Platform that rewards people for sharing their lifestyle and visual experience.
edited: (SBD rewards of this video will distributed equally among 5 accounts that will earn the most value for their steepshot photos until the post ends in 1 week + they must have published at least one photo via steepshot that week. Good Luck!!! )
PS also each one of you that will leave here a comment with one of your steepshot photos will get a 100% upvote on steepshot for that particular photo ;)
PS2 I will probably not upvote accounts with a low reputation score.
▶️ DTube
CONTEST WINNERS (Each wins 20 more SBDs!)
1. @tikotiko $42.31
A Paris
2. @hrissm $24.92
Day or night [φ.log]
3. @poenbit $21.82
The intimacy of a pair of flies over a beautiful wildflower
4. @amadeus $16.13
5. @artgalleryraka $14.59
Καθώς έπεφτε η νύχτα!! As the night feels!
Congrats to all! Thanks for having the contest @lionadani! Cheers!
Congrats @hrissm ! Your photos are amazing! Well deserved.
Much appreciated :) I’m humbled, thanks again.
congratulation to all winner...
thanks @liondani for such event
please sir see this post.
please sir see my post.
congrats to all winner..
Συγχαρητήρια παιδιά!!!
Congrats to all winners and thanks @liondani
Oya .. Is this contest still continuing? Where do we post the links? Thank you very much @liondani
I say a very big congrats to the winners.
Would love to see more contest from you.
Would love to participate, you know. And thank you @liondani for this wonderful photo contest.
it was a great contest i ever seen, everyone gets reward, pleasure to see such type of contest. i think you always support steepshot user who are participate in this contest. so everyone inspire & more &more use steepshot .
by the way congats to all winners.
wishes best of luck you, want always your support.
congrats to all winner..
its an amazing event..
you are great dear @liondani go ahead @liondani
congrats all winners, it was an awesome contest.
i feel proud to participate in this part @liondani sir
congrats to all winner
congrats to all of you, you guys all deserve this prize.
winners are deserve it, thanks a lot @liondani for your great approach, it express you that how helpful you. again thanks.
enjoy this contest .love you @liondani,
congrats to all winner..
The next 48 hours I will announce the 5 winners of the contest! Thanks for your participation!
The SBD rewards for the post was about 44 SBD.
I will add another 66 SBD from my pocket so we round the price pool to 100 SBD!!! So each of the winners will grab 20 SBDs that is in current exchange rate a value of about $50 USD for each of you :)
Wow a very great contest can win 20 SBD.
Wow a very outstanding contest can win 20 SBD big chance
i am new at steemit & my 1st post in steepshot..
This is my steepshot post
Hey thanks so much for helping spread awareness about @Steepshot! I'll be sharing this post in the @Steeply digest today :)
What a powerfully endowed advertisement for all, even kids would easily understand this! This is straight forward, appealing, bright and colourful for everyone, not to mention the charisma of our actors...
Thanks a lot for sharing this site I was still unaware off as of yet. Time to upvote, resteem and... SHARE!
Namaste :)
Publish a photo on steepshot and let me know the link to upvote it 100% ;)
This is my steepshot post sir @liondani
Hope you likes it! Thanks.
Voted for another until it is visible on my phone
Thank you sir!
Helloo, here is My first post on Steepshot, am hoping it's not late to drop a post. This is a shot of me
close to a office building, I hope You Love it and am glad to be a part of Steepshot, Thanks
link please...
Steepshot I am using since a while and it's an amazing experience here it's like Instagram for me.
Voted! ;)
Awesome. I @steepshot daily. :D
Thank you so much @liondani. This is going to help me a lot. Mega Cheers!
Hi sir it's my first day on Steepshot and my first post too.
Voted! ;)
Steemshot is getting hot, just tried it, with my first photo!😃
Voted ! ;)
Thank you very much, I really appreciate it!
hehe I like the part where the guy shakes the phone and all of the change comes out... clever video!
-->Here's <-- a photo series of mine using Steepshot, hope you enjoy! (and here on Steemit)
I don't know if I fully understand this... "on that post" meaning the DTube video comment? which is essentially the comment I'm making now?
Edited to include my response to @enolife's comment above:
And to note a few things that I think Steepshot could improve upon:
... and voted! ;)
I changed it... The 5 most valued steepshot photos will win... It makes more sense i think.
Cool! Thanks for the heads up :) so do I need to re-enter?
No needed, that photo of you is in the contest
Testing Steepshot for the first time
Voted! ;)
Your Steepshot magazine.

My photowork for you :)
Voted! ;)

Hello sir @liondani, how aaree you its been a while I haven't see you posting. I hope all is well with you sir and so the macedonians.
I just posted maybe once or twice in steephot last month, at this time I will try to participate. Thanks for this idea sir God Bless You and your Family
Here's mine sir my first steepshot using mobile app.
Voted! ;)
thank you sir @liondani.,
Το steepshot για μένα που είμαι καλλιτέχνης είναι πάρα πολύ σημαντικό.
Το χρησιμοποιώ σαν πορτοφόλι της δουλειάς μου.
Τρομερές δημιουργίες, συνέχισε έτσι!
μεγάλη είδηση κύριε Νομίζω ότι αυτή η εφαρμογή αξίζει να κατεβάσετε Έχω διαβάσει λίγα πράγματα για την εφαρμογή και είμαι πολύ σίγουρος ότι είναι μεγάλη εξέλιξή της.
πρέπει να κάνουμε τα πράγματα από το steemit και να καταλήξουμε σε νέες ιδέες.
Νομίζω ότι το δοκιμάζω τώρα
Voted! ;)
Thank you sir
I really love #steepshot, thanks @liondani for sharing! I'll give you a shout out on my show tomorrow!
Voted! ;)
and thanks!
Click the Image Below to see the Video!
@liondani Καλημέρα , προσπαθώ να ανεβάσω στο steepshot εδώ και 2 μέρες αλλά μου βγάζει κάποιο τεχνικό πρόβλημα "μη έγκυρος τύπος αρχείου" κάτι τέτοιο. Υπάρχει κάτι που διορθώνετε ή έχει αλλάξει κάτι και δεν το ξέρω.
Thank you very much sir @liondani
I have been thinking about trying out Steepshot for a while now. I guess there's no better time than now, hehe!
voted! ;)
Thanks a lot!
Steepshot is very beautiful and very useful apps I already using this app
Thank you very much sir
Hi sir @liondani I hope my entry will still be in, its ok if I don't catch the deadline. here's my entry si.
Made a Post on Negotation on Steepshot.
Voted! ;)
Hi @liondani, I am interested to participate and this is my link post about photography a beautiful combination of flies and wildflowers
I just shared a photo using steepshot,never knew about this
Thanks for sharing with us sir.
Voted! ;)
Today my new steepshot journey start.
I think I found a good site.
Voted! ;)
Thank you sir @liondani.From now on I will post on steepshot every day.
My steepshot post sir @liondani
Thank you, hope you like it!
Thank you sir! For that generous and kindness hearts. God bless you sir!
dear sir you inspire me use steepshot, thats now i am using it, that is my second post on steepshot, your kindness
For this contest I will vote only one photo
my first steepshot photo..
my steepshot photo explain typical life style of farmer.
happy with steepshot, eagerly waiting for your rewards.
Voted ;)
here is my post link
Voted! ;)
Voted ! ;)
link of my post given below :
Voted! ;)
Voted! ;)
my post.
Testing Steepshot for the first time..
Already voted for another of your photos
thanks for giving us such a nice scope
wish your bright future..
1st post
Voted! ;)
i am new at steepshot..this is my first post..
i am very glad to know about steepshot..
my entry in steepshot by this post
its very amazing to me using steepshot..
thanks for you helpful information sir
i'm start steepshot today
Voted! ;)
I started using Steepshot 2 month ago.

Publish a photo on steepshot and let me know the link to upvote it 100% and follow you ;)
Voted! ;)
Thank you sir.
my first post steepshot.
please sir see my post..
thank you sir.