Converting STEEM Dollars to US Dollars

I'm still overly thrilled by the thought of being paid to post on STEEMIT! I mean, even your travel photos could
be worth some STEEM dollars. However after youve received your payouts how do you convert this to cash?
There currently is no way to go from STEEM dollars to US cash or any other currency in cash. STEEM has
to be sold to another cryptocurrrency which you then convert to cash.
Blocktrades offers a pretty simple means of doing so, and as you will find out, youre in for a bit of savings
while trading your STEEM.

  1. Once you have been paid for your STEEMIT post, your wallet will now display STEEM Dollars.

  2. Hit the drop down arrow and select the "sell" option as you'll need to do this to convert it to another cryptocurrency.

  3. You can make your tradeoff with Bitcoin, Litecoin, Etherium- really just about any other cryptocurrency.

  4. Once you hit the "sell" option the page will be redirected to "Blocktrades".

  5. On the following page you'll be asked to input the currency you're trading and this will autocalculate the equivalent in
    the currency you wish to trade to.

  6. I suggest Bitcoin trading for large sum transactions and for holding. Otherwise you may want to sell to a currency which doesn't
    have the high transaction fee and lengthy wait time. It basically costs 1.3 SBD to make the trade and so it is recommended
    that at least 5 times the amount is sent to generate a reasonable transaction. This makes it currently between $15 - $20 USD
    to trade to Bitcoin.

  7. So for example you'd copy your Litecoin receiving address into the provided space

  8. CLICK "get deposit address"

  9. The following page will show the cuurent transaction fee to be 0.07 SBD and encourages that you send at least 5 times the amount

  10. Copy the Blocktrades memo

  11. Return to your wallet

  12. Enter the amount in STEEM Dollars and paste the Blocktrades memo at the bottom of the pop-up box

  13. Hit "SUMBIT"

  14. Once this is done you'll be able to see the transaction on your STEEMIT account
    15.You'll have less STEEM Dollars and you'll also see the record in your history at the bottom of the same page

  15. The transaction attracts a total of $2 - $3 USD for sending fees and you should see the completed and or pending
    noifications in your coinbase and Blocktrades accounts. This should take about 3- 5 minutes

  16. You can then sell the Litecoins for cash on your coinbase account for example by mking a deposit to a USD Wallet
    which should have attached banking information

  17. There is a coinbase fee per transaction

  18. Confirm Sell

  19. The next screen will tell you how much LTC was sold and at what rate per LTC

  20. The final step is entering your USD Wallet and hitting "withdraw"

  21. You'll receive a notification stating how long the funds will take to arrive/ become available

                        HAPPY STEEMING! :)

GOOD DAY, I buy SBD at the price of coinmarketcap payment by paypal

Ok, I'll keep this in mind, thanks :)

I think Poloniex has lower fees but I am not sure because I have never actually withdrawn yet. $20 simply to exchange steem sounds like a lot though.

It's absurd! Well I've never used Poloniex. When using Blocktrades however there's a fee of 1.22 SBD to change to bitcoin