1m snow ontop of a 50cm wide bridge...

in #steepshot7 years ago (edited)

1m snow ontop of a 50cm wide bridge... #nofear #nostoppingnow #ski #snow #snowshoes


Ok... So i just realised i had set up an RSS feed from my Instagram account to post automatically to Steemit. The service was through streemian and wasn't working until streemian fixed the issue today. Hence the random text posts. I may as well add the images since its too late to delete them now.


Either your images aren’t working or my wifi is so bad that it’s not displaying images.

What the hell. These are my steepshot posts i posted in another account. Wtf

This makes no sence. These were posted days ago on a completely different account

How weird. :S

Ended up being streemian relaunching their RSS syndication service. Woops.
Had to go thru and edit them so they are not just shitty text posts.

Thankfully i ran out of bandwidth otherwise streemian would have posted my entire instagram feed on here 😡