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RE: Human Longevity, SRT1, and Alzheimers Disease: A Brief Review of A Recent Publication

in #steemstem6 years ago


Glad to have you back! I must admit I missed this post and when I found out I visited your blog only to realize that I had missed two more of your posts! I feel like I have to apologize! :P

This is such a scary disease. It always gets me how our minds can play such games on us. Then I think about how reality as I experience it is actually just an 'illusion' created by the way my brain interprets input received from my sensory receptors. Anyway, that might be off topic.

Looking forward to the future.

The data presented here isn't strong enough (IMO) to conclude much of anything, but it is certainly an interesting coincidence, isn't it?

Oh yeah that's a very interesting coincidence. This is not my field, however if there's actually a link between the over expression of SIRT1 and longevity, then we can hope for a bright future. Just a few thoughts.

Thanks for letting us know about the research!

Have a good day!


No need to apologise. That's silly. Glad you gave the blog a read, I always try to give a spot light to the open access papers. The little guys. With the interesting but not massively impactful stories.

Lots of good science out there to give a bit more appreciation.

Let's make the internet great again!

Besides it all started as a small network created by CERN scientists in order to exchange data safely and efficiently. I appreciate your efforts.

See you!