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RE: HUMILIATION AT WORK : Your views and advice are very much needed my friends!

in #steenit6 years ago

I called an attorney when my boss threw the pointy metal object that you stab restaurant receipts with at me. The attorney practically mocked me! It seems people can get away with anything. I finally ended up quitting my job not till after my boss broke my eyeglasses, hid my new pair of glasses outside, threw my phone in the garbage amongst countless other things. Of course she also fisxhed money out of my tips. I truly think you may be fighting a lost cause. Especially if witnesses don"t want to get involved and mess with their position at work. I know the frustration, anger and anxiety it causes. I wish you the very best, though. With me i stsrted feeling ethically dirty to be treated like that and stay and try to stick it out in hopes that things would get better but that kind of treatment youre talking sbout affexts your mental and physical health. I hate to sound so crass, but my advise is get out before things het turned around on you. Respect to you.