I do not mock conspiracy people. A couple of my friends are really deep into it and I am only trying to learn and understand them. Skeptics and those who apply critical thinking are not in my mind conspiracy thinkers and I tried to explain that in the post. The difference is between questioning and seeing evil everywhere. The psychology is pretty clear on this, if a person is obsessed with a certain topic and sees evil skeems behind it then that is not healthy not for the person and not for the people around her. Questioning everything is important, it is what pushes the society forward but when people refuse to accept the answers simply because they do not understand them or because they are not in line with their world view or religious beliefs that is the moment when the problem arises.
(I am agnostic in case the insults start flying)
I think you have mistaken me with someone. That kind of behavior is not found on my blog page, not from me and not from my readers. This is a safe place of love where you are accepted as you are.
I apologize, it was a little out of line, I can see that you are a kind person and I still enjoyed the mental stimulation to express myself this morning.
That's the problem, psychology is not an unilateral science, and a lot concepts are opened to interpretation. Modern psychologists for e.g rejects a lot of Freud's notions, it just show that the science evolve with time. It's probably important to add that most psychologists and therapists are themselves riddled with social and behavioral illness, and that the drug business is very lucrative, but quite inefficient to answer today's core issues with patients.(E.g: Opioid crisis.)
I couldn't agree more, but that's where statements to understand "the psychology of a conspiracy theorist" lead to the most dangerous type of assertions, and prevent people to "question everything" because they get stopped in their tracks right before explaining their argument.
That's for me where the real issue is, the word "conspiracy" is a word that was created in the US, and bastardized during "Operation Mockingbrid" in the 50s.
(All those infos are online to be found)
Every era had the establishment questioning the mind of individuals being out of the norm, minds with a different belief system than the general consensus, or just people thinking out of the box.
Before the 50s, the article could have very well been called "The psychology of a communist" in the beginning of the XXth century, or "the Mind of a revolutionary" in the XVII century, and prior to that "the faith of a heretic" in the XII century crusades... I am sure you get my point :)
My favorite quote comes from one of my favorite scientist, bongo player and theoretical physicist Richard Feynman:
What I cannot create, I do not understand.
Yup, that is the beauty of it, it grows.
Did it stop you from making or explaining your argument? I did not and I am glad for that. Just because I or anyone else says or writes anything does not mean that people should stop speaking their mind. The point is to continue talking and discussing. I see no problem behind "psychology behind" anything, you, me, theorists of this and that. There is beauty in understanding how the human mind works and what triggers our behavior.
I really learnt with time to be comfortable with my core belief, but in most cases, because of the witch hunt against "conspiracy theorist", I really stopped sharing my point of view, it always ends up the same way, with a belittling and very short sighted understanding, often due to misconceptions, misinterpretations, or just plain lack of interest on a subject.
I am glad to see we can have a nice conversation and respect each other's opinion.
Thanks for your article nonetheless, and the food for thought. Staying zen :) pays off !
That 'witch hunt' has already started some time ago, but on FaKebook they now take it to another level as they are now hiring people to search for 'fake news'. Because who decides what's fake and what's not? To me, it sounds more like more centralization and pushing their agenda forward. With 'their' I mean...well, you know what I mean. There, I said it. 😜 https://www.cnet.com/news/facebook-is-hiring-fake-news-fact-checkers/
Yeah I couldn't believe this shit, and they even have ads for "journalists jobs" at Facebook, at what point we just admit that we live in George Orwell 1984 ahahah...
Staying zen always pays off. People do not believe me but happiness truly comes from within and when you are zen there is no person you can not talk to and appreciate for what she is. Thank you for being on my path today and brightening it up with our conversation 💚