SteemWorld ~ Weekly Support ~ #30

in #steemworld6 years ago (edited)


This post is intended to cover the server costs for and to enable me to continue my development in the future.

In case you missed the first part:
SteemWorld ~ Weekly Support ~ #1


Dieser Post ist dafür gedacht die Serverkosten für zu decken und mir in Zukunft weitere Entwicklungen zu ermöglichen.

Falls du den ersten Teil verpasst haben solltest:
SteemWorld ~ Weekly Support ~ #1


What a strange week that was. I hope that we will finally see some sunshine in the coming days here in my village. It feels like winter and looks like autumn outside. Even inside my apartment it's currently only 14°C, because the heating controller is broken again since yesterday (now the 3rd time in a year).

Hopefully, it will be fixed tomorrow, because it's hard to sit here for a longer period of time. The candles that we placed in all rooms to get some heat are not really effective and I don't like to inhale that much paraffin in a day, but there is no other way currently.

While I was testing to edit existing posts by different Steemians, I identified a few common problems, which seem to occur regularly when using the currently available post editors. I often see posts where the text below a picture (inside a block element) doesn't start in a new paragraph as shown here:

I'm now talking about things that are not really related to the image above this text. Looks like it should be displayed in a new paragraph, therefore one may need to take a break here:

<br> = forced line break ;)

[ your image ]
Now the text starts in a new paragraph.

Now the text starts in a new paragraph.

The fact that most content creators here don't have much knowledge about using HTML correctly, but they need to use it, because otherwise their posts wouldn't look as professional as they want them to be, makes me reconsider the required capabilities of my editor.

I don't like to see people without any clue struggling with <div> elements and attributes like class="text-justify". There are many posts in the chain already, which contain incorrect HTML with missing closing tags like </div>'s. In many cases the displayed result won't even differ much, because most markdown parsers try to make the best out of the crap, but I think a good editor should inform the user about such things like missing/incorrect tags at least.

As I don't have any deadline for finishing my editor, I will spend some more time with it in order to find a one-click solution for those cases. Wouldn't it be great, if we could just click on a 'make centered', 'justified', 'pull left/right' button, instead of having to use HTML?

My main mission didn't change, but I added a few major objectives. The testing phase will begin later than expected, because I need to make changes to the editor's base. I will keep you informed about the status ;)

Have a wonderful week!


Just a small preview that shows the editor in action. As you can see, the syntax editor's position does not change while typing, because it is fixed to the bottom. New paragraphs will automatically be created when hitting the return key twice:

In the making

   ( A )

  • Post Viewer and Editor
  • Starting a witness node
  • Steem Data Service (SDS)
  • More details in Coming Rewards (number of posts and comments, pie charts)
  • Improved Coming Curation Rewards

   ( B )

  • Different views, no limit in the Posts Overview (requires SDS)
  • Account Operations without limits, custom date ranges and filters, jump to day x (requires SDS)
  • Exact (separated SP, STEEM and SBD) All Time Rewards in the Stats Section (requires SDS)
  • Rewards Overview Tool with searching capabilites (requires SDS)

   ( C )

  • RC costs calculation
  • New responsive SteemWorld that can be run locally (Open Source)


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Thank you for supporting my work!

Positive thoughts create a positive world. It all begins with connecting our thoughts with emotions. What we focus on is what becomes powerful. We are the creators of our world.

Much love,

There are 2 pages

Ohje, ich habe einige elektrische Heizlüfter hier.
Leider bist du zu weit weg.

Du hörst dich ein wenig erschöpft an :(

Gönn' dir vielleicht mal eine Pause.
Wie wär's. Du gehst jetzt mit deiner Freundin in ein gut beheiztes Lokal und gönnst dir ein super gutes und warmes Essen.

Liebe Grüße, @double-u

Nice to see some update here again @steemchiller since I lost connection to the steem for several weeks. Wish you all the best

Okay @steemchiller ...

"My main mission didn't change, but I added a few major objectives. The testing phase will begin later than expected, because I need to make changes to the editor's base. I will keep you informed about the status ;)"

... no problem here. I am in no hurry. 😉 My preference is always for quality over quantity anyway, so take all the time you think necessary.

I hope you are taking everything into account in your thoughts concerning this development path. There is so much about SteemWorld which is "world class," making it an indispensable app for us all. Having said that, you have only so many hours in a day and, unlike other features of SteemWorld, there are already a number of other editors "out there." No question there is room for improvement. Everywhere ...

But ... Can you do it all? Well, only you can answer that question, but thought I would at least raise the concern I have about your overall welfare.

Until "next time," all the best to you!

Hey @steemchiller, thank you very much for your efforts.

Guten Abend Herr Chiller :D.
Ich wollt nur nochmal kurz anklopfen, obs denn mittlerweile Banner oder ähnliches zu Steemworld gibt?

Desweiteren muss ich einfach nochmal kurz meine Zufriedenheit mit SW verkünden, wird immer besser (wobeis nie schlecht war xD) :)!

Moin, ja chilled im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes die letzten Tage hier :)
Logo noch nicht am Start, aber brauche bald sowieso etwas für den Seiten-Header, also gedanklich ist das schon in Vorbereitung. Ich sag dir dann Bescheid, wenn ich etwas Brauchbares gebastelt habe ;)

Keep up the good work...

Can’t wait to check that editor. Hope all the home issues will let you work comfortably soon. My best wishes for this new week ahead.
Keep on your great work.

@SteemChiller An comprehensive, highly functional, effective Editor made + designed by You....

Heck Ya !!

Looking forward to what You CREATE !!

Cheers Chiller !!

Tolle Pläne! Ich gehöre zu den Nichtkennern der Materie (HTML) und bin dankbar für alle Tipps. Ich arbeite mit MarkdownPad2 und bin immer davon ausgegangen, dass alles korrekt ist. Allerdings ist mir das mit den fehlenden "Leerzeilen" auch schon aufgefallen... Ich schicke dir Wärme uund wünsche dir Erfolg mit einer endgültigen Reparatur deiner Heizung! Lieben Gruß Kadna

Yes please! Having to copy paste the long code for justified is never fun! Thanks for your continued efforts!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hi @steemchiller, Thank you for your amazing job and I'm gratefull for suport me like Witness. Regards.

Hi, you'll have my vote as a witness, plus those that use it as a proxy. :-)

Would be amazing if you could crack the sometimes esoteric interactions between Markdown and HTML within one editor.

For example, the <center> tag wont close properly if it spans more than one line.

BTW nobody seems to have mentioned this, but the External STEEM Price seems to be wrong - has been for a couple of weeks and was just waiting for a fix. It appears to show the Bithumb price, which is always much higher than the median across exchanges. I've tried changing the Coin Site in Settings but makes no difference. The price looked fine for a couple of days recently, then shot up again. All the other prices look fine. Any advice?

Thanks again!


BTW nobody seems to have mentioned this, but the External STEEM Price seems to be wrong.

I needed to switch to a few months ago (CoinMarketCap is no longer free) and there seems to be a bug in their current price discovery logic ( shows the same price). Looks like they currently use only Bithumb as source. Normally prices come from various exchanges and an average price based on volume is delivered via their API. As you said, prices were correct for a couple of days recently, so I guess they are working on the issue. I hope that it will be fixed in the coming days, otherwise I need to switch to a different provider.

I've tried changing the Coin Site in Settings but makes no difference.

The Coin Site setting does not have any effect on the shown external price yet, mainly because using other APIs is connected to signing a contract and paying fees in case of too many requests. One of my servers receives and caches the prices from CoinCap once in a minute and the clients get the data from there to reduce the number of requests, but there are still too many to be able to use any of the other sites for free.

Maybe there is already a better alternative available.
I will check that soon ;)

Many thanks! Had a quick look for you and, as you say, most APIs want payment for "business use", even if it is only one or two feeds.

Found that Binance has a public price feed. Have not researched it any deeper, but look at this link:

Here are all their ticker codes:


Hope that helps a bit.

As many people already told you, we can't express enough our appreciation for the hard work to keep "SteemWorld" active. For me it became the ONLY program where I can have everything at one glance. You are really very good in what you do, now it is not possible to imagine Steem without SteemWorld.

I hope you will have nice weather, as spring is approaching. Wish you a nice week, cheers, @Stef1

Not sure if I will use the editor very much, but keep going! It sounds like many people will. Who knows I may become a big fan after it comes out, as it does look very nice. If it is good as all the other stuff you do I'm sure I will be won over easily.

I know I have gushed on dramatically before about how much I love this app (I guess it is classified as an app?), but I cant help myself :-)

I can't wait for the witness. I have an open vote to give and will do so as soon as it is up and running!

Also like the RC calculations idea!

Sorry about the cold!! haha! I hate cold. I would go insane in those conditions.

@steemchiller: Please be aware of the fact that burning anything in an enclosed space takes away the oxygen in the room, releasing carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. If you burn a lot of candles for heat (or anything else combustible) you are depleting your oxygen supply and replacing it with harmful gasses. MUCH better to use a plug-in electric heater. ONLY burn items for heat in a properly-vented fireplace or wood-burning stove. This is a lesson I learned the hard way. I ended up almost killing myself with a propane lamp I used for heat, so this is not something to ignore!

Hey, @steemchiller.

Really, it's cool to see the progress being made on this editor, and the fact you're thinking about the end user during the process is also awesome. In my limited experience with developers, they want to do things that are quick and easy to build, have less functionality than asked for, but cause more work on the end user. I'm glad you're looking at it from the standpoint of what you'd like the editor to do because you'll be using it, too. :)

Hopefully, the thermostat gets fixed soon and you won't have to have your apartment look like a candle party anymore. If this is the third time the thermostat has been broken, I would say the other two times it never got fixed—at least not properly. :)

Ich freue mich schon auf den neuen Editor. Ich bin sicher eine von denen die etwas falsch gemacht haben.

Exciting to watch the work on the editor progress @steemchiller! Fortunately, I've been using HTML almost since it was introduced, so that's not so much of an issue... as is keeping up with tags/formats that become deprecated.

One of the things I always appreciated about the Blogger platform editor was the ease of image handling: Upload an image of pretty much any size format, but then there is a choice of "small, medium, large, X-large, Original size" followed my a second choice of "center, left justify, right justify" with the side justifications automatically resulting in text wrap. Captions were a separate input box "tied" to the image.

I imagine that's a coding nightmare, when sizes have to be parsed for the screens of a vast range of mobile devices, laptops and desktop units.

Anyway, keep up the great work!

Wouldn't it be great, if we could just click on a 'make centered', 'justified', 'pull left/right' button, instead of having to use HTML?

Yes indeed! This would be very helpful, instead of copy/paste, what I am doing right now!

Can't wait to test your new editor! Thank you for all your efforts!

Hi, I'm a fan of, but I think there's an error
All that SP calculations are:

  • curation rewards
  • author rewards
  • payout beneficiaries

The calculation of SP - USD is not the value of the market, it is even different in each of these 3 points, the calculation gives more dollars than SP really is worth


6.633 x 0.43 = 2.85219
2.759 x 1.01 = 2.78659

Total: 5.63878

Those are some pretty great features for power users you are building. You should seriously add the #utopian-io tag. You deserve all the attention you can get :-)

Thanks for continued work and ongoing assistance developing easier ways to create into steem.

Danke dir für deine Arbeit!

Hope that you are warm and cozy now. Sound like a good time to take a break, cuddle under a warm blanket, and sleep a lot...

Great work as always @steemchiller!

Really looking forward to your editor "in action," when it becomes ready!

Danke für deine viele Arbeit - und das unter erschwerten Bedingungen... Ich wünsche dir schnelle Abhilfe! Und bin gespannt auf deinen Editor. LGG

Du hast ein kleines Upvote von unserem Curation – Support – Reblog Account erhalten. Dieser wurde per Hand erteilt und nicht von einem Bot. Unser Vote zieht ein Curation Trail von ca. 50 Follower hinter sich her!!!
Wir, die Mitglieder des German Steem Bootcamps möchten die Deutsche Community stärken und laden Dich ein Mitglied zu werden.

Discord Server an

N E U - jeden Donnerstag findet bei uns ab 19 Uhr die Quasselstunde statt wo du nicht nur mit uns reden kannst - es werden auch tolle Preise verlost


@steemchiller Love STEEMWORLD ! Brilliant ! Keep up the great work! Thank you :)

Really appreciate new knowledge.
Especially in enhancing one's post.

I absolutely love your work and amazing job on the website. It definitely show people their account and how to manage things using steemworld!

I really appreciate it

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for all your work.

You could create a HTML cheat sheet for the most common formatting rules. Most of use had to learn mark-up for Steemit, so we'll just have to learn HTML too. How hard can it be right?

Viel Erfolg mein Freund. Deine Arbeit ist hier sehr gefragt.

!tip 0.1 steem

Posted using Partiko Android

oh wow that is not warm 14 degrees in your home - hope it gets fixed soon :)

Thank you very much for your consistent effort and stubborn tenacity!

Thank you friend. thank you very much, my support is with you as always, Greetings from Venezuela

A virtual hug for you.

Wie immer, danke und UPVOTE&RESTEEM.

Für den nächsten Post muss ich jetzt mal den Editor ausprobieren.
Der Markdown ist irgendwie nicht so der Hit auf Dauer.

And it's really those basic details nobody who does not know HTML does not know about.There are definitely varying interpretations of HTML code by the different frontends, @quekery can confirm this. It's hard to find a middle way for the @steemillu.

For that very reason any basic editing functions are fine with me.

Blöde Sache mit der Heizung.

Admire your attention to detail.

I often see posts where the text below a picture (inside a block element) doesn't start in a new paragraph as shown...

It’s my pleasure to support your work.
All the very best.

Posted using Partiko iOS

مرحبا ايها الشعب العظيم ارجو ان تدعموا صفحتي على ستيميت

You're appreciated!

I use your app every day. Thanks for the great work.

Go my vote and thank you. Greetings.

Amigo, muchas gracias por la información, siempre aportando a esta comunidad, nuevamente gracias.

This post has been just added as new item to timeline of SteemWorld on Steem Projects.

If you want to be notified about new updates from this project, register on Steem Projects and add SteemWorld to your favorite projects.

You just rose by 20.0% upvote from @curationhelper courtesy of @der-prophet

Great work @steemchiller. Best regards

Thanks for such a great tool for steem. It's essential for users and glad to have you running it.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for this valuable post. Your identifications about common problems are very important for all users.

Posted using Partiko Android

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