Insomnia is the inability to sleep, the difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. Recently, researchers have thought about it as a problem in which the brain cannot rest (Cannot stop being awake), In this case, the brain's sleep cycle is disturbed or not working well. Mind you it is not a disease on its own but a symptom.

Insomnia can be different from sleeplessness, people suffering from Insomnia can have few symptoms like -
- Low energy or feeling of tiredness, even after getting up from sleep there is this feeling of not enough sleep
- Unable to go back to sleep
- Difficulty falling asleep
- Cognitive impairment, a problem involved with mental action, understanding through thought, experience and senses, languages, and judgement greater than changes related to age.
- Mood swings
- School or work difficulty
- Feeling weak or unrefreshed after waking up from sleep
Insomnia can come in two forms, the acute insomnia that last for few days or weeks and chronic insomnia which last for a month or longer. It usually affects women than men, travellers, women in menopause, pregnant mothers, people who abuse drugs, young students and it effects increases with age.
Insomnia/sleep problem can be caused by medical conditions, psychiatric conditions, biological factors or unhealthy sleeping habits.
Medical conditions or reasons for Sleeplessness
Nasal reactions, having congestion that last the whole day or being used to sneezing that last the whole day or more than a day, due to dust, particles that shed from the body of animal pets or powder or dust produced from trees.
Asthma, a serious disease or sickness involving the airways in the lungs in which the person's airway becomes narrow, inflamed, swell and produce extra mucus making breathing difficult. People with asthma often wheez frequently when attacked, cough, chest tightens and shortness of breath.
Joint pain, damage to joints caused by injury or disease can interfere with movement and cause a whole lot of pain, like strain, sprain, and arthritis.
Loss of brain cells, indecent use of alcohol can damage brain cells, although it does not seem like a big problem that should cause you to worry because every now and then our brain has the power to repair itself and build up brain cells. When too much alcohol or tobacco products are overused every now and then it causes the brain to lose more cells and weakening its power.
Serious pain,
Lower back pain
Burning chest pain, well it sounds like burning chest with fire well it is not. It is a sharp burning or hot feeling below ribs or breatbone. It leads to pain, discomfort and like a mettallic taste in the mouth.
Puffy eyes are a common problem, it is mostly caused by build-up of fluid under the eye. It is very visible due to the thinness of under eye skin. Puffy eyes are a result of crying, lack of sleep, consuming food with excess sodium and allergies to perfumes, or powder. Drinking more water or cosmetic surgery is a method of treatment.
Daytime symptoms may cause accidents, poor focus, and concentration. Pills taken for nasal reaction or catarrh, common cold, birth control and depression can contribute to Insomnia.
What could be the cause of Insomnia or what other factors could cause it?
- Use of caffeine, taking caffeine food or drink before bedtime
- Heavy meal or too much food before bedtime which may cause restlessness
- Use of alcohol which might cause sleeplessness later during sleep
- Smoking cigarettes, tobacco and tobacco products
- Use of cocaine, marijuana, and herbs
- Unhealthy sleeping habits and lifestyle
- Use of or withdrawal from pain relievers
- Too much or bad noise
- Bad situations in life or events in life (fear, anxiety, loss of loved ones, financial breakdown, mental tension, birth of a child, loss of job)
- Uncomfortable room temperature (Too much heat or cold)
- Restless leg syndrome, which can cause disturbances during sleep due to the sensation to move leg or other body parts
- Body exercise
- Hormone shift and pain, such as menstrual pain or those undergoing menopause, from injuries which causes individual problem finding sleeping position, thereby having a problem during sleep.
- Mental issues
Diagnosis, treatment, and prevention
Creating a steady mode of sleeping, like going to bed and getting up the same time every day, avoiding stressful exercise few hours to bedtime, avoiding tobacco products intake or caffeinated drinks or food before going to bed.
It is better to reduce their intake, exercise at early hours of the day helps better. Cool and dark bedroom could also help in preventing or treating insomnia. Good sleeping habits or sleep hygiene
Treating other medical conditions causing sleeplessnesses like pain, depression, and breathing problems. Sleeping pills prescribed for long-term use.
Stimulus control therapy, this treatment is mostly for patients or individuals that have adjusted themselves to sleep in a negative response. For other forms of treatment check out references.
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