So amazing.
Very high energy colliding head on and detecting particles flying around at mind boggling speeds that are much too small to be seen, to investigate invisible ghost particles that are impossible to be seen, and also tiny unseeable particles that are never alone, very accurately calculated by a bunch of intelligent human beings made of all those weird little particles.
Our universe is strange indeed.
What are some of the equations that are most relevant for your work there?
There are many equations. For instance, if you really want to know what is going on at the hardest level (i.e. where one expects new particles to be produced), the model Lagrangian is the equation that matters (it could be the Standard Model or any model you may dream of). Strong interactions is very important, as we are colliding very energetic protons. Them if you are interested on the detector side, how visible particles interact with matter matters. And so on. There are many very relevant equations all over the place, and all are necessary at the end of the story.