What a well-sourced and informative post. Thank you for sharing your expertise with us.
I love hearing about how fashions derive from everyday needs - like the eye-liner being antibacterial and preventing blindness. We have so many wrong ideas about these "stereotypes" of ancient cultures.
I'm reminded of the pirates' eye-patches. They weren't to cover injury, but to keep one eye ready for night-vision when boarding the dark lower decks of a ship!
Interesting @winstonalden... for a similar reason we had dim yellow light during the night on the submarine. So the eyes would be adjusted to night vision, when we looked through the periscope.
Thank you so much for your kinds words.
And wow – i didn't know that from the pirates. Very interesting fact!
Mythbusters did a fun episode on the pirates.
You really are sharing some great material on here. I'm so happy to see that your posts are doing so well.