Which do you prefer?

in #steemusa7 years ago (edited)

Which do you prefer?

snow around the duck pond falls sepia.jpg

Sony A6500 16mm F8 1/250 ISO 100
Click here to view larger

The shot above is of the duck Pond falls after one of the early snow falls this Winter, I do have to admit it does look so beautiful at the start of winter, and I went with a Monochrome image to share with this post.

But as winter has progressed I personally have had enough of it so checking the forecast and seeing the chance of 6 to 12 Inches of snow coming on Monday night through Tuesday, so again I went looking for a shot from warmer days.

Duck Pond falls.jpg

Sony A6500 16mm F8 1/250 ISO 125
Click here to view larger

This was at the Start of spring last year with the snow all melted and a nice warm and fresh day and thats what I am looking forward to now, I have been very sensible this Winter with my health and Lung Issues and not been out hardly at all taking photos over the winter, so I am truly getting an itchy camera finger waiting for warmer weather and getting out and about again

So Back to my original Question I know some love winter and could have it stay all year round, as I get older I am more a any season but Winter person,

How about you?

Unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

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Personally don't like winter either, but the serenity of the first picture has my vote.

Thanks kindly my friend

When I was younger any season now I prefer summer 😎

My thoughts exactly. Though I'd rather be there myself in Spring, I like the peaceful feeling of the first photo.

While I love the warmer weather in the second picture with its sun and blue skies... I have to actually admit, I like the first one (winter) better. Winter with snow and ice on the ground you can hear so much more. The calmness and serene sounds of crunching snow beneath your shoes.. the gentle way snow falls off the tree branches- it just makes me think of quiet and solitude.

Thats such a very good point in Winter everything does seem so much more crisp and clear I totally do agree

I grew-up with the 4 seasons, so use to Winter and a rebirth of life in the Spring.

I used to love Winter and he out and about but as I get older I like it less

I love snow and it's really beautiful but I wish for warmer weather and I prefer the second picture. It's really beautiful and I would love to walk there 😉 but both pictures are amazing Jay.
Have a wonderful evening dear. Cheers! 😎🤗💕

Thanks kindly my friend but isn’t is early morning there lol no sleep again

Ohh... I'm so Busted 😂😂hahaha
Yes it's 3 at night almost morning and I should go to bed and I will soon 😉 take care my sweet friend and sweet dreams 🤗😎

Lol and this old guy is about to catch some sleep 💤

I just saw a weather headline saying you guys were going to get blasted again! It MUST stop soon. Come on, Spring!

As I said before the last snow ohh well let this one be the last one lol 😂

i will rather go of with the first picture (the one with the snow....

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so am asking for is your support in this contest sir, even if its just your upvote or a donation sir (no amount is too small). i just want to make my papa proud, if at all he is watching me from above.
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Winter photo just froze me only by seeing it, but it somehow melted my view and brought calm warmth on a breeze.
Sometimes the beauty lies in the simplicity and it felt like it on this photo.

Even though I'm a summer person I say that Winter photo is my favorite one ;)

Thanks I do love this winter shot when I am warm indoors but I am so done with Winter this year

Haha! In my homeplace, we had snow for 2 days, and this happened only 1 time in my life... And believe me, the whole city was grumpy.

Luckily it was only for 2 days and now it's sunny and it's gonna be like that for many more months! WOOHOO

Where I grew up we never got snow much either it was a novelty the one time we did

I can never have enough snow so I'd pick that one. Seeing the non-icy waterfall is nice though.

Good morning you would be happy here thanks night and tomorrow then ❄️😎

The cold does suck the older you get, hehe. At least for me. That's why I love my LA, except for the last several weeks where it was chilly AF. Might have something to do with the body getting lazy and not wanting to keep itself warm...

I find when I am less active for a couple of days or more I feel the cold even more

Both pictures are beautiful. I loved winter when I was younger with ice skating, tobogganing, etc. but now I wait impatiently for spring. Despite this I like your winter scene best.

Thanks sounds similar to me funny how our perspective changes with the years

I like warm weather, but both pics look great :)

Thanks kindly

The first shot is best for the winter scene, but the second one looks nice and warm fro springtime! Both are great, but I like the composition of the first one better.

About winter - all I can say is that I'm glad I live in Florida, although I am longing for much warmer days! I hate wearing winter clothes in Florida! We had a reprieve just for today, but a cold front will be coming through again tomorrow! :-(

Yesterday was nice for here as well tonight and tomorrow is a whole different story lol

I like them both for different reasons! The first one is beautiful in an artistic sense, but as you know, I'm right there with you on the being done with the white stuff. The second shot just exudes warm spring days, and the colors are awesome. So I can't pick!

Thanks for your thoughts I think normally I would prefer the winter shot but Just not today lol 😂

You're very welcome, and ditto! 😀


The winter photo is stunning and beautiful in what it holds and shows that all of life can be beautiful if you just stop and really look at what is around you.

as to the winter question. when I was young I lived in N.Carolina for 6 months and missed my only northern Winter. and I found I missed the Northern real change of seasons. I missed the part where you long for Spring and enjoy the fact that it is a gift to be cherished and not just a given fact that the warmth will come.

I'm not saying I enjoy the cold as right now I have on a fleece onesie, heavy socks and a blanket over me and the heat is on in my house LOLLL

Just that if you always get 'summer' will you remember to enjoy it for the gift that it really is?

and see LOLL I told you your photo's 'speak' to me :D

I fully get what your saying after this Winter I will truly appreciate fully spring and summer without a doubt

I like the composition and the look of the first shot but I am one whose coldest winter day this year 59 had a high of degrees so I'm not sure my opinion should count. ;)

I couldn't believe the news saying another storm is headed your way. I hope it comes and goes quickly. Spring is coming...it just has to be! Hang in there!!!

Spring isn’t to far away and more snow will just make me appreciate it even more 😎

Yeah, that first one with snow really looks like something out of Norman Rockwell. Really nice

Thanks kindly such a nice comment is truly appreciated

My vote is for the first photo because of the perspective and focus on the church in the center. The colors are soft enough that one's eyes are drawn inward.
Not that there's a darn thing wrong with the second photo. It's bright, green and full of life!

Thanks for your feedback 😎have a great week

I prefer the spring season photo you took :), Its a nice weather to go and see the natural view

That’s the season I prefer at the moment 😎

I love them both! Each one is beautiful in its own way.

THanks for your feedback and have a great day

I prefer the second picture. See the fresh water on a warm day. Really beautiful!

Thanks with Snow coming here tonight thats definitly my preference as well

I am definitely a winter person and that white shot looks really awesome! Its tricky to take snow scene photos though because abundance of highlights but u did well! :)

THanks as I get older I am less of a winter person I have to admit, thanks for such a kind comment

i belong to the Not Winter camp too.

I used to love all seasons but now its anything but winter lOL

I prefere the Bv since it enhances and gives the image an additional depth and a certain form of mystery. I really do like BV pictures!👌🏼✨

Thanks for your visit and thoughts have a great day

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Give me warm days and t shirt weather any day of the week!

As long as it's not roasting, I'd much prefer the warmer climate. Very nice pictures bud, the snow one is magic.

Thanks mate I am totally the same

Both photographs are beautiful but I like the 1st one best. I am sick of winter though and am ready for spring. It's back to being really cold here this week. Sigh.

I feel the same Winter can be beautiful but enough is enough

I definitely prefer the Spring time over Winter! Although the white winter snow is beautiful and brightens up a place, I still would rather have the Spring! Both are nice shots!!

Thanks kindly
I feel the same liking Winter less withbeach year and age lol

LOL!! 😄

The snow filled scene definitely makes for the better photo...
I do think that I would enjoy the location more on a nice spring day though.... I am so torn

I think your spot on more picturesque in winter but more enjoyable in Spring and summer

I love the beauty in the first photo more than the second although they are both very nice. Yeah, looks like you're getting smacked again by old man Winter! We've been just missing most of the fronts that have come in but the snow sure does make for some lovely photos!!

Thanks for your visit and thoughts
I am hoping this will be the last snow we see

You're welcome! I'm definitely ready for Spring!! 🌷

Let it come soon very soon lol 😂

If I have just to look at it and not endure the cold, I rather go for the first one =D
I love it with a swowy coat, it is still and peacefully beautiful....

Yes I agree Winter scenes can be so beautiful

I have two answers. Usually when you post choices I have I hard time deciding, but I think the winter version of the photo is spectacular and far and away better. However, if you're asking where I'd live, I'd say neither. Even the second photo looks too cold for my taste! Trees without leaves makes me kind of sad, like I know winter is either about to come or hopefuly leaving.

Thanks for your thoughts and yes a very good point to live where the trees are always green and colors abound all year round would be my pick also
Have a great day

I love all seasons to be honest. Summer has its advantages since everything is doable... you can go swim, you can go jogging,etc while in winter everything is frozen ( depends if there is snow ) and you can't do the things that you usually do.Even when we walk we should pay attention where we step.

Also I love the way you showed kind of the same picture in 2 seasons ( winter and summer /spring ). Its really amazing.

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I could be wrong, but I think I've seen the first photo -- or one very similar to it -- in color. If it were in color, I think it would be my favorite. The second one appeals a little more simply for the color. But I like the angle of the first one better ... and the snow is always so pretty (when you don't have to be out in it ... or shovel it!!)

The color always gets my vote. (I wish Ansel Adams hadn't done so much in B&W.) I even dream in color and always have. I didn't even know there was another way until I started studying dreams as part of my psychology curriculum.

When I get dressed to go somewhere, I always ask myself "What color do I want to wear?" I care far less about style, etc., than about color. On a day when I have to wear green but I really want to wear yellow, everything is off somehow.

I'm sure that means something somewhere ... but to answer your question, after all this knocking around ... I like the composition of the first one -- and because I can envision it in color, when push comes to shove, I'm going to choose it.


Yes indeed you are most likely right this is a spot i visit often and M ay have shared very similar sots before in Color or Mono

I to like the season of colors winter can be beautiful but the white and grey gets to much after a while

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Definitely the first wintery shot! :D

Thanks I do like the feel of the winters shot but not so much the Winter lol

No worries, it's almost over :)
Never enough winter shots though!

Yes Indeed spring will soon be here, just hoping the Snow forecast for Tuesday/Wednesday and Sunday moves away from us I have had enough of it lOL