Without Using Your Thoughts, Association, Perception, Emotions or Memories.
What if a LIGHT BULB 💡 was the cure to Racism, Sexism, and Classism?
Do you know what Human and Light Bulbs Have in common?
We both express a different colours, Have different shapes, Different sizes, We are Manufactured in different places, some bright some dim some clear and some broken.
We appear to be very different on the outside but the thing is there is one current running through each bulb 💡 in same way there is a single energy running through each person on this planet.
Doesn't matter what you look like, Doesn't mate your race, gender,nationality, that's just the bulb Who We Really Are Is Inside of Us ENERGY
Imagine this, say you have a friend named Sam, you've been visiting Sam in the hospital until one day he dies.
You say "Oh no Sam Died".
But his body is still there, his race, his gender, but you say Sam "DIED"?
That's because you know deep down that Sam was a lot more than he's body. ENERGY is what we are.
Energy has no colour, Energy is not Republican or Democrat, Energy is not White of Black.
Energy is Energy.
We are intelligent, creative, universal Energy and of we understood that then we would finally know what wise men and women have been trying to tell us since the dawn of time, That WE ARE ONE
"we are not human beings going through spiritual experience
we are spiritual beings going through human experience"
I wish everyone could read this cos there are so many labels, identities, culture's, religion and even political affiliation that we can use to divide us but out connection is so simple and greater than all this.
👄💋Princess Vanessa
The Steemstem Tag is only applicable to science-based materials and facts.
Apart from that, the article is okay. There are a few typos here and there. But I get the general idea.