Gas Turbine Engine for Power Plant
Gas turbine is an internal combustion engine, the process works like a combustion motor [image] that is the atmospheric atmosphere is sucked into the compressor and compressed, then the air compresses into the combustion chamber and is used for the combustion process, resulting in a large thermal energy. The heat energy is expressed on the turbine and generates mechanical energy on the shaft.
The remaining combustion gases outside the turbine become thrust energy (aircraft gas turbines). So it is clear that gas turbines are machines that can convert heat energy into mechanical energy or thrust. The equation of a gas turbine with a combustion motor is at the combustion process occurring within the machine itself.
Besides that the work process is the same namely: suction, compression, combustion, expansion and waste. The difference lies in its construction. Most combustion engines work back and forth (reciprocating) while the gas turbine is a rotational engine, a gradual intermittent motor work process, for the gas turbine is continuous and the exhaust gas in the combustor motor is never used for the thrust force.
Gas turbine work continuously not in the end, all process that is suction, compression, burning and exhaust is going on at the same time. On the motor fuel gradually process is called the steps, namely step suction, compression, combustion, expansion and exhaust step. Between steps one and the other are interdependent and work alternately. In the process of expansion of gas turbine, there is a change of energy from heat energy into mechanical energy of rotation of turbine shaft, whereas in combustion motor in step of expansion there is change from heat energy to mechanical energy motion back and forth piston. With these conditions, gas turbines work more smoothly and not much vibration.
Gas Turbine Working Principle
In the picture below is one of the aircraft gas turbine engines, as for how it works is as follows. The starter motor is turned on, the compressor turns and starts to work the air sucking around, the air is then compressed. Air in the first stage is first compressed at a low pressure compressor, forwarded by a high pressure compressor. The compressed air then enters the combustion chamber, mixed with fuel already sprayed.
The compressed air-fuel mixture is then ignited and there is a combustion process. Gas from the combustion process expands on the turbine, there is a change from heat energy into turbine shaft rotation energy, part of the combustion gas into a thrust force. After providing the rest of the thrust force, the combustion gas exits through the exhaust. From the working process of the aircraft gas turbine, turbine power is generated to drive the compressor, generate thrust, and move the other auxiliary equipment.
Industrial gas turbines can be seen in the figure below and how it works the same as airplane gas turbines. The starter motor is switched on to rotate the compressor, fresh air sucked in and compressed. Then compressed air with high enough temperature and pressure (200C, 6 bar) flows into the combustion chamber mixed with fuel.
The compressed air mixture is then ignited and there is a combustion process, the combustion gas temperature rises drastically. High-temperature combustion gases (6 bar, 750C) expand on the turbine, resulting in energy changes, from heat energy to turbine spinning energy. Gas combustion after expansion in the turbine, then out as a used gas. Furthermore, the gas turbine works with turbine spindle rotation, ie as a source of propulsion of compressor and electric generator.

The nuclear power plant (NPP) [4] uses the heat of a nuclear reactor to drive the steam turbine generator. Approximately 20% of electricity generation in the United States is produced by nuclear power plants.
Fossil fuel power plants can also use steam turbine generators in the case of natural gas-fired power plants that are gas turbines.
natural gas power plant
diesel power plant
The coal-fired power plant (PLTB) generates electricity by burning coal to evaporate water, and has considerable side effects of carbon dioxide emissions, released from coal combustion and contributes to global warming. Approximately 50% of electricity generation in the United States is generated from PLTB.
Geothermal power plants (PLTPB) use steam extracted from hot rocks from underground.
Renewable energy or biomass power plants can be dibahanbakari by bagasse, municipal waste, methane from farms, or other forms of biomass.
In the steel smelting industry, high blast furnace gas exhausts are low, despite low-energy density, fuel.
The exhaust heat from industrial processes is sometimes quite economical to use as a source of power, usually in turbines and steam boilers.
Solar power plants use sunlight to boil water, which then steam drives the turbine.
Primary movers
Steam turbine generators use dynamic pressure generated by the pressure of the steam to drive the fan arm. Almost all large non-hydro power plants use this system. Approximately 80% of all electrical energy made in the world uses steam turbines.
Gas turbine plants use the dynamic pressure of the flowing gas (air and combustion) to drive the turbine directly. Natural gas-fueled (also petroleum) fuel-fired generators can start the movement immediately and are used to supply "peak" energy during the hectic period of use, although it is more expensive than ordinary plants. Usually in the form of units that are small enough, and sometimes unmanned, operated from a distance. This type was pioneered by the United Kingdom, Princetown [5].
a combination turbine that has a gas turbine powered by natural gas and steam turbines
torak fuel motor normally used in Home furnishers such as those used in offices, hospital housing, or large scale such as industry. bias in the form of Diesel Power Plant
Stirling Motor or Micro Turbine which is commonly used for waste oil processing and exhaust gas
Reference :
- http://tagoleki.com/prinsip-kerja-mesin-gas-turbin/
- https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pembangkit_listrik
BEST REGARD @salehts06
This is not cool. I am a serious nerd for gas turbine engines. I was happy to see a post about it but you seriously disappointed me. Quite sure that you copied this from someplace else, there are citation numbers on your text but there aren't any citations
Please don't use other's work and claim it as your own. Come up with a well written original content and your hard work will surely pay off.
thank you for advice and criticism, to the fore I will learn better, thank you again