In the world of technology today there have been a lot of crazy invention, and various record which has lead to the invention of a new technology. The only part that has not yet been made is the creation of a full human soul. But there are different research carried out by various scientist on mind uploading which most people take to be an impossible task.
They intended to get this done by uploading a human brain from a physical body into an artificial one.
As there are series of research carried out just to immortalize human. The process they intended to use to make this happen fall into two categories.
neurone brain scanning
The first method is by mimicking the human brain which is through scanning and mapping the sailent features of a biological human brainsource.
Dmitry Itskov is one of the researcher carrying out a reaseach on mind uploading by making sure robot are able to carry out activities controlled by the brain. Part of Itskov's plan is to create a robot which will be easily controlled by the human mind. Although this has already been done by pentagon-backed researcher, as they make an artificial limbs which is been controlled by the mind. These was carried out on a patients called Johns Hopkins and also on a make.
picture of a man controlling artificial robot hand with his mind
The invention was a success as John Hopkins was able to control the artificial arm with is mind so also is the monkey, through a mind meld technology.
Dmitry Itskov research on mind transplant was to make sure he do away with surgical process of transplanting human brain into a new host. Instead his intention is to upload the contents of the mind into a completely new artificial robo-body. As the goal of other scientific intelligence is to transfer the brain into a new body that is capable of hosting human consciousness.
Since it was made possible for the brain to control an artificial robotic arm, through a high mind tech, these lead to the birth for more research in other to make it possible for the brain to control an artificial robotic body.
Itskov's been among one of the weird scientist really want to make sure he eliminate any form of organic matter by making his own research focus on downloading a complete human memory and later transfer them to a completely new host.
There are also some record set which has give room for more scientific interest in the study to make mind transferring or download possible.
One of it is the invention of a computer brain interface, which was made actually for patient that suffer from locked-in syndrome and other communication imparing condition. As it has it made it possible to make a text appear on a computer screen via the brain.
Paul and Cox intention to make mind transfer prossible was quite different from that of other researcher in which their own plan is to remove some part of the brain and replace it with some part of a robotic brain. They envision replacing each neuron, synapse, and connection with a circuit switch line that functions like the natural system.citation. As their intention is to split the brain down the corpus callosum and each half put into a new body, which will later result in having two different host and a successful mind duplication.
There are still more research under taken by different scientist and researcher to make sure they are able to give a good explanation and also to make sure that mind transfer or downloading is made possible.
Thank you all for reading I hope you have all learnt something new today. For more knowledge and further reading below are sources of my research.
I think this technology will be accessible by our age.
That is if it is actually made to be possible, as there are still more research carried out to make it happen.
I think the question is not 'is it possible', is 'should we do it'.....
Smile, thanks for stopping by, let hope researchers and scientist come up with something soon.
wonderful post
Thank you
Dmitry Itskov did his job great.
In my oppinion techniques like this should be used more often for health and body. Inovation is not the Problem, but more like the people who want to rule these.
Dmitry itskov is currently still mqking more research to download human mind into a completely new host humanoid
There was a movie like this, if I remember well (but I don't remember neither the title, nor the exact story. Just that it involves some hackers).
Yea you are right, there was a movie where a guy invented a machine he use to upload his mind. But it later turn out to be that, it was just the machine functioning based on past record and not the actual mind.
Yes, this is it ^^