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RE: SteemWorld Support / 2019-12-03

in #steemworld5 years ago (edited)

Zero human interaction, just wow.. It's nice having the steemworld option and I appreciate you building and maintaining the site. It's unfortunate it's not sustainable without payment but such is life. My first thought is I don't even have a single sbd and due to it's inability to do its intended job I won't be having any sbd anytime soon, so that would make subscribing impossible for me. TBH I'd live without it..

Seems that this should possibly be an sps thing but that's a load of shit too, so I don't know what to say. You have created an easy way to delegate and see who has what sock puppets and is part of what circle jerks which is always entertaining.I tried to create an account with 3 steem and was asked for a master key which is ridiculous so I gave up. I'm just amazed this place is so dead not one human has responded to your death rattle.. The state of steem is getting leaner by the day.. But hey your auto votes got you on trending lol, what a fucking joke this place has become !


I tried to create an account with 3 steem and was asked for a master key which is ridiculous so I gave up.

You can't create a Steem account without defining a master key for the new account. The key will be generated by clicking on the Generate button. Your private and public keys are derived from that master key. On SteemWorld you also can create an account by entering previously generated public keys. Steem Keychain also is supported, if you don't want to enter you active key on the site. There is no more secure solution out there.

But hey your auto votes got you on trending lol, what a fucking joke this place has become !

This is a new account with 54 followers. When you take a look at the votes time, you will see that most votes are no auto votes.

Ah, I didnt realise the .org was a new account so the votes were real. That was harder to see because at the time not one human had commented..

I'll have to revisit the account creation situation but I'm on mobile and can't use key chain. As far as I remember I was being asked for my master key..

Posted using Partiko Android

You can use kiwi browser to use keychain extension.

Posted using Partiko Android

Not in my country

Posted using Partiko Android

What does it have to do with country?

Hell if I know, Malaysia doesn't support kiwi

Posted using Partiko Android

Ok, that's strange. You can directly download apk from mirror sites if you like.