A more painful theory was that which suggested that man might have a hand in the extinction of this specie, and it only left me in awe, wondering how cruel the actions of man can be towards some animals to the point of leading to extinction
This makes me so sad, that we humans somewhat contributed to the extinction of these animals. Im hoping that we can work on preserving our wildlife by taking care of the environment even more.
Some species of animals have gone extinct solely by human actions, hunting for fun, for food and so many reasons I just get stunned, without putting into consideration that this affect the population of these animals.
Its a good thing we now took to notice some of these animals and organizations like the UICN and many just like it now work together with the government to fight against extinction of any specie, but more still need to be done on this regard if you ask me. Thanks for reading @sakura1012, nice of you stopping by.