
upvoted 100% to counter censorship
edit: actually just 30% was enough this time

unfortunately a powerful whale arrived to downvote, I think it is BernieSanders.
he even censored your songs which is outrageous. you need to contact someone from Steemit or Dtube, surely this kind of downvoting is abuse.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

I mostly disagree with Stefan, however, on this subject he is correct. The earth is a globe. Until flat earthers can produce a working flat earth map, it's not even worth entertaining the idea. There is an abundance of evidence for a globe, that is completely ignored by flearfers, usually dismissed as fake, without themselves showing any kind of evidence for a flat earth. The globe is an established fact and it has been for a very long time. Anything contradictory to these facts would have to be supported by an equal amount of evidence that is verifiable, and that evidence does not exist.