In every walk with the nature, if you are attentive, you receive much more than what you seek ... πŸ˜‡πŸπŸŒΌ

in #steepshot β€’ 7 years ago (edited)


I am walking in a park and with the camera of my smartphone, I try to do macro photography. What do you think?
It's not easy to shoot insects in motion... You have to be calm and patient ^^ It's a really good training for me hahaha πŸ˜‡πŸπŸŒΌ

by @flamingirl

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Beautiful flowers

Thanks @reemy ! =D

Wow! beautiful flowers

It's amazing you got the bee while it was still on the flower. Great lightning as well. It would be great if you could get it in motion!

There is nothing beautiful than nature

I would love to have such capture as well, but unable to. Perhaps the timing.

Hello @flamingirl. great shot you got the 🐝's good side .

Nice shot.

Because small animals like bees escape our attention

It is beautiful!!! Very good for a training, I could say. hehe :)

hahah ! Thanks for your comment my friend ;)

Very beautiful!

amazing, good picture results.

Very beautiful photo!

Thanks @marcuz! =D

I like that you captured the bumble bee too! Great job.

But nevertheless it's worth it.Haha it often happens with me @flamingirl. I can totally relate. Whenever I go for morning walk to the nearby park, the nature appeals me most and the morning birds and insects on flowers are so beautiful but in motion. One has to be really very patient.

Beautiful picture. 🌼

beautiful photography of nature.

Honey bees are vanishing due to pollution and pesticides. This is a nice photo to remind us how important they are to agriculture!

well image is appealing and marvelous. you have done excellent job with cellphone camera. actually most people have classy smartphones but they don't handle it or they don't know about camera settings. Being your follower I must say do continue to share such awsome post

the photo is pretty. awesome colours. but when i saw the bee i had to scroll down. i panic.

Connecting with nature is the best thing humans can do. Nature provides more than we can imagine

It is a good picture. I try also to shoot photo’s of the little things of nature. I know it is not easy. You can not tell them to sit or fly still.