I just have not felt like posting as much content lately. Been sort of in a lull. Haven't felt like chatting or feeling the normal amount of love that I do. Must be my down time. I have ups and down, but nothing as bad as bi-polar, just mainly busy doing other things. I'll try to get some more interesting content this week.
For now I'll bring you up to date on what has been happening. I have slept..a lot! I've been binging on Netflix and Amazon Prime. I had a discussion with my wife about the number of rabbits we now have. We need to find homes for them. She went to four different locations to try and sell some, but didn't have any luck. Finally she found someone who took two, out of our nine and she ended up giving us one of hers which means we now have a new male bunny. Down two, up one? Rotfl! Well, the only reason we haven't gotten rid of more is because we want owners who are interested in pets, not food. We did manage to get rid of the Californian. Sorry to see him go, but he went to a loving home and people seem to frown upon mixed breeds.
I see the logic in pure breeds, but...mixing breeds is so much fun! You never know what you're going to end up with, it's like customizing a car or your favorite..whatever thing it is you customize these days. Playing with genetics is just the next logical step in customization, right? Want a bunny with lots of fur, enjoys people, licks like a cat or dog, smart, etc? No problem. Want a rabbit in a certain color? Sure! Why not? That's customization! Pure breeds are great, but there is inherent risk in them. They tend to develop diseases and cancers easily. It's good to get some fresh genes in the mix, that's my point of view.
If I were really serious about raising new breeds, I'd start with a list of characteristics that I like and go from there. Like the Flemish rabbits, (borrowed image from the Internet)
I like the size of the Flemish rabbits, and then I would mix in what our rabbits which is a love of people and they adore licking people like a cat or dog, and so on. Genetics is fun. Anyway, that's all I have for now. We are minus two and up one. Getting there.
Much love and light,

Looking at my steemd page, I saw a lot of this
For every time someone else upvoted this, now that's comedy gold! I'm hoping next time to see a full page of Sorrys. If that happens, I'll snap a picture and share that. For now, this is what I saw..
I couldn't help but laugh. Thank you everyone for the upvotes.
Much love,
I struggle with Steemit and going through cycles of posting and not wanting to post. Feel free to take breaks. I find there is nothing worse than banging your head against the perverbial wall when you're just burned out.
Man, I'm glad I'm not the only one. Idk how people can post every single day, or talk all day every day. It's just not something I'm used to, but I'm getting better. I guess I don't put out the best content, but it entertains me when I do. Still hoping to find my niche on here. My shtick, so to speak. Seems like the best content providers have a shtick that people know them by. Right now I've got people nicknaming me "Carrots" of all things. In case that is lost on you, I did a piece where I talked about my incident with drinking too much carrot juice and it changed my skin to orange. That was twenty five-ish years ago. It's funny in retrospect, I guess. Sometimes I'm just burned out on chatting, posting and talking to people. Sometimes I just run out of things to say or talk about. Much of the stuff I would say and talk about is not safe for anyone, much less work. It's very impolitic and impolite, so I keep that under wraps. Hope you're doing well.
Much love and light,
Yeah one thing I've noticed is when you start to get burned out give yourself that break. A few days to either not post or just post when you feel like with no pressure and try to find your motivation again. Once you come back you'll be ready and better than ever. I find that the amount of time between these breaks has gone from once a week, to once a month, and most recently have made it a few months before burn out. I guess it's just like any other endurance you have to build it up!
Also, I've found that commenting on others and finding some minnows to bond and grow with helps as well. Especially those that have started around the same time as you. I've seen that building a community is just as helpful as finding your "niche". At least that's what avenue I'm taking.
All great advice, thank you, I'll take it! Like free gold! Much appreciated pardner.