moving up in the world ... that moji's way too big ,duh. So i assume how the proto-mass (for lack of the professional term) containing all information that's present in today's universe got there will be undefined as well, although probably plenty of theory about it.
Alternate cosmologies without a big bang ? I'm gonna have to look up some than but im guessing big-bang is the most widely adopted or maybe the base to work with although im not sure where those fields cross over as that adresses the macro-cosmos while your fields address the micro (or more like the quantum) cosmos. It's a whole lot to oversee but if i'm not mistaken the behaviour of physics doesnt completely comply at macro/cosmic or micro/quantum levels ?
around here every sentence turns out to morph into a question markcorrect
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RE: Heating up neutron stars with dark matter
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Dwarf galaxy problem
The dwarf galaxy problem, also known as the missing satellites problem, arises from a mismatch between observed dwarf galaxy numbers and numerical cosmological simulations that predict the evolution of the distribution of matter in the universe. In simulations, Dark matter clusters hierarchically, in ever increasing numbers of halo "blobs" as halos' components' sizes become smaller-and-smaller. However, although there seem to be enough observed normal-sized galaxies to match the simulated size distribution, the number of dwarf galaxies is orders of magnitude lower than expected from simulation.