Welcome to the 45th issue of SteemSTEM Distilled, a bi-weekly curation effort by the members of the @steemstem team.
SteemSTEM is a community driven project which seeks to promote well-written and informative Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics posts on Steemit. The project involves curating STEM-related posts through upvoting, resteeming, offering constructive feedback, supporting scientific contests, and other related activities.
For more details, a recent update on the steemSTEM can be found here, and a not so recent one there. Moreover, if you ask yourself about what it means to be part of steemSTEM, please check here.

Our team scours the platform for original and quality content.
After working through thousands (literally!) of STEM-related posts and upvoting more than 150 that we deemed to be worthy, we proudly present you our top 6 handpicked choices for this Monday-Wednesday period.
Helping Communities 'Go Green'

Another beautiful post by @gra is here. This time our topic is how GIS and spatial data can help towards making the use of renewable energy easier.
Insight #9: Implicit memory - remembering without awareness

In this wonderful piece @saunter continues his journey in the world of memory. Don't miss this stop ;)
Sex Differences: Do females and males have different brains? Pt 3

Let's go to biology! An amazing series keeps flooding our feed with diamonds! Read the next part of @alexander.alexis' Sex Differences episodes discussing... brains!
Maxwell's Demon: Violation of The Second Law of Thermodynamics

How about some physics now? @anevolvedmonkey has decided to break down the second law of thermodynamics, don't you want to see how?
The Scattered Debris That Makes the Planet

Do you like space posts? Read this one by @irza to learn interesting stuff about asteroids, the flying debris floating around our planetary neighborhood.
Generation of Electricity from Human Footsteps: Taking a closer look

And some more physics for the end! A beautiful post by @ibk-gabriel on kinetic energy and how we can harvest electricity just by... walking!
For the sake of transparency we feel we need to clarify how our nomination process works; each issue is compiled by certain members of the SteemSTEM community. This mid-week's editorial team was comprised of @ruth-girl.
The editorial team chooses their favorite posts for the week and each issue is the result of their joined effort. In order to keep the process fair, posts written by the editorial team are excluded from the nomination process.
Don't be discouraged if you didn't make it on this issue. The competition is harsh and there is always a next time :)
During the last two weeks, steemstem supported with more than a (possibly split) full vote the following authors:
@aamin, @adetola, @alexander.alexis, @alexs1320, @anaestrada12, @bitfairy, @carloserp-2000, @cyprianj, @davidrhodes124, @dedicatedguy, @dysfunctional, @egotheist, @eleonardo, @gentleshaid, @gra, @greenrun, @highonthehog, @kingabesh, @lemouth, @logic42, @lordneroo, @micro24, @migueldavidor, @mobbs, @mountain.phil28, @procrastilearner, @proteus-h, @rharphelle, @ruth-girl, @samminator, @sogless, @soulesque, @steepup, @temitayo-pelumi, @valth, @vinamra, @whileponderin
We are expecting them to strongly engage the community in return :)

All curation rewards earned will be used to fund @steemstem project functioning and activities.
See you all next Monday!
Guess what, the distilled is even more delayed ;)
Congrats to everyone ^^
I would say it's a few days early!
and honor members for the many hours of their own time they put in to make all this possible!Thank you to @ruth-girl for distilled, and of course, thank you to the steemstem management, curators,
The next one may actually be on time, as I will be closer to your timezone. Delayed will then mean on time :D
Better late than never :)
LOL, being waiting on it..Now we have it!
The distilled time is now a random variable ;)
Lol, who called "randint" on it?
Turned out nice though
Just an integer? Booooh :D
I guess you declared a variable on it already......
Iron man is here too. Omnipresence
I am everywhere. Beware ;)
It finally came... Glad it did
We are trying to cover different time zones, that's all :P
Got it... Just going at the other end of the world... pfff... :)
Congrats to the enlisted accounts, the articles are really educative
Big congrats to the hand-picked authors, they well deserve it. And also to everyone that got voted.
Steemstem can only get better. Go SteemSTEM!!
Also, nice job by team @ruth-girl :)
Always here to encourage people's good work! Thank you @samminator!
It's an honour
The weekly report of awesomeness! Congrats to the authors and cheers to the team ;)))
Report of awesomeness? I like that! ;)
Maybe reconsider the title of the sequence? :DD
Just kidding :)
I think it slightly deviates of the steemstem profile... but if the distilled was on my blog, I'd definitely steal it ;)
Hehe, I know :)
fantastic work steemSTEM team !
and love the new steemSTEM image :)
Thank you @mcfarhat!!
Credits to @elvisxx71 for the new logo! :)
Congrats to everyone! Stay awesome! Wonderful work by all handpicked authors, the same goes for everyone else who got upvoted!
Keep up the good work @ruth-girl!
Yaaaay! Keep up the good work everyone!
-What do you mean by that, ruth-girl?
-I mean that everyone should keep up working the way they do.
-You mean we should continue all the effort we are currently putting in this project?
-Yes, I mean that everyone should maintain that high levels of quality and creativity. :P
yeah quality work speak for people who are committed to it, so I agree with you @ruth-girl.
Hahahahahahah LMFAO~!!!!!
video of one of the first customers of Elon Musk's Tesla Solar Roof who had his whole roof covered by solar panels. The future looks great for the renewable industries and applications.I was technically blown away by the post of @gra on the use of GIS and spatial data in renewable energy. I recently watched a
Beautiful compilation. To whom much is given, much is expected. Thus far this persons have really contributed immensely to the growth of #steemstem with good and quality content.
Do you want to see your name in the list?
Then intensify effort, make research come out with excellent science content, then your name will be in the list.
Well-done guys!
@aamin, @adetola, @alexander.alexis, @alexs1320, @anaestrada12, @bitfairy, @carloserp-2000, @cyprianj, @davidrhodes124, @dedicatedguy, @dysfunctional, @egotheist, @eleonardo, @gentleshaid, @gra, @greenrun, @highonthehog, @kingabesh, @lemouth, @logic42, @lordneroo, @micro24, @migueldavidor, @mobbs, @mountain.phil28, @procrastilearner, @proteus-h, @rharphelle, @ruth-girl, @samminator, @sogless, @soulesque, @steepup, @temitayo-pelumi, @valth, @vinamra, @whileponderin
Congratulations to all those wonderful authors who gave us something wonderful during the week. And ruthgirl for having such a wonderful mind in picking out these wonders.
Well done management. You are doing great.
Thank you adetola! We can't help but be excited to see so much good work every week!
Well done community! Keep it up!
See you in the next issue! :)
You are the brain behind this
U need all the accolades
I am just part of it, not the brains to be fair :)
Oh.... My bahd
Please don't forget the contributors.
Well done to steemit and kudos to the curators
Kudos @sheglow! :D
Congratulations to all the featured authors listed above👆and a big thumbs-up 👍 to the @ruth-girl team for their hard work in distilling such excellent contents!! 😇
#steemSTEM_rocks!! 👌
Thank you @star-vc! ^_^
My pleasure.. :)
Congratulations to everyone contributing to the stem community and nice work by the curation girl 😂 😂
Thank you! For one more time the post listwas amazing!
Congratulations to all featured authors, I was particularly intrigued about @ibk-gabriel post on Electrical generation.
@ruthgirl, your great and tireless work for this community is always highly appreciated. The management and the curators too, well done to you all. This community keeps getting better with improving authors.
Thank you @sogless! We all work hard and try our best and it feels nice to see such a response by the community! :)
Congratulations to everyone..!
A big thanks to @ruth-girl for her continuous support towards the community..! 👍
Best regards to all of u...!
~ Christina
Bravo and thumbs up to all of us!!
Thank you for being part of it @christinaa! :)
Its been a pleasure to....!! :)
Awesome job once again @ruth-girl ..Wouldn't I employ ur finesse in helping me pick a wife as it appears that you're good at handpicking...
Fabulous posts right there..Well done and congrats to all featured authors
Ruth-girl: teacher, writer, curator and now MATCHMAKER! LOL!
Thank you for the kind words @mrbreeziewrites! :)
Smiles. You're welcomed... You earned it!
Congratulations to the featured and curated authors.
Their work deserved it! :)
Congrats to everyone, they deserve it,
Totally deserve it!
Thank you @menoski!
Congrats to all the writers featured. Its a real honor to be recognized through your work and contribution. :)
You people are doing a great job, heads up!
Thank you! It makes the team really happy to see how great this community is doing! :)
Congratulation for top 6 of steemstem distiled nominee...
Thank you!
Congratulations to all the selected authors. I personally enjoyed the post by @ibk-gabriel on piezoelectricity and the rest.
Well done to everyone who has been making this community a progressive one.
And thank you for participating to all this! :)
It's my pleasure.
SteemStem, oh I had not heard of it until I saw this post.
What I think of it is that the concept of Steemstem is to give benefit for as many as possible.
its thinking will make the community very well sustained for sure!
Cool stuff!
Congrats to all picked authors and well done to the steemstem editorial crew.
One love... Lets continue lighting up the environment with great innovation
Thank you!!
Um, please how do I get involved in this contest?
This is not a contest. You can learn more about our project here:
Being A Member Of The SteemSTEM Community
Wow! Awesome posts! What a lovely sun :)
Congratulations to the featured authors! Keep up the good work guys and gals!
Thank you @supersoju! These authora have done great! :)
Thanks for pointing me to these authors!
It's a pleasure! :)
Congratulations to all the authors as well as the handpicked
Nicejob @ruth-girl..... @steemstem is really making waves here like we are growing stronger.... And I hope delegations come in for effectiveness of the project
Kudos to the management
Thank you @mittymartz! Kudos! :)
Yea...... I won't be discouraged
There is always a next distilled......
I am glad to be featured on this week distilled.
Congratulations to the authors once again! And of course, a big thanks to the team and steemstem management.
Congratulations! And we hope to keep seeing your good work in the future! :)
Distilled is sweet as before. Thanks to management commitment. @ruth-girl , you are unique. I congratulate everyone whose work are carefully selected out of many good works. Let's all keep the ball rolling as this community belongs to us all. 👍 for everyone.
Thank you @steepup!! It's thanks to all those great people that we can put such awesome issues together every time ;)
superglad to be named among the steemstem elites. Thanks to the team!
Thank you for joining in! :)
Congrats to all amazing steemSTEM authors and of course to our forever favorite @ruth-girl :)
These authors did great, so we had to reward them with the extra publicity!
Thank you so much @sakura1012! ^_^
Waoooo....ghis is the first time I am named among the elites. Its a privilege and I want to say thank you for appreciating our efforts. I will gladly do my best to ensure that steemstem attains the pinnacle of success.
Congratulations to the authors that made the list, your articles were worth it. .helping the community go green by @gra was a bomb. I loved it. Thumbs up
Its a honor to be here, just can and wanna say thanks you! And congratulations to all that makes awesome sciencie here.
Congrats to the authors that their works were handpicked... I must confess that going green is awesome. Gra's post is the bomb.... I really enjoyed reading that..
Great work, @ruth-girl
The big applause goes to the authors!
Thanks @pearlumie! :)
Congratulations for all top author steemstem! You are really doing great job guys!
Great work! @ruth-girl
Very cool. Always looking for something beyond what somebody had for lunch, and pictures of Aunt Sally's kitty. Following you, but what else can I do to raise awareness? TIA....
Congratulations to all winners. There is room for more improvement. Steemstem a wonderful community.
congratulations to the authors and well done to @ruthgirl and @lemouth
I like the Monday posts the most. ❤ But of course all these are amazing articles.
Oh I will be featured one day (even without an account with Discord? 😅). I shall try my best at the topics I write out of what I currently feel and experience. 😊
how can I join the team?
How to join the team?
Congratulations to all!.
If you do not stop, your account will be rendered invisible on Steemit. Bad Steemian! Bad!@steem881 you're on the @abusereports naughty list!
If you do not stop, your account will be rendered invisible on Steemit. Bad Steemian! Bad!@steem881 you're on the @abusereports naughty list!
If you do not stop, your account will be rendered invisible on Steemit. Bad Steemian! Bad!@steem881 you're on the @abusereports naughty list!