It's now possible to switch to a Steem-Engine Tribe/Token and to claim pending rewards, make transfers, power shares up/down, simulate effective token power and see the own token balances in a new overview in the Balances section.
Yes! Thank you! I had been waiting for this kind of features, but didn't ask if they would be implemented because from what I understand, you had said you wouldn't implement any new feature outside the list you had been posting. Great work as always, and so many exciting features to come, too!
PS: just a small nitpick: when simulating power amount for the SE tokens (a few that I checked were LEO, BATTLE and PAL), the simulation dialog's title still says "SP Amount."
And I don't know if I'm missing something, but how do we revert back from the tribe tokens to STEEM?
Thank you! Good nitpick, that one was easy to fix :)
Now you can revert back with a click. I added STEEM to the tokens overview:
Simulator title fixed and new STEEM button working as it should. Thank you!