Excellent feedback @steemchiller ...
"Brave and G Chrome both are built on top of the Chromium web browser and therefore support the WebExtensions API as Firefox and Opera do."
... as I did not know this. Now I know why you "get paid the big bucks" ... 😉
Seriously, I am heartened to hear we are like-minded on this critical topic in our time. While it may be "resistance is futile," I am not willing to go along with it, without doing what I can ...
Conceptually, at least, this topic is a very important (to me) reason why I decided to "jump in" to the "cryptosphere" in general and the "Steemisphere" in particular, as I had not been online, prior to May 14th ...
Until next time, keep "fighting the good fight" @steemchiller! 💥👍😊
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