Thank you @agmoore, very kind of you to say so. The international reaction during the 14/15 outbreak was pretty sickening from what I remember, its very human I know, but the whole of the west was panicking about how it was going to effect us while there were cheap and simple actions that could have been taken much earlier if we wanted to have helped.
I dread to think what would happen if the same size outbreak would happen now. I try to stay away from talking American politics in my blogging but these tweets surfaced in my reading for this article.

Needless to say this is not good public health policy. If trained personal are willing to run into the fire the least we can do is get them out if they get sick (they pose very little threat in a well equipped health care system). If anything this move would increase the likelihood of it spreading to the states. Disease cares very little about the imaginary lines us humans like to draw.
Or how about this rich reward for keeping everybody safe, by going to the source and limiting infection. Quarantined Nurse Reveals Photos of Her Tent “Prison”
You're link wasn't working for me but i'm guessing this was the story you were linking to.
Not exactly a heroes welcome!