This post is intended to cover the server costs for SteemWorld.org and to enable me to continue my development in the future.
In case you missed the first part:
SteemWorld ~ Weekly Support ~ #1
Dieser Post ist dafür gedacht die Serverkosten für SteemWorld.org zu decken und mir in Zukunft weitere Entwicklungen zu ermöglichen.
Falls du den ersten Teil verpasst haben solltest:
SteemWorld ~ Weekly Support ~ #1
Just some thoughts...
I'm still working on the improved Posts Overview and I hope that it will be ready to be used in the coming days. As always, when diving into a new development, there come a lot of new ideas to my mind and there are often a few things showing up which need to be solved in a better way. I am no 'never touch a running system' guy and do my best to restructure and optimize my code on a regular basis.
Such actions can take days without having any relevant, measurable changes for the users, but it's very important for developers to regularly take a look at the whole source, because not doing so can take away the motivation for wanting to care about the product in future. Since I'm the only one who is working on the code, I'm very flexible to do so, of course.
Keep in mind that most problems, which have not been taken care of in the past, will come back to you and may hit you hard at some point in future.
Auto-votes for old posts?
I receive many votes when I edit old (already paid out) posts, so there seems to be an auto-voting service active that does not check the posts payout date. Even more strange is the fact that I get votes from people who already voted on these posts before. I don't know which service you are using, but please do inform the developer about this. Thanks!
Posts now in tabs separated by status
Searching/Filtering posts
You can choose to search for text in the posts title, body or both:
The drop-down box in the right contains all of your recently used tags for being able to easily add them to the current search criteria:
You can also search in a given date range:
Instead of having to scroll down the whole feed it is now possible to set the limit to 100 posts with one click:
Currently only the last 100 posts
As long as my new web service is under development and the posts are still being loaded from the Steem RPC nodes, there is a limit of 100 posts for each tab. So keep in mind, when you use the search tab, it will currently only search within the last 100 posts. Blockchains are great for storing data permanently, but loading the data and executing complex queries isn't possible without building a separate database or node API, that has been optimized exactly for the required tasks.
Filter for 'Custom JSON' operations
A few people contacted me lately, because they are playing Steem Monsters a lot and their Account Operations overview is filled with many 'Custom JSON' ops, which makes it nearly impossible to have a good overview of all the other operations, therefore I added a new op filter:
Warnings for special account events
We now get informed when a Powerdown has been started for our account.
Thanks to @double-u for the idea ;)
In the making
- Web service for loading the data in a more efficient way
- Different views in the Posts Overview
- Improved Coming Curation Rewards overview
- RC costs calculation
In my last post I mentioned:
Since the RPC nodes do no longer synchronize/return the account history and main account data in real time, I need to think about building and implementing a better solution. Maybe I can parse and store all blockchain data on one of my servers without having to rely on public node requests from the clients in future. I already do parse all blocks for some features on SteemWorld, but I do not have a solution for the account history yet. Would be great to store also the virtual operations, because that would enable me to have kind of a public node for my services without having to fulfil the huge hardware requirements for running a full steemd instance.
I will take a look at Steemit's SBDS (Steem Blockchain Data Service), because I think it could be capable of exactly what I need. I prefer to work with SQLite as it is really fast on SSD and requires no additional database service working in background. As I stated before, in my opinion it would be possible to deploy kind of an own Full-API Service on a 16 GB RAM machine with enough SSD memory available. That would be much cheaper than running steemd and is the only solution I can think of given my current monthly earnings.
I've decided to build my own solution (web service) to be more flexible now and in future. This will take a few weeks at least, but it will enable me to bring SteemWorld to the next level.
Coming outage
In the coming days there might happen an outage for some features on SteemWorld, because I need to execute a full re-indexing of the whole blockchain. Especially mentions, incoming delegations, post/vote counters and transfer/delegation search may not work as expected for a few hours. In case you should be experiencing strange things in the coming days -> It's just a temporary outage and I will do my best to bring the services back as soon as possible.
Thanks to @isarmoewe for reporting the bug regarding the incorrect counters for new accounts ;)
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Thank you for supporting my work!
Positive thoughts create a positive world. It all begins with connecting our thoughts with emotions. What we focus on is what becomes powerful. We are the creators of our world.
Much Love,
Könntest du vllt einen einfachen Zähler einbauen, so dass ich sehen kann wie viele meiner Posts noch ausbezahlt werden und von wie vielen noch Curation rewards ausbezahlt werden?
Ich würde da gerne ein Auge drauf haben und evtl. sogar statistisch auswerten.
Wäre super. Ich danke dir für deine tolle Arbeit.
Den Zähler für die Posts hat man ja jetzt im Post Tab 'Active (x)'. Das mit den Curation Rewards würde nur gehen, indem man die Coming Curation Rewards durchlaufen lässt, da man allein durch die Vote-Op nicht festellen kann, ob und wann der gevotete Post abgerechnet wird.
Ich habe sowieso geplant dort bald etwas zu ändern und mehr Details anzuzeigen. An der Stelle werde ich dann auch die Anzahl mit reinbringen ;)
Thank you for your work 👍
thank you for your hard work and that new warning notification on power down! great idea from double - u
Oh, thanks a lot! ;-)
Hi, by "Tools/Account votes", can you include exact link or any more information, please? Actually is very difficult to identify the vote.
Thank you for your efforts.
Thank you @steemchiller - I always give my support to you and you know this because I know you check your wallet. I would like to make it clear that I do this because I appreciate your work and effort wonderful and it helps all of us. Thank you very much, and in my opinion you deserve the support of all the community. Regards
Thank you very much @chbartist! You are one of my biggest weekly supporters and I'm well aware of this. You saved me a few times already, when things were getting difficult regarding my fiat bank account, and I'm always happy to see your weekly donations reaching me.
You are doing a great job in bringing the people back to their real self, with so much empathy and deep thoughts. I guess you are kind of a sent one with the mission of creating a better world and I really appreciate it ;)
Wishing you all the best!
Boring ;-)
(Awesome work as always)
This is a project i believe we need to support to keep it running.
Did @steemchiller a witness candidate? I support your work.
Thank you so much for your great donation!
I'm no witness yet... Have a nice weekend ;)
Thanks! I fixed the direction issue. The 'tags' in 'json_metadata' of one or more posts made trouble, therefore the account could not be loaded. Should work now ;)
When I open your account @crokkon, it shows an incoming arrow for the request op and when I open @stmdev I see an outgoing arrow. Looks fine to me :)
Wow, that's confusing. I though the account that wants to be recovered makes a
... If that's not the case, it should be the other way around, of course. I will change it ;).
I'm curious, how you manage to edit old expired posts (you mentioned when informing about old auto-votes)???
Just open your old posts on Steemit, click on 'Edit' and there you go ;) This wasn't possible in previous Steem versions, but now it is.
Hey @steemchiller,
I love the Searching/Filtering posts funcion!
Could it be possible to widen the reference set to another / more or all the STEEM users?
Thank you so much!
A huge hug from @amico! ;)
Thank you!
Buy me a dedicated server with ~ 1 TB SSD memory and we will have such feature soon ;)
You really are amazing!! Thank you so much for giving so much to all of us here; steemworld is a pinned tab, continuously open on my laptop... couldn't function without it! Thank you!!
Brother, I tell you so because Venezuelans are like that, and I tell you that I'm addicted to your application. Until now it's my favorite, it seems like a joke but I first open your steemworld before opening my blog. really again my friend congratulate you ..
greetings from Venezuela, a country that struggles to be free of communism.
Excellent work behind this, specially to find the older post, a warm welcome and wishing for you.
Good evening (here) @steemchiller. Nice to get your “latest, greatest” post on what is happening in your world.
I really appreciate your ”continuous improvement” mindset, as I am the same way. Hopefully, you are encouraged in putting in the extra effort knowing that’s why SteemWorld is so highly rated by your customers!
As part of continuous improvement, I really like the recent changes to the Post section. Very nice upgrades and no thoughts on how to make it any better, at the moment!
I like the idea you are building new features with an eye to the long-term functionality of SteemWorld. We all know that is in good hands. If you don’t mind my asking, do you ever have input from other developers on Github? Or any support from any other place to help you make a well-informed decision, after knowing all of the options?
In my own experience, I call them “speed bumps” and while I know I can get over them on my own, as I’ve done many times, I’ve benefited from establishing some “go to” resources, which I can call on, should that be necessary.
Ouch, that sounds painful, but thanks for the ‘heads up,’ so we’ll know what is happening and what to expect.
We appreciate all you do for us @steemchiller. Keep up the great work! 👍
Dear Chiller,
many thanks again for the great extensions in your SteemWorld!
And thank you for the nice mention of my person!
Oh, the rich Steemians might donate you a machine that can do everything you want!
Best regards, @double-u
Hai @steemchiller great work with the site again! :D I wanted to report a sort of anomaly with https://elegance.blue posts, steemworld seems to take the elegance.blue as an image file and then preview pics do not load as it tries with no avail to get a non existing image first.
Keep up the great work
Since it's not clear if the fault is either on steemworld or elegance, I notified them as well the issue. :)
Thanks! Should work now ;)
As I've seen, there is a 'NaN' issue in the beneficiaries payout value in one of your posts. Will take a look into that later.
BIG FAN! Of your app.
Its open in a background tab 24/7 also in my cellphone (works perfect)
The most organized and beautyfull Steem tool
Thumbs up!
Thank you @steechiller for everything that you do for the steemit community!
I'd really like to see those two. You should seriously start a witness. I've already voted 30 but I'd unvote one and give you a vote as soon as you get it running. I'm sure there are hundreds who would do the same. You are doing great work without much noise. But I'm sure the community takes note.
Wish You The Best!
PS: You could also try @fundition
I may have missed if you included this but is there a section to see how many accounts we have claimed with the nee Hard fork 20 feature? Thanks!
Accounts can now be claimed with the coming 'Account Creator' tool. The number of claimed accounts is being displayed there too, but creating accounts is not possible yet:
Ah, this is what I was looking for! So after claiming an account... nothing happens! Do I then need to use another tool to create the account? The Create Claimed Account will remain greyed out for now, is that right?
Many thanks, great features.
Yes, that's right, there are two steps involved. Creating the account is the second step and I've not implemented this yet. The claimed accounts can later be used to create accounts without any costs. I hope it will be ready in the coming week.
Awesome! Thanks!
I am amazed at how much effort you continue to put into this. Thank you so much, especially giving us advance notice on possible outages as you continue to work on it.
You mention storing all of the blockchain data on a personal server. Do you see yourself down the road when they want to implement something like the last fork using it as a sandbox to test the ramifications of proposed changes?
I don't think so. It's difficult to test so many changes without real, interacting users, but they already improved the testnet in order to be better prepared the next time.
I guess one of the main problems was that there were too many changes at the same time in the last fork (was really a big one) and maybe the time for testing the huge amount of updates was way too short. The next HF's will come more frequently so that the outcome will be way better manageable and predictable.
Steemworld continues to be a great tool that is constantly being improved. It makes my experience on steemit infinitely better, keeping me informed on all aspects of my account and interactions. I greatly appreciate all the work and effort you put into steemworld @steemchiller. I was wondering though if there is a way to add who resteems your posts in the account operations tab, or if you could add it in a future update? Thank you again for all you do!
I just want to thank you for that amazing Applikationen you created, I use it everyday to check whats happening around my steemit blog.
I also have a feature sugesstion, in my oppinion it would be great to see the max RC possible for an account.Hello @steemchiller,
Thank you! In 'Account Details -> Resource Credits' you can see the max RC for your account ;)
Ohne Steemworld geht es doch gar nicht ;-) Ich nutze es immer und gern und danke für deine Posts, die mich daran erinnern, etwas zurückzugeben! LG Kadna
Thank you soooo very much for Steemworld and all that you do to continue to improve it for us all, @steemchiller.
I open it up each morning with all my basic daily tabs, right beside Steemit's. ;)
How's the ankle? Better already?
Thanks for asking! It's getting better week by week. I would guess my recovery status is at ~ 90%. Still feels a bit strange and not 100% stable, but at least it doesn't hurt anymore.
Nachdem ich ja "nur" 100 % auf den Post geben kann, gibt's halt nochmal 100 % auf den Kommentar ;-)
Is that possible already? Wow!
Nice improvements, by the way. It seems that every time I open the site, a new feature is available! Great work!
Great work as always! Good to see the custom json filter, that was much needed!
Besides this one, I ve suggested a few updates on steem.chat and since I ve got no answer I thought I d write it here :
Thanks! I saw your messages on steem.chat, but didn't find the time for answering (+ there was a bit of laziness involved). I like your ideas and I think I can solve the first point (regarding SP) in the next few days. For displaying the transfers I need to think about a more compact layout, because the available space in the table is nearly zero.
Great! For the second point, I would suggest removing the Vote Amounts table, since it s made redundant by the slider in Stats.
one of the most useful tools in Steemit. Everyday along with Steemit i will open a tab with steemworld. Everything i want to know about me or others ( ;) ) can turn into reality in no time.
this ended up like an advertisement or something :P
Thanks again for all your hard work @steemchiller! Your efforts are appreciated and definitely a major part of making my Steemit experience better.
Particularly like that "power down warning," which hopefully might save a person or two along the way from losing everything!
There is so much detail in your work. I must admit I understand less than 50% of what you are talking about; it all sounds very progressive and too complicated for my brain. But I am slowly learning about the wonder of blockchain.
Thank you very much for your dedicated work and determination!
Thank you for this amazing app, @steemchiller. As always, 100% upvote and resteem. I know it is not much but this is at least I can do until I'll grow a little. 🙂
This is a pretty great tool and I like that it grows each day. One thing that I would propose as a feature - What would you save about 3 decimal places in order to better track the SP/SBD rewards (for example instead of 1.25 SBD to have 1.259 SBD)?...
Thanks! You can change the number of displayed decimals in Settings -> View -> Decimal Places, but this will change all amounts in the tool, also the USD and voting values. Maybe I will create an additional option for these in future.
Best steem stats page out there, keep up the great work
Agreed! Hi Jason.
hey, @steemchiller.
Really do like seeing these updates. I stumbled upon the post search feature a day or so ago and really like it a lot. Especially searching by dates. This will help greatly when I go to do my monthly reports.
I found that it won't search by date beyond, say June 1, so not sure if that's the limits or a glitch but I'm mentioning it either way.
Everything is looking great. Thank you for the heads up about possible features not working while you work on things. All of this is very much appreciated.
I've been having a problem, which I hoped would go away, but it does not.
When I check on Coming Rewards - Author Rewards, it works fine. Then, if I click for it to update hours later, the button greys out, but nothing happens - yet the rest of the page continues to work.
I suspect it may not be a problem from you, but from my side (which means I will need to re-install the Firefox browser). Before I do, thought I'd first double-check with you.
Otherwise, love your work, you've made it so much easier for me to understand a lot of what goes on at Steemit, just by helping me see information I was not aware of.
Are you on Safari? This issue has been reported a few months ago, but I couldn't test it, because I don't have Safari and it's not possible to download a free (up to date) version...
Thanks for responding. No, I am on Firefox v47.0.2 - the latest version I can instal (as I am using a special vers of XP made safe for me some years ago and am not ready to change by upgrading...would rather try out Ubuntu or something like first).
The issue may occur because of a connection timeout. I've added a checking routine for this case, so that it will try to continue again a few seconds later. If it should happen again, please tell me.
@steemchiller - thank you very much, you keep show that you really care about making your program the best it can be
Hi, just want to ask you, if you can add the beneficiaries rewards? If i receive beneficiaries, i just see "Claim Rewards", nothing else, but, like in SteemPeak, there i can see that is an Benefactor rewards, from who, how much, etc.
Can you please add this option too? If you can a Tab in the "Coming Rewards", to see coming benefactor rewards, and maybe in the Account Operations too. It would be great to see on all this little thumbnail of posts, overall, it is more informative, where is what.
Maybe the thumbnails adding overall, on comments to, it is more informative, and remember, where is was what, if you see pic of posts, like you do it in "Post" group.
Thanks for great job.
Supported dear friend @steemchiller. Thank you for your continued support and your dedication so that we all have a better future.
Again, your work is real great. And now:
All my tags or just my recent tags? What does recent mean? The last 100? What we really need is full access to all Steem data. Such a server you told about, where we are able to extract all data, would be a great solution. Take just a small fee for every query and you will have a great business with steemdust.
Without such a sever, the Steem is still a torso. They forgot to paste the legs beneath.
Thank you!
All of the whole amount of 100% of your recently used tags... ^^
Yes, the last 100. With the new web service there will be no limit ;)
Thanks for the hard work! I still use this everyday! (I'd still love to see a responsive version ) :)
Responsive as in mobile device friendly :)
Works great on my android phone?
Yeah, it does work but it doesn't collapse/resize for mobile devices. You have to zoom move it around etc to see things. I use it on my phone as well, but would love to see it formatted for mobile.
I have been thinking about making some sort of cross platform Steem analytics application myself. If I could only find the time!
Tell me about it. Time is the enemy.
As far as resizing goes, it should be automatically and dynamically formatted for any phone as this is set when making the website or app.
It may be something to do with your settings on your phone or maybe it's time to get a bigger phone. 😁
It is pretty small to read on a phone but we do have that zoom facility.
awesome. I featured steemworld a lot in my course on the steem ecosystem published on Udemy. You rock and are doing an awesome job. I couldnt get by without steemworld.
My ultimate entry to the Steemit world ;)
Keep up the great work, @steemchiller!
Lots of improvements!
I didn't know someone could start a power down on someone else's account (without having the keys, that is).
Good luck for the re-indexing!
Thank you, I will have lots of fun with the re-indexing for sure :)
Of course, the private active key (or a higher one) is being required for starting a Powerdown, but one can't recover an account or change the private keys with it. When someone got your active key and starts the Powerdown, you can use your private owner key or master password to change your other keys (also the active key) in order to prevent the intruder from sending the withdrawn SP to an exchange.
That's why the private owner key and master password should only be kept in cold storage (not on any electronic device and if then only in a very well encrypted state).
Excelente el trabajo desarrollado en esta plataforma
Habe es schon öfter gesagt, aber Du wirst es hoffentlich trotzdem gerne hören. Dein Tool ist für mich eines der Top3 Tools auf Steemit. Ich nutze es täglich und täglich oft.
Zeit für mich mal wieder etwas an Support zukommen zu lassen in Form von Votes und Resteem.
Danke für Deine Arbeit und: Weiter so!
Awesome job, as always. Particularly happy to see that "powerdown warning," which will make it very obvious if your account has been compromised.
So glad you are doing this and that you added the alert to your newest post! So koennen wir kommen und dir unsere Unterstuetzung geben.
Danke dir!!!
Da steemstats.com leider nicht mehr funktioniert, benutze ich jetzt auch steemworld.
Ich vermisse ein feature: die Blockhöhe.
So könnte ich sehen, ob mein steemworld synchronisiert ist und wie weit die verbundene node in der Blockhöhe ist, bzw wie langsam sie ist.
Ich glaube, ich habe gute Nachrichten für dich (wird alle 30 Sekunden oder je nach eingestelltem Intervall aktualisiert):
Die Account-Ops werden allerdings nicht mehr in Echtzeit synchronisiert und kommen meistens ein paar Minuten später rein (wahrscheinlich wegen Umstellung auf RocksDB).
Ah dort.
Bei steemstats ist das oben rechts in der Ecke und bei meiner Wallet wird es auch so sein.
Mich da erst durchzuclicken ist für mich unkomfortabel.
'Normale' User brauchen die Blockhöhe natürlich für nix, aber für mich ist das doch recht oft relevant.
Vielleicht schreib ich mir nen eigenes plugin für deine seite oder so - wollte das sowieso mal testen und weiter js üben.
Ich war davon ausgegangen, dass du nachdem alles per account api gesynct ist, dann nurnoch die blöcke streamst ... so hätt ichs glaub ich gemacht ...
I used an auto-voter for a while, and it wouldn't check if I had already voted on a post before it put it's much lower auto-vote...that's...lazy...
Great work as always.