Pure perfection with this article once again AG! Wouldn't it be nice if our water was pure perfection too? When I first began reading, guess what came to my mind? Frankenfish! The purified water sold in bottles just adds more chemicals to the water. And like you said, some prescriptions help us but look at what we are doing by taking them. When we go to the bathroom, a very tiny percent of the prescriptions we ingested, goes into the water. The waste water treatment plants can't even remove them. All of those tiny particles adds up.
I enjoyed the images of the colorful fish and of course, your creative GIFs. I am looking forward to seeing what you will present to us next. : )
Thank you very, very much. Your point about drinking purified water is so apt. How do we get around this? It seems we need the kind of dedicated research we put into developing nuclear power plants and missile systems. But the will to protect our water does not exist, at least not on that level.Hello @whatisnew,
I am working on a new project...so hard when it starts, but so engrossing. Right now I'm supposed to be sorting laundry--my husband is doing his bit, but I keep coming back to the computer to look up elusive information:))
Looking forward to your lovely and informative nature blogs.
I am looking forward to your new project AG! I feel exactly the same way you do with research. Once I get started I want to find all information available and I want it all right now. Sending Hugs right back at you. : )