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RE: 5 Reasons Steemit Is Being Mocked

in #steetmi7 years ago

Oh yes, it's not that I am now too late for Steem or anything like that, I just wish I wouldn't have wasted so much time on Twitter and Reddit that I could have better spent on Steem :)

Sometimes people who know little about crypto currency think that of Bitcoin for example. "It's too late, I missed my opportunity, now Bitcoin is worth so much it is too late for me to buy it, why should I care about it now?" is something I've heard people say.

But I came late to Steem, had zero followers, and still made a few posts which received hundreds of votes and therefore dollars. I didn't even need to have a big following to get to the point where I'm making money. And now after just a few months I'm closing in on 200 followers already.

Compare that with YouTube for example, where you need to work for a very long time, often years, to build up your channel before you can even hope to ever get something in return, especially now with the change they made that you can only monetize your channel when you have at least 10,000 followers. On Steem, at least for me, I was rewarded instantly, as soon as I had written my introduction post about a month after I signed up. If that isn't the future, the future is silly.