SteemWorld News ~ Now I Can Continue With My Work That Was Planned...

in #steemworld7 years ago

I had to re-parse the whole blockchain again because it seems as if not all Steem sites (with possibility to create posts and comments) do store the mentioned users in the 'json_metadata.users' field for the comment operation ( for example). Thanks again to @double-u for the info! Now I have developed an own solution that extracts the users from the post text. If you are a developer and you are making use of the 'users' array, let me tell you this:

It does not always work and is not a reliable source for your data!

One could argue that the field contains kind of redundant data because the information can be gathered from the post body already and this might be the reason why not all developers are pleased to fill it. When something like this is not being handled in the same way by the various front-ends, it is not usable at all, in my opinion. It has taken me days to adapt my parsing routine and re-index the content and I hope that from now on I can focus more on the new features on SteemWorld.

What most people might think:

Just call blockchain -> getMentions( permlink ) and show the results on SteemWorld ;)


Nope! One needs to go through all the > 21.8 million blocks. Each block can contain many operations. Did you ever try to collect a specific information from a 95 GB file? It's fun, but it always takes many hours!

Keep in mind:

There is one new block ~ every 3 seconds and the blocks are growing in size as more and more people are using Steem on a daily basis. I think the huge increase in the recent months is really a good sign!

Take a look at these numbers:

From Block To Block File Size (uncompressed)
1 100,000 6 MB
10,000,000 10,100,000 104 MB
20,000,000 20,100,000 1.6 GB

Working On

As my time is short, I just want to list some of the things I am currently working on (in full time):

  • New Tab 'Voting Stats' (details on received votes, voted accounts/tags, CSI calculation)
  • Delegation History (parts of it can already be seen in the tools section)
  • Transfer Search (searching for transfers, powerups, powerdowns, savings etc.)
  • Settings Import/Export like in my Steemit UI Tool (SCT)
  • Screenshot Mode (for making screen captures without the dark background)
  • Themes (Light, Dark, ...)


Delegation History

Something like this will also be added to the Delegations (In/Out) tabs. A few more filters for the date range and amounts will come soon.

Loading Settings (from json)

Saving Settings (to json)

Pro Tip

Do some people really think that 'Feed' is the title for the top section on SteemWorld? Yes, they do... ^^ Let me show you a secret:

Thank you for supporting my work!

Much love and peace to all of you ~

There are 2 pages

Hy. What happen ro steemworld, 3 day i cant access steemworld. Crased at 15% loding. 😐. I like this tool verymuch.

I don't know why it is not working for you. I can open your account without any problems. Did you try to clear your browser cache? If you should be using a firewall or something like the uMatrix-Addon, please allow connections to and .

If it still does not work I guess it has to do with your browser. Did you try an other browser? Which browser are you currently using?

Ancient American proverb: If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Great tool so far, ..but , ..erm. Greetings!
IfItAintBroke 2018-05-12 07-48-56.png

Wow, looks like you switched to kind of a dark theme... ^^ I've tested the current version in Firefox, Chrome and Opera. Which browser are you using? Did you try to refresh the page with Ctrl + F5?

Yes, Ctrl+F5 makes no difference. It's not that the info isn't there, I just can't read it. I use the dark theme that comes with FireFox add ons because my Eyes can't take the glaring ocean of white. Unfortunately for me it's dark theme or nothing at all. On my monitor I already have brightness set to 6% and contrast down to 30% in combination with the dark theme.

Not a problem you expected, nor could you have expected this one. I also do not expect you to change something to benefit a mere single user; just informing you that sometimes seemingly insignificant changes have unexpected effects.

For me it means I can't spend as much time looking at this page. Bummer, because, besides checking email, it's been the first page I go to every day for the last 5 months; it's that good.

Thank you for your time, sincerely, Onno.

I've been working on a dark theme recently and it can now be used in 'Settings -> Theme'. It is not finished yet but I think it could already be helpful for you. You need to refresh the page again to see the new option in settings.

I'm not sure if it works in conjunction with your FF Addon. If you should try it, please post a screenshot here, so that I can see how it looks like on your machine ;) Thanks!

A work of art; sight for sore Eyes! Thank you! The screenshot was made with the add on enabled, showing it works without having to switch the add-on off.

DarkTheme 2018-05-12 12-17-54.png

I'll let you know if I run into any problems. Thanks again!!

Thanks for staying on top of this mess help keep such an easeful & functional front-end available. I just did my most recent Steemit Tips video on using your site to find where they've been mentioned, then scrolled back and found this as your most recent post, haha!

I am really thankful for the Mentions section of SteemWorld I was using the Steemit More info chrome extension for a while for this function but then it stopped working. Then I would use but that also began to stop working so then I realized the Mention section on SteemWorld was up and running and I really enjoy being able to see the posts by other users that mention me.

You do it quite right, dear @steemchiller. Any new technology, needs new methods! You are the one who fiddles out all the stuff for us. Thank you so much for your precious work. I hope, you will be rewarded for it in a quite appropriate manner. If you are hungry, I am living at the beach of a pond in Hanau. Here, you will always get a fly or an eartworm to eat.

Recent Posts gehen nicht mehr auf.Lieber @steemchiller, meine

dann muddu unter settings ma n andern steem node nehmen

Dank auch recht schön…

It's sad you need to build so many things just to keep steemworld able to access correct information, but I'm glad you're doing it. I'm also glad to hear you can get back to the other updates and projects you've wanted to be working on. I've been using your add-on now for weeks and really like it, too. I truly hope that this is working out well for you, because it certainly helps a large portion of STEEM users.

I love your app man. Keep it up, you've got my 100% upvote on that one.

Love the site you’ve created and the many different tools that you have embedded on it. Probably the most comprehensive website for steemians to find any data they are looking for. I use your site daily hourly. Keep up the awesome work

First, thank you very much for steemworld. I really enjoy using it and appreciate the work that goes into it.
I encountered something today on steemworld, which might be considered a bug, but maybe it is intended. When sorting the Downvotes by amount, I expect the user that removed the most to be on the top of the list. Instead it is the other way around.

Screenshot of the flags that @haejin got

The bottom of the list, so what I expected to be on top
Also the chart on the right of the window is displaying it in the same, wrong way.
I would really appreciate if you gave me an upvote (no matter what percentage at all) so that I can see you read my comment. Otherwise I will try to contact you somewhere else. ^^Hey @steemchiller.

Thanks for the info! You are right, it should be sorted the other way around for downvotes. I remember it was working a few months ago. Maybe I've changed something with my recent big code cleanup... I will fix it with the next update ;)

Your post, as ever, is interesting, even if slightly beyond my understanding
But, to return to my reason for making this comment:

A while ago, I asked for an "improvement" and I did not get an answer from you - just an upvote (very kind of you).

Only afterwards, as I thought about it did I realise I had not thought it through and I realised how tactful you had been in not making me look like a fool by pointing out the obvious.

Thank you.

To be honest, I didn't know what you mean and I didn't have had the time to get into it. But I always vote comments that contain a few kind or inspiring words for me ;)

It is very nice getting your upvotes, but I promise not to try to take advantage of your kindness (now don't go voting me again, it will make me feel guilty, I just felt you deserved the comment).

Hi, I'm new on Steemit. Luckily I found your site and it's really awesome to keep the overview. Just wanted to say thank you for your effort:-)

Danke dir Lisa und herzlich Willkommen auf Steemit! I guess you are German, because your name contains the word 'liebeslust'... Anyway, I wish you much fun and success here ;)

wow... you really give nice upvotes. Thanks for that! Expect me to comment your content on a regular base from now on :-)

Sorry, kein Deutsch. Just picked up a few nice sounding words:-)

You're always putting out great work, @steemchiller! Thanks for your work on this. Your tools are the best!

Thanks man! I'm still waiting for the 'Northern Loop Part 9'... ^^ I think you and @doctorcrypto should do something like that again ;)

Upvoted to further support your work. Thank you for building Steemworld!

We're hoping to do another international trip soon. I might go back to Vietnam this summer by myself. I have two trips in America planned for June and August. It would be cool to spend a few weeks in Vietnam too, but I don't know how busy I'll be this summer. We'll see.

Hey Chiller,
great job again!
Lately I had an idea - maybe if all work is done and you feel kind of bored you might think about my question ;)

Viele liebe Grüße,
Chriddi Is it possible to integrate a feature like "Your favorite author @xyz has created a new post"?

Thank you @chriddi! I've recently thought about a similar feature. I'm not sure how long it will take from now until I can merge the SCT with SteemWorld but I see that it is coming nearer day by day...

LG, Chiller

Upvoted to further support your work. Thank you for building Steemworld!

I never knew that was a link! I'm not sure if I thought it was a title though, either. To be honest, weirdly enough I've looked at the word "feed" there thousands of times and it's never registered in my brain. Weird. Anyways, I've been offline for quite some time now, and came back and noticed that Steemworld has made some great improvements in my absence. As always, thank you for making my Steem time more organized. Keep it up man!

Glad to see your plannings being executed and the recent updates are so cool! There are many new features being implemented and functional too! It shows your commitment to the hard work you have been doing for months! Keep moving and you will be good to go. :)

Saubär! Klasse Arbeit. Ich unterstütze dein Projekt, wo ich nur kann. Weiter so!

thx for spending your time and creativity to further develop and improve steemworld!!

Great tool (tool is far too less) - great suite of tools combined in a website. I use it everyday!

Das mit den User Erwähnungen hatten ich schon vor gut 2 Monaten bei Werner gesagt, das diese von @physalis nicht angezeigt werden weil sie mit schreibt.

Daher ist regex immer besser, auch bei den Links!

die Steemworld ist meine Startseite im Browser, weiter so!!!TOP Arbeite @steemchiller !!!

Ich habe mir ne eigenes DB Model entworfen in SQLite.
Allerdings arbeite ich mit C#, wobei SQLite ist das egal HI

Danke dir! Ja, im Nachhinein ist man immer schlauer. Es ist halt meistens doch am besten, wenn man es ganz selbst gebaut hat :) Aber gemein ist das schon, wenn man ein Feld 'users' hat und es in den meisten Fällen auch richtig gefüllt ist. Als Entwickler denkt man dann erstmal: 'Cool, das nehme ich doch mal...'

SQLite ist genial! Hatte ja vorher nie damit gearbeitet, aber bin inzwischen mehr als überzeugt davon. Solange nur ein User gleichzeitig Daten schreibt, auch überall gut einsetzbar und super schnell auf SSD.

Upvoted to further support your work. Thank you for building Steemworld!

"Solange nur ein User gleichzeitig Daten schreibt, auch überall gut einsetzbar..."

SQLite kann seit Version 3, Mulititrading,
(man gibt es bei erstellen der DB mit)
aber ganz im Ernst ich habe es noch nicht raus gefunden. Wie??
Ich benutze Navicat für DBs ->

Grins, mach dir nichts draus,
ich bin auf das Feld User auch reingefallen und auf einige andere Felder auch.

Und ich denke jeder andere Entwickler auch(!!!!),
auch wenn er es nicht zugeben mag HI

Für offline Anwendungen wie ich sie bastel denke ich ist SQLite TOP, Online würde ich Mysql vorziehen schon wegen DaterTime.
Aktuelle wandel ich alles in Unix Timestamps wegen Sqlite,
was lustig ist da Windows das nicht kennt LOL.

SteemWorld ist für mich das mit Abstand beste Tool und so wie ich es gesehen habe stehe ich mit dieser Meinung nicht alleine dar.
Der Link "Feed" ist recht praktisch ;)
Wie immer großartige Arbeit.

Unbeschreiblich gut und unendliches Danke für Dein Engagement! Auf die Voting Stats freue ich mich schon.
You're doing an amazing job!

This is absolutely my favorite Steemit "helper tool!" It was suggested to me that GinaBot was the best thing for keeping up with things relating to my activity... but you have it nailed far better! Excellent job! My upvote is tiny, but it's very sincere.


I just became aware of the SteemWorld tool a few days ago. Fantastic work! I'm very impressed and pleased with the sheer amount of features it has. I hope you are rewarded substantially for your work.

Transfer Search (searching for transfers, powerups, powerdowns, savings etc.)
Oh yes please!!! This would be really useful, so far none of the steem data explorer offer this

It's now available in 'Tools -> Transfer Search'. I may still need to make a few small changes in the coming days but it should already work ;)

hahaha your "Feed" comment killed me :)

I discovered that only some Nodes (in Settings) offer a view on Recent Posts...if posts are past payout, you are unable to view them at all. This is probably something you know, but I just figured it out:)

A million thank you's for everything you do!

I'm actually working on a "Thank you" post and if I didn't have steemworld to look to for lists of upvoters/%ages, I'm not sure how I would even accomplish it. There are so many things I could gush about here, but instead, I will just say thank you...again ;)

Thank you @lynncoyle1! Yes, there are some issues with most of the available Steem nodes today and I have no influence on that, but I'm glad to hear that you've found the solution for yourself by switching to an other node ;) Not all nodes are keeping the votes for old posts but '' should always work (even if it is a bit slower than the others).

Thank you for that! I may not be as technically advanced as you, but I at least know what "Feed" means and how to switch nodes :)

Thanks again, for all you do !

Great work, as always :) I chip in with my upvote and resteem too.

By the way and about json metadata field overloading - by your knowledge - are there any attempts to put in geojson and calendar (ical) metadata? I am very tempted to start experimenting with these two ...

Thank you very much!

are there any attempts to put in geojson and calendar (ical) metadata?

I'm not sure but I don't think so. May be something like this will be implemented in Hivemind ...

My most favorite tool... hard to believe there is room for making it even better!

Thanks for all the hard work. I think we end users often fail to realize the amount of work that goes into the completion of what seems like a simple task.

It's kind of like a recipe if one had to make it from scratch. I mean like really from scratch. So if a recipe calls for flour, you would have to first grow the grain, then harvest it, then mill it, then treat it, then put it in your mix. I think programming could sometimes be characterized in this way.

I still like, and still recommend it to new users for the mentions, and the vote slider, and well all the useful little things all gathered together in one neat, well organized, front end. I love the design of it, as much as the usefulness of it.

Now I have developed an own solution that extracts the users from the post text.

Problem is that anyone with ash in their name triggers a mention for me

Thanks for the info! I'm currently re-indexing the mentions again and this will be fixed in the coming days ;)

I've transferred the new logic for mentions detection to my server yesterday and from now on there should be no more issues with your account name. The old mentions will be removed when the re-indexing process is finished.

Also with my new logic you are mentioned in the post from tanjit and after some searching I came to the conclusion that it is correct, because the user really mentioned you but he edited the post later:

So you will be immune from the next similar attack?

It is sad you have build so many things just to keep steem world to access correct information but I am very glad you are doing it.

i am a fan of you and i love your work
i am using your application since day one i have joined steemit
but recently i found a bug in it after your final recent modifications
please revise it
thank you

Loading 'Account Data'... "Hello @steemchiller, something seems to be a little bit haywire this morning. Neither my wife nor my's pages will load past the 15% level, and is stuck on - -

I tried, like you mentioned to an individual below in comments, clearing my cache and cookies. I have also tried loading other names, (such as yours), and no luck, stops at 15%. Any Ideas what I can try next? My wife's account is @shasta, same issues for her.

Does it have anything to do with that utopian-io hack the other day? Neither my wife nor I use utopian, Just remember seeing some hack issues with it.

Hi, there seem to be a few issues with some nodes again. I've changed the default node to 'buildteam' and it may work now, when you clear your cache again and refresh the page.

I will implement a possibility to change the node at startup soon ;)

I tried the clear cache, reload page, (used the ctrl/f5 combo), did not work. Hard re-boot. (turned off, then back on computer). Cleared the cache again, and another hard boot before trying again. Then still stuck at 15%. Kind of strange. It works on my phone, just not my computer with either the windows explorer, not chrome. Chrome is what I generally use. Oh well, It is probably late for you so sleep well and I'll keep trying. Probably my computers problem and not on your end.

I've found a bug in my script that only affects some browsers like chrome. Please try to refresh the page again (without clearing cache should also work).

Thank you, sorry it took a bit to get back to you, we were having some power issues here, we had a short outage late last night, they did a temporary fix, and did the real fix, just about an hour ago, so hard to get something quick to eat incase power went out again, everything seems to be working just fine now. many more of these power hits here though and I amy have to get one of those uninterruptible power supplies for those just in case you have 5 minutes to shut it all down moments.

I am an old school database programming and I can only imagine how wild it is working with the Steem blockchain. Living through you!

really thanks for your hardest job on this big updated, i am very much fond of steemworld app, it make easier to steemit use.

Thank you for working on #steemworld. Its a great #tool, I use it everyday now! ;)

Me too. Well done, @steemchiller! :)

Indeed. Congrats! :)

@steemworld is the best! Thank you so much for all the work you do!

Thank you @Steemchiller, for all your hard work. Steemworld is my go source of information about what I missed while away from the platform.

Oh I love steeeeeeeemmmmmm worrrrllllldddduh....

This app is wonderful. I use it regularly as the features are what Steemit should already have available: breakdown of votes, mentions, notifications.

I really love your app but in the last couple days the RECENT POST section has completely stoped working. You can toggle the arrow and nothing appears. Thank you for all you do.


i got your message on there and changed the setting on nodes. thank you.

Hello @steemchiller I'm a new Steemian who really loved your tool: Steemworld. Thanks for everything. I really like how to Steemworld manage the Steemit Account

Nice work! But it seems like SteemWorld has some issue with updating now, for some reason it doesn't seem to update the "Account Operations" like it used to. I usually have it running in the background in a tab and occasionally check it, and see like "wait a minute, this guy just commented and I'm typing but it's not on SteemWorld", and refresh and it's there again. Not sure why.

Thanks! It may be that the node you are connected to has some issues. As far as I know, some full nodes are currently replaying (takes 3 days). You could try to use an other node (Settings -> Steem Node) in the meantime ;)

Ah thanks! I didn't know you can do that, will try it!

Looks like the connection to the node could not be established. It is using '' in your case. I've tested it with this node and it works for me. The connection test should automatically switch to a different node, if something like this happens.

You could try to clear your internet cache and run SteemWorld again. The default node '' will then be used.

As I now saw it is really not working with the account @the-magic-frog... Will check it ;)

Jetzt war mein Kommentar so sparsam, dass du gar nicht wissen konntest, dass wir auch deutsch sprechen können. Danke für's nachschauen. ;)

Danke für den Hinweis! Es kam in dem Fall ein nicht erwarteter Wert beim Laden der Posts zurück. Da steht zwar, dass die Posts mit App 'steemit/0.1' erstellt wurden, aber es sind eine Menge Felder enthalten, die ich so noch nie gesehen habe. Wie auch immer, sollte jetzt laufen ;)

Ja, sowohl die posts als auch die meisten Kommetare enthalten json_metadata. Da wird aber nichtmal eine app angegeben... sollte ich vielleicht mal ändern. Wenn ich dann einen post manuell auf bearbeite scheint app dann also automatisch hinzugefügt zu werden... interessant. Habe gestern ein development update veröffentlicht. Falls es dich interessiert:

Danke für den schnellen fix jedenfalls!

Ja, 'app' wird von Steemit gesetzt, wenn leer. Früher wurde der Wert auch überschrieben, wenn er vorher von einem anderen Frontend gesetzt wurde. Ich glaube, das wurde inzwischen geändert.

Habe mal kurz reingeschaut und finde die Idee mit dem 'Magic Frog' ganz lustig. Werde ich mal teilen ;)

Danke! Kommt auf jeden Fall genau der völlig bescheuerte Quatsch bei rum den ich mir vorgestellt habe... und @hennifant hat's dann mit dem Bild nochmal auf die Spitze getrieben. :D

Thank for this information..

Is there a way we can specify that steemworld use a specific node on launch? Both and steemit.api wont currently work for me. I had multiple tabs open in the same broswer, some were loaded and refreshing steemworld and some would hang at 15% i tried clearing my cache amd now i can't access any. works great but i can't get steemworld to load past 15% to switch to that node.

I change the default node nearly every week, because each week brings a new issue for the chosen one... :) I've changed it to 'buildteam' a few minutes ago and it may work now, when you clear your cache again.

Recently I had the same idea in regards to having a possibility to switch the node at startup and I will implement it soon ;)

I tried resetting cache, in 2 different browsers and 3 accounts . Still hangs at 15% ... still works on device in tabs where i havent cleared cache.(in chrome) It is not working in chrome or dolphin where cache has been cleared. Just installled fresh copy of firefox on this device and steemworld works wonderful with that browser.

Thanks for the info! That helped me to find the cause in chrome. It was no node issue. Please try to refresh the page again (without clearing cache should also work).

THANKS!!! Works in Chrome and Dolphin. Not that I use dolphin just another browser i had installed. Thanks again!

Ein riesiges Danke gibts auch von mir. Das Tool ist so unglaublich gut, einfach auf einen Blick sofort sehen wenn etwas passiert.
Und ich nutze es auch sehr gerne wenn ich raus finden will, ob es sich bei User xyz mal wieder um einen abuser handelt oder nicht. Geht damit sehr angenehm, da alle relevanten Infos zu sehen sind, z.B. auch wenn einer versucht hat seine Dummheit zu vertuschen indem er etwas gelöscht hat xD
Also nochmal Danke

Hi, I have been having problem loading Steemworld today. It keeps showing me this:


I cleaned cache, restarted the browser, pc and tried to open it on two browsers (Chrome and Opera) and it looks the same all the time.
Any idea what else can I do?

I've tested it with your account on Chrome, Opera and Firefox. Works all fine for me... :)

I guess it has to do with loading a layout file that is not available. Please try one of the following links:

or (for dark theme):

Yay! Those links worked!
It is actually not the first time that it happened. Before I could load it, but it was just all white layout. No blue, no grey background. I thought you changed something, but it seems it was that layout file thing again.

Thanks a lot! :))

If it should happen again, please tell me, because then there is a high possibility that others will have the same problem. Would be interesting to see if it still works when you clear your cache next time (without using the links I posted).

I will :)

:( I no longer see my posts in steemworld
Ah NVM translated the german answer to it hehe OK, I'll change the node to see if it works
Yep it works :)

Thanks for your efforts, @steemchiller, this is a handy tool:)

Something seems wrong with the colours? As if we were all forced onto a super light and flat theme without the ability to stay on what was the default up to now? :3

I'm currently working on the themes but the original should look like before... Is it still looking flat for you? I can't see a difference to before on my pc ;) Which browser are you using?

Chrome, and it went back to normal after a couple of hours.

Maybe you accidentally pushed something out? :P

Darf man Dir hier Bugreports oder vermeintliche Bugreports aufs Auge drücken? (Ich frag lieber erst, bevor ich es tue ...)

Klar, aber nur wenn es ein guter Bug ist... :) Nein, kannst natürlich machen. Antworte sonst einfach auf diesen Kommentar mit deinem Bugreport.

Bug 1: Seit ich "Recent Posts" mal eingeklappt hatte, lädt es nicht mehr.

Screen Shot

Das hatte @double-u mir auch gerade gemeldet. Danke dir für die Info! Meine Antwort war:

Ich habe auch schon bemerkt, dass einige (aktuell fast alle) Nodes wieder nicht zuverlässig funktionieren. Da habe ich leider keinen Einfluss drauf, ich bekomme nicht mal einen Fehler zurück. Der Request scheint einfach unendlich lange zu dauern, so dass ich es nicht ohne weiteres abfangen kann.

Wechsle mal zu oder api.steemit (Settings -> Steem Node). Dort sollte es funktionieren. Allerdings werden bei pevo die alten Votes nicht angezeigt, weil die Node diese nicht bereitstellt. Wenn das so weitergeht, werde ich früher oder später alle Daten von meinem Server laden, denn dann läuft es wenigstens zuverlässig...

LG, Chiller

Super, danke, probiere ich mal aus.

Edit: umgestellt. Läuft jetzt wieder.

Bug 2: Ich hatte Herrn B. stummgeschaltet (Mute). Die Entfernung der Stummschaltung tauchte dann bei Steemworld als "unfollow" auf. Ich folge ihm aber unabhängig davon gar nicht, weder vor- noch nachher. ;o)

Screen Shot 2018-04-26 at 21.42.09.png

Das Einbinden des zweiten Screenshots klappt irgendwie nicht.

Da fehlt wahrscheinlich eine Unterscheidung zwischen 'unmute' und 'unfollow' bei der Anzeige des Titels für die Operation. Nochmal danke! Werde ich mir die Tage mal anschauen. Ich mag deine Bugreports ;)

Keine Ursache. :)
Danke Dir für den Vote. :)

There are 2 pages