Life Could Exist In Jupitars Icy Moon (Europa)
Could there be life in Europa, the icy moon revolving around Jupiter? How icy can it be…if there is, maybe I can change my location. It would be fun I guess..but on a serious note, this is a major research for astrobiologists in finding a habitable environment in the solar system. Down below this ice crust, of about 10km thick. It is said water can be found in the ocean that covers of about 100km deep…(That’s quite deep, never wondered that there could exist such in the solar system). The fascinating action is that a gravitational interaction with planet Jupiter makes this water warm.
Existing Bacterium
Researching, to check if microbial habitability can exist in Europa, a certain group of Brazilian researchers that is connected with the University of São Paulo (USP) collected data from earth to make this research visible.
“we studied the possible effects of biological usable energy source on Europa based on information obtained from an analogous environment on earth” states Douglas Galante, one of the researchers brazil National Synchrotron Light Laboratory and also the Astrobiology Research center.
Mponenga, a gold mine in South Africa, almost 3km underground, research found out that the changes in the mine might lead to the history of life on planet earth and similar terrestrial context in Europa. I suggest that this mine should be visited by scientists in the steemstem community. Because I am much aware of the talented and experienced scientists in the community.
For the first time, this discovery found that bacterium candidate desulforusis audaxviator was able to survive in the mine without the help of sunlight or oxygen but water radiolysis.
This bacterium is able to adapt to high-temperature circumstance and able to get a nuclear life energy by means of radioactive processes that require the breakdown of molecules in the very face of ionizing radiation in order to survive. Oh! The struggle for survival on earth has never been easy for humans. Now you know that bacterium candidate desulforusis audaxviator struggled and got a nuclear life. If oxygen and sunlight fail you, go for nuclear life….joking..please don’t do it. You should know that this is the very first of its kind that an ecosystem could survive with the help of nuclear energy
This typical environment is assumed to be the same in Europa's ocean. However the temperature in Europa is deemed to be close to an absolute zero, there exists a large amount of thermal energy due to Europas interaction with Jupiter's gravitational attraction. This makes the satellites orbit elliptical to its extreme and this means that the icy moon is not too far or too close to the Gas Giant. In this regards, the icy moon tends to suffer a geometrical deformation.
For more info, click here
Tumbling Cat and Olympic Snowboarders- Same Physics
Could the cats and snowboarding generate the same momentum from nowhere then use it to spin themselves while on air?
Have you tried throwing a cat up, how does it land? With the head or with its legs? If you can understand the movement of cats through the air, then you can understand how Olympians spin through the air.
No matter how high a cat is thrown, either 10 feet, 150 feet or 200 feet the possibility of it landing with its feet is very high. Though you will observe how it twist itself while landing, this movement is exerted by skiers, snowboarders, Olympians that are into the game.
Cats don’t need any initial push whenever they want to turn their feet to the ground. As an Olympian would twist its board around, that’s how cats try to pull off their turns, though they don’t have angular or rotational momentum.
"According to Gbur, a physicist at the University of North Caroline Charlotte, when a rigid object like a pencil is dropped, the movement through the air and how it spins is a product of how it was dropped. If the pencil at it start starts spinning, it would spin all through but, if at its start falls down without angular momentum, then it won't turn".
How does this work?
The angular momentum of a certain object such as a cat or an Olympian cannot change without a push hence, as the first law of motion of Sir Isaac Newton: An object that is in motion continues to stay in motion, and an object that is on its resting zone is still in its resting zone. The angular momentum of a cat while twisting never change. Its rear and front bends closely to one another and then there is a twist in opposite direction which occurs around its central point. When the internal force is exerted, the muscles pull against its bone and other muscles. In the case of cats, its momentum remains same. This also happens whenever a skier turns some part of the body that was still previously. A bit of mass in the body spins in one direction, another bit of mass in another part of the body got to turn the opposite direction. Thats how it works. for more information click here
10,000-year clock- Ticks Once a Year
Jeff Bezos, the founder os amazon lately is funding a project called the 10, 000 years clock. The aim of this clock is to accurately keep time for 10,000 years. The clock is not built on the surface of the earth but built underneath the earth, buried for about 500 feet below mountaintop and located close to Texas-Mexico border.
The clock is powered by combining solar energy with occasional windings by intrepid visitors who stray into the limestone cliffs of Sierra Diablo mountain range. Invested was 42 million dollars for the construction of the clock. Further, this clock thicks only once in a year..for more click here
Telexistance…The Real-life Avatar Robot
Have you thought off seeing yourself in an avatar robot?
Researchers in Tokyo developed a prototype telexistance, a humanoid robot which can be controlled via virtual reality head-mounted display and a haptic feedback glove. The user has the ability to feel and see what the robot is seeing and feeling. And this gives a room for changes in the environment of the robot. If you want to have a new body and watch yourself perform actions, then telexistance is what you need.
The humanoid robot can convey messages and thermal sensations to the operator's finger through the glove. They can be controlled by master-slave links which enable human motions to be carried out effectively. As you can connect remotely to your desktop, so technology has made it possible for humans to connect remotely to a robot, thereby making it possible to exhibit characters to guest if you are working in the hotel. This means one can be able to go to different places yet while in one place.
Astronauts can travel, to outer space while on earth, sensing the environment and exhibiting their usual duties. Its future will be bright as people from different part of the world are opening way for telexistance to come in. Imagine a world with a robot in form of humans….Tech. click here for more information.
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