It is a night before Valentines day and what could one scientist think about except love? :)
What stands behind previews picture?
When someone asks you to draw love, you would probably draw heart. It is symbol of love. But what we should draw is THE BRAIN! :) You know that our brain controls everything and love is included.
We already know that the fact that we use only 10% of our brain is wrong, we use much more but we still didn't figure out how. Maybe it should stay secret.
Brain anatomy
It is complicated, but let's make it simple. Basically, our brain have two hemispheres (separated in four lobes), cerebellum and brain stem.
Frontal lobe - this is the largest lobe on the front side of the brain (on the both hemispheres). We use to make decisions, this is the place were our personality is created, thinking, planning, self control end so on...
Parietal lobe - it is placed behind the frontal lobe. It is responsible for touch, visual and spatial perception
Occipital lobe - it is behind the parietal lobe responsible for vision and reading
Temporal lobe - let's say it simple. It is above your ears. It help us to understand what other people speak, hear and memorise.
Cerebelum - It also called "small brain" and it is placed in the back of the brain. Without it we wouldn't be able to walk, stay balanced and up
Brain stem - most basic and most vital part of the brain. It controls breathing, hart rate, swallowing and sleep
So, where is the love?
I would say, it is all over the brain! :)
Well, if you really want to see is someone in love with you, just send them on MRI Cat Scan :D
Scientist figure out that specific parts of the brain "light up" when we are in love.
Love and drugs effects similar on the brain. When we are in love, our striatum and insula are activated. They are responsible for pleasure and "do it again" call. Reference
Also, another interesting fact is that not all types of love affect same brain parts. In the next figure, you can see difference. Amazing, right? :)
At the end of this lovely post I just can say...Sorry, it is not your heart that I want...I want your brain! Be in love, respect others and enjoy every second - it is your decision to be lake that!
Love you all!
Much love haha. Great little overview!!
I have one little question. Was there any fMRI (or similar) study of people being in real love (when the partner feels the same) vs the "one-sided" love where the partner feels nothing or even is not a partner at all?
Hm..interesting question :) Not really sure about the comparison between partners, at least I didn´t see any of studies like that. I bet there it would be a difference between man and women :)
I know for the Richard Schwartz and Jacqueline Olds study where they analyze evolution and collapse of the love. Also, Helen Fischer study love after decades of marriage and clamed that " the excitement of romance can remain while the apprehension is lost". :)
Izašao je drugi broj yu-STEM magazina
Malo je obeshrabrujuće... Celi život tragamo za savršenom ljubavlju, a onda je mozak bez pitanja iskjuči :(
Ovisi kako gledamo na ljubav... Mozak ju i stvori :) I pravo pitanje je jel uistinu isključena bez pitanja? :) Svaka sitnica koja nam se događa, prema mom mišljenju, sudjeluje u oblikovanju naših misli iz koji proizlaze osjećaji, a na kraju i moguće isključenje. Ona početna ljubav se definitivno isključuje, ali polako se pali druga vrsta ljubavi ili se isključuje...Ova tema ostavlja jako puno prostora za istraživanje :)
Definitifno nam treba fMRI i EEG, 24/7 otvoren za sve koji raskinu/ zaljube se :D
Uništit ćemo svu čaroliju :D