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RE: Steeve's Business Plan

in #steeve6 years ago

hi @steeveapp

That post you've mentioned at the beginning is full of typo mistakes which makes it super hard to read :(

nothing of value is actually ever free

That's pretty much true. If I see word "free" then I do not even bother.

Steem doesn’t rely on any revenue from ads

Indeed. And this is huge problem and main reason why Steemit probably will not have bright future. Without ads this platform will not get to far. That's just sad reality.

I think you guys are trying to build a great tool, but bringing AI to Steemit is not what people may want. This will be considered by many as a threat. Anyway your idea ... it's very interesting concept.

After reading your post I still have only blur idea of what Steeve will look like. Will follow you closely to learn more about your project.

Upvoted and resteemed. Good luck guys! :)



Hi Piotr! If your idea of Steeve is blurred, than you should just go to and find out for yourself, the project is already running :)

Why do you think many would consider AI as a threat? In case of big companies like Facebook, Google, and others I can see that the AI can be used against (or at least not completely in line with) the users. But the problem is not in the AI, it's just a tool. I argued in my post that the biggest problem is when the incentives are not aligned.

Btw. which typos are you talking about? I agree the post is a little harder to read as I needed to cover many difficult topics in one post, but I am not aware of any typos.

Posted using Steeve, an AI-powered Steem interface

Thank you @hr1 for your kind reply.

I just conntected with and will test it now :)

You're guys (together with @mor and @void) doing such a great job.

Why do you think many would consider AI as a threat?

I myself consider AI as a threat because AI can analize patterns and learn from it. If we think that bots are annoying then wait until AI will be so good, that most people wont be able to recognize if they received comment from AI or real human.

As a digital marketer I see AI as a huge competition in the future.

ps. about typos:
I feel so silly now. I just re-opened your post and I cannot find any typo at all. And just before I've seen many words broken in half. Like "everyt hing is paid by inf lation.".

Perhaps page just loaded wrongly. Strange. Sorry to bother you.


Thanks for your kind words :)

I agree with you - AI can be a competition, and thus a threat. That's why it's so important that the incentives are aligned. This way we can turn competition into cooperation.

Don't worry about the typos, I was just curious what you found :)

Posted using Steeve, an AI-powered Steem interface

hi @hr1

you're very responsive which is absolutely great and steemit community surely will benefit by having you here.

if you would ever like to keep in touch and support each other closer, then drop me a message [email protected].

This will allow us to communicate easier.

Or perhaps I could reach out to you on Telegram? (crypto_piotr). I would like to talk about the opportunity to collaborate. I think we could both help each other a lot.


It's me again @hr1

I was just wondering, if you could consider adding night-mode to

To tell you the truth - it's really hard to use sites that cannot be switched into night-mode the way I can do on It's just so much easier to read and eyes are not getting tired so quickly.

Perhaps you guys could think about it :)


Night mode is already there, just navigate to the tune Steeve icon on the top right.


Posted using Steeve, an AI-powered Steem interface