Coffee and Philosophy: Friendship

Today's mug is brought to us by friendship.

I reflect on the idea of friendship quite regularly and I have often pondered the idea of friendship being finite or limitless. The more I grow and the more awareness and perspective I gain, I would say it really depends on if the friendship is real or not. Many people have friends that are just for convenience or out of old habits, but true friendship, those friends that know you to your core, better than you know yourself even. Those friends truly love you. Odds are you love them as well even if you are unaware of it. I have only had a few real true friendships in my life, but they are those people that can disappear for a year or ten and come back into your life and it just feels right, like they were there all along. In my mind, it's because they were. I see and feel love as that connective energy that runs between all of us, and the more aware we are of that feeling, the less it ever seems to go away. Namaste.


but they are those people that can disappear for a year or ten and come back into your life and it just feels right, like they were there all along.

I'd even go out 20 years. I recently went on the first vacation (my definition of vacation would be "longer than 3 days and leaving the state you live in") in 20 years and my wife and I connected up with one of our mutual friends, someone we would occasionally send a Christmas card to. We picked up our conversation where we left off at and it is like we were never apart.
There is a book by Sheldon Vanauken titled "A Severe Mercy", and it has the following quote;(emphasis mine)

Davy and I, after a journey in which we had seen some old friends that we hadn’t seen for a decade or longer, observed and discussed a curious thing. On first remeeting someone not seen for years, one may feel: Who is this stranger, grown so fat, so cynical, so something? But in a few minutes, whatever the changes, one finds the person one knew. The unique person abides. Always. The peculiar quality of ‘Johnness’ in John or ‘Maryness’ in Mary. And we decided that that unchanging ‘Johnness’ was the soul.


Your thoughts remind me of Aristotle's view of friendship. There are friendships of utility or usefulness, the things we can do for each other. There are friendships of pleasure and happiness, based on the things we enjoy with each other. But then, Aristotle argues, there are true friendships that are based on virtue - that we care for each other for the other's sake, regardless of whether we get utility or pleasure from the relationship. (Ethics, Book 8)

Nice said @abishai. Yes, indeed this is what Aristotle believed about friendship and rearly find people knowing this great quote about frienship. For this I give you an upvote, vote and follow.

nice citation...and following sir.

Aristotle's account of Friendship is fascinating. abishai is correct about the three types of friendships, which were also hierarchical for Aristotle. Children are friends of pleasure, they love each other as long as they are both happy. As soon as one ceases to be happy, the friendship ends. These are the "weakest" forms of friendship, though they can be the most exciting as well; ain't that typical. The next "level" if you will, is the friendship of use. These are the vast majority of our friendships; more so than many of us would like to admit. These friendships are profitable for "both" parties, and can be long lasting lingering evening after the "use" fads. The last, naturally, is that of "true" friendship, based on virtue as abishai points out. These are rare, and occur ONLY when two virtuous individuals come together in friendship.

This leads to the really crazy claim Aristotle makes. Insofar as the "best for us" would be to become a god, Aristotle argues that a "true" friend would wish their friend to become a god. But here is the rub, the gods do not "need" friends, hence, you are wishing your friend no longer need you; you wish to lose your friend. The essence of virtue according to Aristotle. I have always thought he was onto something . . .

My favorite philosopher once said "There is no greater love than to lay down your life for your friends." That's the true measure of friendship. It's easy to be "friends" when there's no inconvenience... and you don't have to die to "lay down your life" (although that would be the ultimate manifestation) you only need to be willing to do so or to put yourself through a tragic ordeal for them. People who have served in combat will understand what I mean.

Very well said. Upvote and follow

An Igbo(one of the major languaes in Nigeria) adage says that..."a good friend is better that a bad brother. with good friends by your side,you are bound to be focused,cos as you said...." but true friendship, those friends that know you to your core, better than you know yourself even.." they serve as a guide,checkmate and motivator and having them around just feels always..simply philosophy..

friendship reflect what you choice....good or bad you have to take your own responsibility....Don't blame your friends influence you.... :)

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and then there is man's best friend....

the best way of making true friends is to be a good friend.

Theres such a massive difference between a true friend and an acquaintance. I am genuinely in love with my friends. I have experienced a lot in the last few years and my wonderful friends have been a massive support network for me. You only have so much space in your heart for so many true friends..... sure i can have fun with my acquaintances, but i save my heart and soul for my true and amazing friends. Love your blog x