Sometimes people get desperate and try supplements they heard about or read about on the internet. Don't believe everything you read on the internet and don't disbelieve everything. If something seems to be worth a try, be sure to check with your doctor.
Doctors typical response is "You don't need that."
Your question should be, "Doctor, is there anything harmful in this supplement?"
You don't want to do damage to your body, especially when your body is fighting an ailment.
I read in the past that for cancer it's good to keep your vitamin D3 levels up to a high normal level. There is an informative website
There are many foods and herbs that appear to be helpful. Do a web search on the common weed found growing everywhere, dandelion. Always clear everything with your doctor. Doctors have knowledge and experience that a web search cannot compare to. Work with your doctor and don't hide things from your doctor that you want to try. Some alternative treatments can be harmful.
Best wishes for your friend.
Science has proven that there is so much more to our universe than our limited 5 senses can comprehend. Be sure to pray for your friend.
thank you dear fro best wishes, she is too young and having small 2 kids that's why she is taking much tension of her disease ,