But here it is said that the neutron star has the gravitational field at a neutron star's surface is about 2×1011 times stronger than on Earth, at around 2.0×1012 m/s2.
thanks @physics.benjamin
But here it is said that the neutron star has the gravitational field at a neutron star's surface is about 2×1011 times stronger than on Earth, at around 2.0×1012 m/s2.
thanks @physics.benjamin
I want you to get good upvotes @whalhesa, I have corrected you here so that in the future it can help you improve. It's important as scientists to state facts well and consider the physical processes. With this feed back I hope that in the future you will consider more deeply the physical relationships, this way you can learn better and teach others effectively.
this is a new knowledge for me, I do not think there is a neutron star with a mass under the sunthanks @physics.benjamin for your correction.....
They do indeed exists, I found an article quickly to prove so
The neutron star you refer to is due to a type Ia supernova, this event produces neutron stars with masses about 1.4 solar mass.
If you replaced the Sun with a neutron star of the same mass (1Mo) then there would be absolutely no changed in the orbits. If you replaced it with any stellar object with a different mass then the orbits will change.
The point you made about surface gravity is true, but it's due to the mass being compressed into a smaller volume, so the radius is smaller.
By studying this equation it's clear why this is true.
So this statement is a bit misleading, only if the mass of the neutron star was larger than the sun this statement is kind of true. Neutron stars can have masses as low as 0.5 solar mass.
It's cool dude, just trying to clear up an important point about the physics. I have the Bsc in Astrophysics so I have to use my knowledge somewhere :)
I hope this information helped. :)