Good question. They share the blockchain, but Steemit is more towards content. Steepshot is posting with a picture along with a short description. Give it a go, is simple and fun.
You can certainly post pictures with a short description here on Steemit. In fact there's an abundance of that here. Yet, steepshot is primarily pictures.
Good question. They share the blockchain, but Steemit is more towards content. Steepshot is posting with a picture along with a short description. Give it a go, is simple and fun.
Definatelly i will....but even on steemit i saw people with a pic and short description.....thn y especially thru steepshot?
You can certainly post pictures with a short description here on Steemit. In fact there's an abundance of that here. Yet, steepshot is primarily pictures. we assume a different vertical created just for the shorter picture post....
good reply!