you were taught about matter in elementary school ? lol ... size and mass are not the same like one kilo of lead and one kilo of feathers as the classic story goes , i wish i was taught about matter in elementary school :p
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I taught my son when he was in grade 1. i.e. earlier this year :)
don't get me wrong here, i think its a GREAT idea, the younger kids are the easier they take things in and the earlier you gain knowledge the more connecting points you have which means you can absorb more faster without people having to explain. My only benefit was that i could read before 1st year so i got a bit of a headstart because i could take in a lot more of everything i saw around me.
Now if they had taught me about the movement of the planets (even just that) when i was six (or even in kindergarten, as long as it comes with metafors) i would probably be a bit further than having had to just nag my parents with questions until the buried me under encyclopedia lol
i wasnt like acting as if it would be too hard for a kid, i just say its a shame it doesnt get done ... i think a toddler can get the basic concepts if they come in tales, maybe ESPECIALLY them, and if they have their world image instated like that from very young age, then everything after that will be interpreted in a framework of understanding, it should be .. .exponential ?
it still shows btw, im nothing of a teamplayer and id rather drop dead looking things up for 24 hours or more before i ask anyone lol
first three years as they say , but maybe its the first six (well they would be freud and freud suffers a bit from local era-syndrome i'm afraid not all his stuff is applicable across all culture and times)
which is not physics ofcourse, although everything is physics since brains are made of particles
but you just said that to brag because its your kid didnt you :p
i know a thing or two about the competitive ego of the scientist ... i suppose it can be hard sometimes
its a quest for immortality, isnt it ?
What matter is not the topic but how the message is passed to the next generation (and which messages). :)
in most cases i would definitely agree, but some people have really bad messages haha , i see there's a new article, time to dust of my french, actually not bad you do that now and then, i can use some practice, i dont have money to visit paris once a month lol
You always have the English version not too far from the French one. Don't worry. Unfortunately, my Flemish is too rusted (I didn't speak it for about 20 years) so that you should not count too much on the Flemish version. ^^
you actually speak dutch ? i mean like flemish (same thing , gramatically lol but the mentality might as well be half a lightyear away) ... well so far when reading the french posts i havent had to refer to the english one, which is a good thing, i wish i knew enough of the jargon to help translate but i'm afraid i would make too many mistakes on the technical terms there :|
you actually speak dutch ? i mean like flemish (same thing , gramatically lol but the mentality might as well be half a lightyear away) ... well so far when reading the french posts i havent had to refer to the english one, which is a good thing, i wish i knew enough of the jargon to help translate but i'm afraid i would make too many mistakes on the technical terms there :|
I used to speak Dutch (or at least say things close enough to Dutch to be understandable). But a lack of practice kills it. This being said, if I were in a Dutchy environment, I am pretty convinced it could come back quickly ;)