Remember to UPGRADE your Steepshot app in Google Play Android App store or i OS app store, & then it will work again! + new steepshot features!

in #steepshot7 years ago


For everyone unable to post on @steepshot app for steem, you just need to upgrade your app and it should start postingagain. Also you will notice a new Instagram like feature allowing multiple image posting inside one post! Steepshot is a steem front end

Steepshot_footer2.PNG Steepshot IPFS IOS Android Web

steepshot is a great app thanks for this update:)

yeah we have to support our fellow steem developrs! @steepshot is an amazing app and its easy to use so it sadened me to hear reports of irt no longer connecting to the blockchain and posts not working, then I realized it needed an update and behold the Update was ready on the Google Play strore, and it works again AND has new features!It's amazing to see new features added incrementally, now you can have multiple images, AND Videos are Most likely next, since @dmania by @zombee can already do Videos, maybe dmania and dtube dlive can have Apps too, anyway steepshot is the coolest front end because the app gives the mainstream flavor not found anywhere else on steem , and if szteepshot had a Key Recovery and Managemebnt system like a Lastpass Built in thing that makes you save you are keyto lastpass to use it , AND a Expedited steeminvite @pharesim deal to instantkly signiup new users to steepshot if they already had an instagram accoiunt that looked pretty legit we woiul set some proper standards and min requirements like you must have an instagram at leats afew months odl with at keast a few folloerws few posts here and there we will find something that works... And then have manual crew instant invitepeopel who signup on steepshot and find an automated solution later, and you only have to delegate 14.5 SP and pay 0.1 Steem to create accounst so the steepshot account could afford to do INSTANt signuips in their app THAt would be fucking AMAIZNg you could take beneficiray rewards form tehse accounst to PAY for their own instant invite costs! And or give people a delaif they come to steepshot with an EXISTANMING isntagram and they POST about Steepshot ON their instagram theyc an geta FREE upovote and an instant account on Steem and SteepshoT! Iomagine that!!!! (Sorry for typios, recoevingf rom dfrinking yesterday and sooo busy)

How much rewards in percentage does #steepshot keep?

Good question, not that much, if any, oh cool its 10% Perfect that's a great amount like a Tythe at Church LOL

But SERIOUSLY as I have said many times before @steepshot is a SOLID App with a GREAt team that deserves to take 10% and that is VERY fair for making steem VERY easy to use. I would appreciate a sort of instant invite reghistration sdervice for users who have an existing Instagram facebook twitter or tumblr that is used frequently, I would love to sponsor the account creation for some users who have existing accounts so people can downoad steepshot and get an account instantly that would be so nice, especially if the can get a style referral program. #steepshot is one of my favorite issues and I cannot wait for them to have Video AND filters AND Steepshot WILL have some OPEN SOURCE Deep fake style 3d face mapping to do open source 3d snapchat style Video Effects, we can have all the stuff Snapchat has but different , better NEWER,- way cooler, its UNIQUE we can have DIFFERENT style of flower crown, we can have differnet type of tongue or dancing hot dog, instead we can have a dancing sloth, we can have WAY cooler 3d characters than snapochat and we can use open source 3d face scaning engine, hahaha we let them do the hard learning and pay 200 million to a ukrainian Software compnay, snapchat paid them to get that shit made that veryone uses the special effects on snapchatr, but we can probobly get an open source version made for steepshot or have our own custom effects and use some of those video effects that Daniel Bregolli advertises, I forget the name of that video app but lt lets you look like youre breathing fire, and it makes it look like youre teleporting, it can be replicated easily and we can have an open source version that can be kinda generic but different, new and cool, peope will wonder where we got our effects from, they are not like everyoen elses, our effecst will be new and cool... We need to get some people to submit the update of steepshot pull request to upgrade it with snapchat like video efffects but open sopurce versions of thsoie face mapping software... I KNOW we can get it! I just KNOW it!

I think 10% is perfectly fair

Is there a fee for using SteepShot?
Steepshot is taking 10% of author rewards for its service.

10 percent is much better than 25 percent.

@ackza I guess If I would have Read This Post FIRST I would have known I need to UPgrade my STEEPSHOT App. Nice Job at your cousins Wedding...............

steepshot app is a great helpful app.Thanks for sharing this update with us and wishing you an great day.🙂

Steepshot is awesome apps thanks for update information @ackza

The multiple image posting upgrade is really effective and i hope that they also upgraded the limit of texts. Thanks for sharing this update with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

Great apps and really wonderful
Thank you for the great information, my friend

Steepshot app is very helpful. But in this fast world all anroid mobiles provide this facilitie without any app.

thank you dear for giving the valuable information to us about steepshot.

Thank you ! i upgrade it.

Oh, I see why I've been having issues to post with it since yesterday, it will be showing, failed to connect to blockchain.
Thank you @ackza for this info, let me go upgrade asap

oh its steepshot.
so great post no doubt

thanks for this helpful information my @steepshot app is giving me issue since yesterday. i have to visit google app store to update my steepshot app. thanks @ackza for your precise help

Thanks for the update. Let me go and upgrade asap

Thanks much sir

ita really great news to update steepshot
really great content

another great analysis of app,
so great post of steepshot
thanks @ackza sir

I love @steepshot, but it is no longer available in Google Play store? I have it loaded on my phone but how can I upgrade it???

Revolution started!

hmm,,,Steepshot is a good app,,,my partners are also positive on this,,,i hope you also get advantages,,too..