Ok, So I got on this story after I really felt like a cola on a hot 28° Sunday afternoon. The entire isle at a local German supermarket company was cleared out of fizzy refreshment (oddly enough Aspartame sweetened drinks were still there - never).
Great Britain is hit the hardest, but much of Northern Europe also (and probably other parts that rely on the same supply chain). Today, thought may as well get that cola to have with dinner as I thought a Sunday "footie" match may have caused a run on junk foods. Nope! Isle empty and the purchasing manager said "shortage of CO2 mate!" I laughed in a bit of disbelief as I have already been through a "Sugar Tax" BS, as apparently Gov. thinks Aspartame is a greater health food (news flash, body has no idea how to process Aspartame, and you gain more weight. Stick to just less natural sugars, or if diabetic look for awesome companies using Stevia)
CO2 is used in drinks, lager beer (footie mass consumption!), and in dry ice production - think food transport, chicken and bacon packaging for freshness, and slaughter houses where welfare/humane groups are calling for change and this being a good reason to start with. One can certainly see their point, one can also see how quickly people panic with shortages as someone has stockpiled small bottles of Coke Classic in their home and garage and selling them on Facebay for £1.10/unit!? I would love a cola....but not that bad!!
So lager fans, chicken and bacon fans, don't forget us cola fans - it may be a long haul summer but as long as there is sunshine, real ale (no CO2), summer breeze, and seaside I think summer will be saved! Want to be a millionaire? Figure out how to extract all that atmosphere CO2 that is messing about with our planet, dial up Coke and Pepsi Execs and list your company on the exchange!