Another interesting read and I somehow managed to miss this.
The idea was to design a shocking and non-reasonable situation, implying that the only reasonable conclusion was to reject quantum superpotions. Of course, Schrödinger failed ;)
I see what you did there! I wonder how many actually noticed.
In fact, writing a quantum state for a cat has no sense at all, no matter it is dead, alive or zombie. The reason is that a cat has continuous exchanges with its environment, as most macroscopic systems. The ‘cat system’ is thus not an isolated system.
Well, I don't trust anything I read on the internet, however I came across this pretty credible formula that stems from Schroedinger's equation for a single particle.
Never knew about quantum decoherence, sounds like an impossible obstacle in quantum computing indeed.
Have a good day :)
Some :)
A golden cat? mmmh... Maybe a maxwell daemon :D
An obstacle, but one can fight it. I have however not said this wold be easy. :)
Hehe! 'Maxwell's cat'! I will try to find another lamp for 'Schroedinger's demon' now :)
Have a good day!
That is illuminative ^^
Lol! :D