The criteria were widely supported by those creating the Hive blockchain. THE ENTIRE PURPOSE of the effort was to escape the centralization that destroyed Steem. Including people who actively supported that centralization does not make sense.
That being said, there is an appeal mechanism and if anyone believes that they were unfairly excluded they are free to appeal to the Hive stakeholders to reverse the decision. This could even be done to reverse the entire list for that matter.
I deem it obvious that a @steemchiller doesn't have his place in that list.
I don't think it is obvious at all. He voted for the sock puppets and never removed that vote until after the Hive announcement. You may not have strong views on centralization vs. decentralization but the people who volunteered their effort (an enormous effort at that) to make Hive happen most certainly do have strong views on that. If they didn't Hive would not exist.
What people fail to realize is that anyone can fork a chain and create a new one. An airdrop is a gift, not an entitlement.
A gift? Really?!!!!
It was not a marketing strategy to get us all here so that they can keep us under their thumb?
How stupid of me to think otherwise!
Keep us under their thumb? You're free to leave any time you want.
I should imagine you are bright enough to have understood I was saying that if this had not been offered, if everyone had to start from zero again, not many would have come. So, yes, it was a marketing exercise, so as to ensure the success of this platform.
As for keeping us under 'their thumb', I obviously was not alluding to you, since I have never even seen your name (nik) before. I was speaking of certain of the strong posters who flagged because they did not agree with my political views - and I am sorry, but I am too cynical to believe they will suddenly become 'nice' people.
As for me being free to leave any time I want - isn't it also the same for you and everyone else? But then...the same is true for everyone at Steemit - so does that prove those in control there are nice people and so we should have stayed?
I was being sarcastic but it is obvious any kind of criticism upsets you and so you you did, telling me I am free to leave. Why, thank you kind sir, so generous of you. If and when I feel like it, I will, with or without your permission.