Ahh.... too much to follow right now. Go read this: it is our community discussion! Hope it captures our discussion accurately. If not, I am sure you will correct me! :p
As for this last comment, could you please add some subheading? It would really help me follow the discussion. Steemit does not have the best UI and when you put multiple topics together in one piece, I have a difficult time responding. Pretty please?!
Did that. I'll be back when I catch my breath after reading your latest!
and then came this:
and this:
https://steemit.com/higherorderthinking/@rortian/community-discussion-continued https://steemit.com/steemstem/@paulmozina/re-rortian-dealing-with-the-myth-of-facticity-20180407t151235328z#@rortian/re-paulmozina-re-rortian-dealing-with-the-myth-of-facticity-20180407t175146654z