After the analysis of the Moon, the black holes and the dark side of the Moon, today we will see some things about the planet Mars that are known to others, but many of them are unknown to most.
For many years, Mars has been the focus of discussions, as an alternate solution and potential for a future colony. You think that our stay there would be easy? I don't think so!
General Informations

The name of the planet Mars comes from the Olympian god of war in Greek mythology Mars. The names of the two satellites were the two sons of mythological Mars, Deimos and Phobos. Mars has been known to humans for decades.
After observation by telescopes, they found that morphology is very similar to Earth's. Because of this discovery, the generosity of the question and the thought that this planet may have life, even in a future colony for man. Essentially this thought is right because the journey to Mars lasts for six months, so it was not unrealistic.

Mars, like almost all the planets of our solar system, was born 4.5 billion years ago. It is almost certain that Mars had water and ice on its surface, resulting in microbes. This issue concerns only the beginning of Mars.
Mars's gravitational attraction is 60% less than Earth's. That is, if I weigh 100 kilos, for example, on Mars, I will weigh 40! Mostly this is because the mass of the Earth is much larger than Mars.
Pieces of Mars are on Earth

On Earth have been found from time to time several meteorites, but it was not possible to find their identity. This is where the mission of the Curiosity was launched, where we were able to identify more than 100 meteorites from Mars. Essentially, this was done by analyzing the composition of rocks with that found on Mars.
Content sources
- https://www.newsbeast.gr/technology/arthro/721860/ti-den-xeroume-gia-ton-planiti-ari
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mars
- http://www.iefimerida.gr/news/168275/o-a%CF%81%CE%B7%CF%82-%CE%AD%CE%B4%CF%89%CF%83%CE%B5-%CE%B6%CF%89%CE%AE-%CF%83%CF%84%CE%B7-%CE%B3%CE%B7-10-%CF%80%CF%81%CE%AC%CE%B3%CE%BC%CE%B1%CF%84%CE%B1-%CF%80%CE%BF%CF%85-%CE%B4%CE%B5%CE%BD-%CE%BE%CE%AD%CF%81%CE%B1%CF%84%CE%B5-%CE%B3%CE%B9%CE%B1-%CF%84%CE%BF%CE%BD-%CE%BA%CF%8C%CE%BA%CE%BA%CE%B9%CE%BD%CE%BF-%CF%80%CE%BB%CE%B1%CE%BD%CE%AE%CF%84%CE%B7
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Hi, I found some acronyms/abbreviations in this post. This is how they expand:
Do you like constellation also? I find them fascinating.
I love anything about space!
Nice... :D
Hey awesome article.
Thank you. I appreciate that :)