Now those amino acids all have unique chemical properties, some of them are attracted to each other, others are repelled by each other,
This reminds me of the concept of bonding, in which molecules are formed based on their attraction, either ionic, covalent or others.
some like water and want to be in contact with it, others hate it and want to be away from it.
I would be correct to say their chemical composition makes up for this. Hydrogen bonding promotes hydrophilic(water likeness).
These properties result in the peptide chain that gets assembled folding up on itself, and it keeps folding, and folding until it is a giant blob where all of those chemical properties are in a state where they are happiest (lowest energy).
This gives me a full grasp of the understanding of the complex and polymer nature of proteins. Since all molecules want to achieve a state of minimum energy.
Thank you for this post. It was an easy read.
Well it is, its all about the chemistry :)
Glad you liked the post turpsy.