fascinating stuff. this is something i've wrestled with on a personal level...where i've had a sort of rebellious nature and anti-establishment...(my own inner conflicts). Where I am going with this - is on the exact points of presentation you present here on appearance. It's become quite evident that dressing for success is somewhat integral in growing...accelerating the growth of networking connections.
Basically - I'm shifting my attitude about wearing suits and shirts and ties.
You're post is a timely reminder of the social psychology of our shared collective reality. I'm learning to like dressing professionally. (Though i do think it's kind of a bizarre thing how conditioned we humans are in our thinking...i mean the extent in which we form biases in our points of view is staggering. Really challenging myself to identify my own personal biases and let go of any limiting beliefs i may be carrying around with me.
Best Regards and thanks for sharing
Glad you liked the post!