"It's gonna be Ok.
Is what I kept trying to tell myself today. We got up late, like 9:30am late, then when Ben (hubby) found out I had to work on my Steem Wars submission today and that meant game day for him, he wanted to go out for breakfast
So he can stuff his face - cos you need all that energy to play the playstation.
So we can communicate face to face for a couple of hours before I go off in my own world. (He is a gem of a man my Benny.)
Finally we got back home 12ish I thought Ok.. I got time..
I just had to check out what everyone's up to didn't I? An hour later I'm still scrolling through #steemwars, laughing like a total nut job and I have done absolutely nothing about my entry.
"It's gonna be OK..." lol
It took me several laps around the house (ok inside the house cos its too cold outside) before I wondered in my office (abandoned ever since I found Steemit) and heard the call of my crystals (also sadly neglected such is my Steemit addiction.) and BOOM - Grid Time!
Score! I felt great making the grid, like the energy was flowing just right and I'm not trying too hard to trying to squeeze something out, which is what it felt like with the wall paper and the canvas and the drawing...
In the end, it ended up being Ok :)
I haven't had much of a chance to do 'Me' more so it was really good to show you guys what I usually do - graphics design is not my usual gig and I'm curious to see how the grid will sit with my peeps. I really hope you guys like it :)
Me and crystals is just a thing you know? And I'd love to share all that with you guys.
Here's some of my favourite posts from today.
NZ is the Canada of Australia...
The fifth element according to Team USA is...
Team GB's major cook out...
Don't know what's going on?
lol... cool post. i've been a bit sick so haven't had the brain power to get into the game yet, but i'm loving the posts..: o)
Any chance I could get a team banner luv?
aww I hope you feel better soon :( The posts should cheer you up! And the comments... :D :D :D Isnt laughter the best medicine?
Thanks luv...yeah im getting there, but the wife is taken care of me real good. She's Filipina, so i'm getting the best care a man could want or need ; o)
Woo hoo !! love the banner thank you so much : o)
Ohhh for sure you are in the best hands <3 You lucky man!
Best thing, next only to the kids, that ever happened to me in my life :o)
Wait right here while I show Ben your comments ;) ;) :D :D
It takes a good man to realise what he's got. I bet she made you a feast and have you all wrapped up :P
lol...yep, and she is going to give me a massage after the kids go to bed...oh man those massages on my broken down shoulders are just the best....