTEM community.
This is an engineering marvel!
Yep, the LHC is totally a jewel of technology! One of the greatest humans have ever built, IMO.
Congratulations to you all, looking forward to be among in the next trip. Meanwhile, well come back @Lemouth, just relax small and continue your good work for the steemstem community.
I will try to relax... although not that easy. My agenda is a total mess, believe it or not :)
Amazing place to be . I am sure the meeting was unforgettable. I am happy of followings @steemstem . There are quite interesting people here.
It was, you can believe it. And I agree our community is just outstanding ^^
Great ti see scientists and block chains bringing people together.
Just goes to show that steemit is a place where people of like minds can share their passions and make content through mutual aid.
Yes they can ^^
psh I'm sure you still knew more than enough to keep everyone educated haha
Been waiting to read this! Sounds like the trip went great albeit the stress, hope I can come out to the next meet-up :)
Yep, the trip surpassed all expectations! I am still recovering from it ;)
I will definitely go to the next one. I hope it will be a bit closer to Croatia :)
CERN is not that far from Croatia :)
True, but I couldn't get 2 days of vacation :/ Next time I'll try to ask for free days months before :)
Yeah this was definitely a last-minute organisation ;)
You did a fantastic job @lemouth making this happen. Not only was it a great event, you really gave me/us the opportunity to do something that is out of the ordinary and truly memorable. All my professional friends and colleagues have expressed their jealousy since I came back, which is evidence enough.^^
A huge thanks for putting in the time to give us this chance! I will probably revisit the pictures from the CMS in years to come. :)
Looking forward to the next @steemSTEM meetup - wherever it will be - already!
Should I organize a CERN visit for ESA people? :)
Thank you for making this possible lemouth!
And thank you @freyablekman for your awesome participation - it was really great learning from you about CMS - welcome to steemit!
It was tiring, but cool to setup. Anytime! Maybe we will have more time to chat when I will be on your side of the ocean :D
Omg 😱 that was a meetup of another level congratulations to all who were and I hope that next time more people will go

I hope too! Thanks for your message!
The first meet up is of no doubt will help push the community forward, i will say a big thanks to you for a job well done and other crew member. Although i may not be presently there but from what i see, i feel like i have missed alot.
Thanks for your message. Maybe will you be able to join us for the next one? Let's see, the future will tell :)
Damn. I've been following steemstem for a while now, but now I know I haven't really been following enough. This execution seems to have been planned for a long time and yet this is the first post about it that I'm seeing. Well, I really appreciate the action. Just a suggestion, I wish you'd have documented the entire thing in a vlog fashion or something so we could enjoy the entire thing too. Also, I felt kind'a left out since there was no one from Asia haha.
But thanks to the entire team for their efforts and pushing the frontier to some other level and also to steemstem trending page and @lemouth for introducing me to this meetup.
Videos are there. This is coming, don't worry. We just need time to start putting things together. On your side, it is enough to stay tuned :)
This is not our fault. North Americans were more adventurous :D
North Americans were more adventurous? Man, you just haven't met the right Asians yet haha.
Also a matter of being able to free themselves, with respect to their job, in no-time (this was organized in give or take 3 weeks). I guess this is the real reasons (I have met plenty of Asians, believe me. I am actually spending more time in Asia than in the US per year :p )
Haha oh okay cool.
Thanks for the name drop! Couldn't be happier to be of service... unless perhaps I went to the LHC =(
Haha but seriously, seems like things went very smoothly despite things (I've only gotten through two other posts so far so I could be wrong...)
You have definitely earned your private CERN tour. But for this, you need first to come in Europe at a time the LHC will be shut down ... ;)
You should throw a breadcrumb into one of the sensors for me around May time ^__^
Next year may be good. May 2018 definitely not. Even withe the bread stuff :D
I've been hoping that you'll put your picture sir, at least the one you took at the meetup :(
Maybe I'll keep waiting though :).
P.S: I never knew science is sexy.. Just seeing "sexyscience" tag :D
Having 4 pictures of me on the web is enough. There is no need to have more :D
OMG! :(
There are 4 pictures and I can't even locate one. How do I find them? :D
Happy Valentine's day sir :)
I won't help you. I will not make it easy, just for fun ;)
Lol. Okay sir. Challenge accepted :D
I just stumbled on one of your pictures on the web. And I finally figured out your name.
I deserve some accolades sir :)
Yes, I am the mammoth :D
This being said, my identity is not secret (as I am not a crypto-billionaire, I have nothing to hide ;) )
Thank you once again, the event was fantastic and the people I've met gorgeous! I'm still living that day! The organisation was truly exceptional and I think everyone felt like being on some kind of institutionalized, professional organised paid guide tour! I'm happy to follow my new fellow steemSTEM Steemians & read their posts with LHC hoodie on :D
I was actually a bit scared for you, with your crazy adventures during your to Geneva (and now, I just read about the crazy trip back to the Netherlands! :D ). I am so happy that you managed to make it right in time ^^
We have quite an experience in budget/hitch-hiking travelling so it was nothing special :) The only stressful thing was time (and our too heavy stuff), but fortunately everything went well.
I am feeling old, now, as this sounds really crazy :p
You did real good brother @lemouth. Please continue to keep the @steemstem flag flying. Thanks alot for sharing your lovely experience with the rest of us!
Thanks a lot and don't worry, steemstem is very well alive :D
This is a great task, isn't that easy to put up this project. But then, the @steemstem community is moving and growing faster than I can imagine. Thanks boss @lemouth for your contributions.
Thanks for your kind words :)
I can confirm that the usual CERN tour doesn't even bring you remotely near anything of interest.
I am so jealous now!
It is sufficient to know the right people in order to get something special :)
To know the right people and to be brave enough to ask for such a favor, as always actually ... ;)
In my case, this has nothing to do with being brave, believe me. I speak with those guys almost everyday :)
I like this posting.Nice this posting @lemouth.
Vote posting me @yassir1
This (comment spamming) is not the best way to attract people to your blog, you know.
Very good picture and your story
As I said above, this (comment spamming) is not the best behavior on steemit. Some may dislike it...
I Wish I could be there
Maybe for the next one?
I just wish, I know it can't possible. No ticket fee to fly from here in Nigeria
I'm nobody and that's why I joined steemit to earn incomes
click here.Congratulations @lemouth, this post is the fifth most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Hero account holder (accounts that hold between 10 and 100 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Hero account holders during this period was 435 and the total pending payments to posts in this category was $9176.09. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories,
If you do not wish to receive these messages in future, please reply stop to this comment.
Excellent @lemouth. Regards!.
Great information. Good job. Weldone
Interesting !
N'est-ce pas :)
good, follow me best friend steemit @wannis ..
Damn, I didn't know you can visit CERN, let alone the LHC(even if it requires some magical emails and phone calls). Going to keep reading about that meetup further!
The meetup is over. It happened on Friday the 9th. Please stay tuned for the next one (whenever and anywhere it happens) :)
Oh trust me, im keeping tabs on that! :)