Welcome to the 87th issue of SteemSTEM Distilled, a curation effort by the members of the @steemstem team.
SteemSTEM aims to make Steem a better place for STEM, a task which we believe crucial for the long-term development of the blockchain. Our goals consist in invigorating and inspiring the minds of a community of STEM aficionados on Steem, targeting on the long-term the upgrade of SteemSTEM as a real platform for science communication. In the meantime, this goes through the support of quality, interesting and cutting-edge STEM content.
For more details, a recent update on the SteemSTEM project is available here. If you want to discuss with us, please do not hesitate to join the steemSTEM discord server.

In order to support the best STEM content on Steem, our team scours the blockchain and read more than several hundreds of STEM-related posts per week. We hence support about 100 of these posts, and present in this distilled our top 6 handpicked choices for the last week.
Monday - Wednesday
How to Earn a Nobel Prize Part 3: Greg Winter

Our Christmas issue begins with an amazing @steemstem author, @tking77798, and his very interesting series of Nobel prize winners. In this episode we get to see Greg Winter's remarkable work on antibody reshaping for therapeutic purposes. An important man with an even more important piece of work. Read on to learn more!
Careful What You Say... The Forest Has Ears.
Moving on to find another great post written by @sustainablyyours. A walk in the forest brings lots of weird encounters and in this post you will meet with a strange fungus in the shape of... an ear! Did we get you intrigued enough? Then follow the link to read more about it!
Wednesday - Friday
The biology and physics of wound healing

Let's move on to another wonderful piece by @scienceblocks. Do you want to learn how wound healing works? Then you've come to the right place! Here you will learn about the organs and mechanisms that work together every time a body deals with a wound.
Reviving a vintage Transmission Electron Microscope - The Philips EM 420 (part 1).

Do we have any tech geeks here? Because the next post will impress you! Watch as @roguescientist84 is trying to bring a vintage Transmission Electron Microscope back to life. Ok, now we got you ready for the second part of the series! Stay tuned for it!
Saturday - Sunday
Overview Of Diabetes In Pregnancy

As we're heading to the end of this issue, we come across a very interesting and well-written post by @n4zrizulkafli about diabetes and pregnancy. A very good health post that certainly deserves a read from you!
Surviving the Holidays. Psychology Christmas Special

And we'll be closing this issue with a special post on 'Christmas psychology' written by @insight-out. Why is it that instead of enjoying a relaxing holiday break, we stress ourselves over things like gift shopping, family fights over the Christmas table and shedding of those extra holiday pounds we've gained before the holidays even begin? Worry not, friends, as @insight-out has found the way to survive and enjoy this time of the year and is here to share her secrets with us! Don't miss reading this beautiful post and don't forget to appreciate this festive period before it comes to an end!
For some time, the editorial team behind this distilled series is made of a one-woman-team, @ruth-girl, and she chooses her favorite posts (potentially discussing with other curators and/or the management). Posts written by the SteemSTEM team are excluded from the nomination process.
Please do not be discouraged if you did not make it on this issue. We are picking up in total 6 posts a week out of more than 150-200. The chances are thus low ;) In the meantime, you may wish to check these guidelines for extra tips on how your writing could be more effective.
In the spirit of being transparent about our actions that are now supported by @utopian-io, @curie, our delegators, our trailers and our manual curator supporters, we release every week the list of authors who have caught the attention of the @steemstem curation team.
From December 16 to 22, we rewarded 77 different authors who have written a total of 111 different articles. The 59 authors who received votes from @steemstem, potentially with either @utopian-io, @curie or both, are:
@abcallen, @abdulmath, @aellly, @aleestra, @alexaivytorres, @amart29, @amestyj, @anaestrada12, @anasav, @carlos84, @chloe1, @conficker, @deanliu, @djredimi2, @elvigia, @emiliomoron, @emynb, @endopediatria, @ericet, @erickyoussif, @fancybrothers, @felixrodriguez, @gokhan83kurt, @honoru, @insight-out, @irelandscape, @joseangelvs, @josedelacruz, @jrevilla, @julian2013, @lauch3d, @littlemix, @livinguktaiwan, @lupafilotaxia, @markgritter, @masterwu, @merynerleo, @mike961, @miroslavrc, @moncia90, @mr-aaron, @n4zrizulkafli, @oflyhigh, @osita21, @rbalzan79, @rifkan, @roguescientist84, @rscalabrini, @ryanshan25, @samminator, @sasaadrian, @scienceblocks, @softmetal, @sustainablyyours, @terrylovejoy, @tking77798, @tomastonyperez, @tomatom, @tsoldovieri, @yhubi, @zen-art

[Credits: @hightouch]
All curation rewards earned will be used to fund @steemstem project functioning and activities.
See you all next MonTuesday!
Great posts! I am promoting few of them outside of our blockchain! Thanks @steemstem team and everybody who is writing good quality content!
We are grateful for the advertisement you provide to the project! Thanks!
It's a pleasure to be helpful for y'all!
I'm active on Twitter--always get a lot of views when I share a post. I don't know if that makes a difference.
I'm not that big on Twitter. :( FB is all I got to really promote STEEM. Just keep doing it :D
:) I will!
Similar story here: I'm not interested in Twitter, either, so I share some of my Steemit posts on FB along with a few words to promote Steemit.
Last distilled of the year
Congratulations to all the team steemSTEM for the great work during 2018 and of course to each author for his great commitment to write excellent publications.
2019 will be a great year of that I am very sure!
Last distilled of the year. I missed this... I think my internal clock is screwed :D
Do not worry so I'm here to help you remember :P :)
It's good to know that people are still making good contents irrespective of the price of steem. Without doubt; we're in for community.
Big congrats to all the featured and voted authors.
I have the graphs (will be shown soon) and the number of posts and authors supported week after week is constant for over the last 10 weeks (70 authors and 110 posts).
Wow, a Christmas issue!
Thanks a lot for taking the time @ruth-girl!
@ruth-girl never sleeps! :D
Congratulations to all authors contributing to SteemSTEM!
workhard together
STEM edutainment movement
Posted using Partiko Android
Congrats to all featured authors.
Also great to see @roguescientist84's post here. Biochemist + Circuit Designer??? That is a very cool combination!!!
And this gives very cool posts! :D
I will write a better article. Share to the stemstem platform
Please do so! We are always happy to reward a STEM author!
Congrats to all the authors featured.
Upvoted & ReSteemed. <3
Hi @steemstem!
Your post was upvoted by Utopian.io in cooperation with @steemstem - supporting knowledge, innovation and technological advancement on the Steem Blockchain.
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Thanks for the feature. The rest of the posts are awesome as well. The TEM revitalization is way more interesting that fixing an old machine has any right to be and the rest demonstrate a great variety :)
WOW! Thank you all so much for including my first post! I really do appreciate it!
We are on Steem for almost two years, because we strongly believe in the entire Steem project (even in these hard times).