This post is intended to cover the server costs for SteemWorld.org and to enable me to continue my development in the future.
In case you missed the first part:
SteemWorld ~ Weekly Support ~ #1
Dieser Post ist dafür gedacht die Serverkosten für SteemWorld.org zu decken und mir in Zukunft weitere Entwicklungen zu ermöglichen.
Falls du den ersten Teil verpasst haben solltest:
SteemWorld ~ Weekly Support ~ #1
Account Recovery Tool
Starting an account recovery and confirming incoming recovery requests can now be done directly on SteemWorld in Tools -> Account Recovery
Initiating The Account Recovery
Confirming The Request
After sending the recovery request the account that wants to be recovered needs to confirm the request by providing a recently active public owner key:
When confirming the request by clicking on the Recover Account
button, there are two keys required for signing the new transaction:
- The private owner key for the provided
New Public Owner Key
- The private owner key for the provided
Recent Public Owner Key
This ensures that the account has access to the new private owner key and the recent one (which has been active at some point in the last 30 days). Even if someone changed your master key, you can always take back control over your account with a recently active private owner key (Steem nodes store them in a 'recent owner history'), but you need to recover your account within 30 days.
After the recovery request has been confirmed, the recovered account does not have any working private posting, active or memo keys. Therefore you need to change the master password afterwards.
I don't have time to explain all the details involved here, but I will make an extra post on this topic in future. Hopefully, the existing explanation helps a bit to understand the basics of the account recovery process. Of course, if you should need help with the account recovery, you can always contact me here.
Change Password Tool
Changing the master key for our account can now be done in Tools -> Change Password
Tools Better Explained
I added some explanations for a few tools, so that they are a bit more self-explanatory for newbies and the not so technical experienced users:
Master keys are bound to the name of an account and all private and public keys are derived from the master key, therefore you can't use existing public keys from a different account for any other one (private keys will differ). I added a warning in the Account Creator Tool
, so that no one will use existing public keys from a different account here:
Changing The Recovery Account
As I mentioned in my last post, it is now possible to change the Recovery Account
for our account on SteemWorld:
I just want to add a missing information here:
For security reasons it takes 30 days until the change will take place, therefore the displayed recovery account does not switch to the new one immediately.
Restyling the Account Operations Overview
I want to change a few things and bring some colors into the operations overview. Of course, it's not easy to make something look better that our eyes are already used to, but I think it will begin to feel good after some time ;)
I'm still playing around (maybe I will choose a different font, which is just a tiny bit bigger than the current one), so this may not represent the final state...
In case you can't live with the colors, you can deactivate them in Settings -> Layout -> Colorize Operation Titles
Donations And Top Supporters
As some of you have already noticed, there is a new button in the top left of the page:
Since it is currently really hard for me to survive these times of low crypto prices, I needed to do something about it. By clicking on the button the following dialog will show up:
I have already received a few donations and I am very thankful for each of them! In the coming days/weeks I will start to make a regular post, which contains a list of my all time top supporters (donations and votes). Thank you very much for helping me out!
In the making
- ...
- Post Viewer & Editor
- Web service for loading the data in a more efficient way and to enable me to add many cool new features in future
- Different views / no limit in the posts overview
- Details for coming rewards (number of posts/comments, maybe a pie chart)
- Improved coming curation rewards overview
- RC costs calculation
EN | What is SteemWorld?
-> Welcome to SteemWorld.org!
DE | Was ist SteemWorld?
-> Willkommen auf SteemWorld.org!
Thank you for supporting my work!
Positive thoughts create a positive world. It all begins with connecting our thoughts with emotions. What we focus on is what becomes powerful. We are the creators of our world.
Much love,
Steemchiller, you are doing such a great job!
Have you considered using @fundition for your funding ?
As @justinw says, it's good for everybody around this platform to also have income streams which do not depend on selling steem in the market (thus creating downward price pressure).
Could we look into setting up a donation system based on fiat or other cryptos perhaps ?
ǝɹǝɥ sɐʍ ɹoʇɐɹnƆ pɐW ǝɥ┴
awesome, these updates are amazing
Agreed, I am second to @paulag.
Super! Wer Dein Tool kennt weiß, was man unter einer "Eierlegenden Wollmilchsau" versteht!! ;-)
Awesome as always, @steemchiller.
More and more functionality brought to steemworld. Virtually everything that anyone could want is here, or planning to be here. I'm not sure if you're intending to provide the ability to originate posts on steemworld when you say post viewer (which it seems like there is already the ability to see the content of a post in full) and post edit, but if that's what you mean, there basically won't be a need to go anywhere to do anything other than on Steemworld. :)
Regardless of that, all the updates are welcome, and so is all the attention to detail. I hope those of us who regularly use can continue to support you, and maybe find ways to do it better.
I personally wouldn't mind a larger font, but it's good as is, and the colors are helping to identify different types of transactions as far as I'm concerned, so well done on that.
Thanks for your great feedback, @glenalbrethsen!
Yes, that's exactly what the Post Editor will enable us to do ;)
I'm not sure when it is ready to be used, but I guess it will already come in a few weeks.
Once again, cannot appreciate enough the work that you do, for all of us.
Hi @steemchiller,
I'm quite sensitive about colors but I think you've chosen them smartly, identifying comments from rewards is very useful and seemless to me. Would be nice to give them a distinctive colour for different rewards type or maybe this would overload our view.
About the tool for keys management I think it's awesome and will be very useful for all steemians specially those new.
Thanks so much for your efforts, hope I can soon donate more.
Best regards :)
Yes, I want to keep SteemWorld free and like to help taking it to the next level,
Awesome work @steemchiller. I use steemworld.org every day thanks for all your hard work.
Super Erweiterung!
Danke für deine kontinuierliche Hingabe :)
Posted using Partiko Android
Hi, @steemchiller, I'm a regular user of steemworld and have donated before.
I'm currently working on a project to detect small accounts which positively impact the steem ecosystem and should deserve support. I really like the vote CSI feature on your site and was wondering if there's a fine-tuned algorithm I could use in my project?
The calculation of the CSI is much simpler than many people may think and it's not optimized yet (Many other things on my list currently).
It's only taking votes of the last 7 days into account and the range should be at least 14 days or even a month. I will release some details about it in the coming weeks.
Some basics I can tell you:
Hi, thanks for the explanation. I'll likely implement something similar. I'll probably just start off with the self-vote pct to begin with just to keep things simple. I think vote CSI would be a pretty cool thing to have standardised across steem.
Thanks for the new color restyling. It will take some getting used to, but it will be helpful in identifying categories quicker.
Thank you for your unwavering development of this awesome tool.
vielen dank für deine tolle arbeit....jeden tag freu ich mich,diese seite nutzen zu dürfen,da sie super gemacht ist und schön übersichtlich.....danke
Danke dir!! Vor allem fuer die Erklaerungen fuer die Nicht Tech Leute (Ich) 🤪
SteemWorld is awesome... and you make it even better :D.
Great work, thank you very much!
One request: I see in the pipeline more details on curation rewards.
Steemd has recently stopped showing all the data in what used to be "vote details". It looks like votes are still listed in order of time, but the weights, wgt% and time stamp are now all missing.
Would be great to see that data again :-)
Hola @steemchiller, gracias por la información compartida sobre el manejo de la aplicación, está bastante detallada y comprensible para seguir sacando provecho a esta valiosa herramienta como apoyo a nuestra gestión en Steemit, te felicito, que sigan los éxitos!! Saludos!!
Awesome! Big Thanks.
Great new Feel. Thanks a million
Thanks for your continued hard work in developing and keeping up this amazing tool for the Steem blockchain! Makes life a lot more enjoyable and easier.
Once I get my taxes paid (ugh!) I shall make use of that donation button; you totally deserve all the support you can get.
Thank you for the work on steemworld.org
@blockbrothers are the creators of Steemify a notification app for your Steemit account for iOS.
Get it Here:
Great Job 😄👍
Ahahaha. I loved the colours. Great touch.
What a great work you've been doing. There's more and more features available every week! Amazing! 🙋
I noticed today the color thingy, I like it!!
Erstmal wieder herzlichen Dank für die Verbesserungen und Deinen unermüdlichen Einsatz, auch jetzt im Cryptowinter! Ich hätte 2 Tipps für die Kostenseite:
I like the colored versions very much! As you said the font could be a little bit bigger.
Very essential work you are giving us here!
I am sorry to hear that the low price of Steem is affecting you too. I do hope you’ll get lots of help from those big fish in the ocean. I will make donation when I can get onto my computer.
Good luck.
single app!Thanks for the update @steemchiller, keep up the good work! Really looking forward to seeing what you come up with as a post editor. Currently, I create my posts using SteemPeak... it would certainly be cool if everything could actually be assembled and monitored from inside a
Like always, I am blown away and so grateful for all the work you do to make steem easy for us!
danke für diese information und dem hervorragendem update. ich wünsche eine gute woche. lg michael
Super arbeit wie immer!!!!!!!!!,
denke mal bei dem Donate mehr an Paypal und Sofortüberweisung und KK und so,
den der grösste Teil auf Steemit,
kann und will sich nicht von seinen Steem oder SBD trennen
da sie froh sind mal PowerUp machen zu können um endlich nach vorn zu kommen!
Und mit Baren kannst du auch problemloser den Server und Co. abwickeln!
Ist dann halt nicht dezentral und irgendwie voll am Ziel vorbei oder nicht?
Wir wollen doch steem benutzen :)
Posted using Partiko Android
Denke ich auch, dass das Sinn machen würde, genau aus den Gründen, die du nennst. Hab ich auch bereits in meinem Kommentar (als @actifit-peter) auf meinen Artikel vorgeschlagen. Vielleicht kommt das noch! https://steemit.com/steem/@peter2017/breaking-news-donate-button-on-steemchillers-s-steemworld
Could you provide a more detailed manual on recovery?

Sorry for the late answer! I've been (very busy)³ in these days... Looks like you entered an unknown public owner key. Do you still need help with this?
I can not find Owner Private Key in steemit.com
Only the I know the master key, posting private key and the active private key.
If I have to use a owner private Key to change my password using your tool,
Because the owner private key is unknown, there are restrictions on the use of the tool.
If you have the master key, you can just use the
Key Generator Tool
on SteemWorld to see your private owner key.As it's stated in the description:
oh GooD!
This is clear. Thank you very much.
Really great thing of this update @steemchiller, it again become much better, this recovery account is really helpful. Thank for doing this to all of us. Have a great day
Con mi modesto voto, mi reconocimiento a tu apoyo. Gracias.
Thank you for what you continue bringing to the blockchain!
Vielen Dank, wie immer!!!
upvote und resteem
Thanks for all the hard work you put in.
I needed the site just now, but it won't load. Maybe you're working on it?
Anyway, I'm lost without it - I've been using it for everything, so I don't know which other tools might be around. Guess I'll just wait until it's back up
Works without any issue on my end, tested in Firefox, Brave, Opera and Chrome ;)
Sorry, I forgot to let you know that about 2 minutes after I wrote the comment, it loaded again. What a relief :0)
Great updates. Is there a night mode option?
If yes, I still haven’t found it. If no, it would be a nice addition
Settings -> Layout -> Theme -> Dark
;)Thanks mate. Dark mode is super cool.
I'm not sure I'm a fan of the colour change. The green is a bit hard to read on dark mode.
Wonderful wonderful Steemworld!
Hello friend as always thanks for your application.
I told you that I liked those new improvements a lot. It would be nice to be able to place a link like that in each post so that everyone who wants to can donate. LOL
A big fraternal embrace from Venezuela. a country that fights for its freedom. although from yesterday you can hear winds of change.
Verdaderamente, es de mucha utilidad, con el fin de recuperar una cuenta, su presentación se ve mejor con los colores
@swiftbot tip 100
⚡$$$ Tipped @steemchiller
⚡100.00000000 SWIFT
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! Currently the price ofSwiftCash
in the market is$0.0018 USD
. Current value of the tip is$0.1800 USD
. To find out more aboutSwiftCash
, please read our whitepaper!This post has been just added as new item to timeline of SteemWorld on Steem Projects.
If you want to be notified about new updates from this project, register on Steem Projects and add SteemWorld to your favorite projects.
Do you run a witness?
Not yet. I can't afford to order two new servers currently and spending money monthly for being a witness makes not much sense to me, but when the prices come back again, I think I'm going to start.
I'll wait, then. I can't imagine using Steem without Steemworld. From the first day I knew about it, it was the best set of tools for Steemians. So I would definitely support you as a witness.
Great work @steemchiller.
Great work @steemchiller
Posted using Partiko Android
Thanks for all you do, @steemchiller.
Hi @steemchiller!
Your UA account score is currently 6.210 which ranks you at #238 across all Steem accounts.
Your rank has not changed in the last three days.Your post was upvoted by @steem-ua, new Steem dApp, using UserAuthority for algorithmic post curation!
In our last Algorithmic Curation Round, consisting of 224 contributions, your post is ranked at #2. Congratulations!
Evaluation of your UA score:
Feel free to join our @steem-ua Discord server