in #stegos5 years ago

The need for privacy

Is big brother spying on us?
Do you know that most internet companies are compelled to submit user data to the government on a regular basis?

John Mcafee once debated the CEO of Apple Tim Cook on CNN over a decision to give the keys to the iPhone device to the government over certain privacy investigations,a move he condemned.

Do you remember when iCloud was hacked,the world saw conservations,images,videos and other documents that ought not to be public.

Not too long ago,Google admits on live television that it employees can read users email without their consent.

Facebook and its increasing privacy woes will not cease to leave the public eye from Cambridge analytical to its admitting to spying on even non users,the allegations are deafening.

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey account gets hacked,what does this tell us?

How about the Equifax hack and other notable hacks,how much has been lost,how much of private data has been revealed.

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is currently facing trails over what the government calls intrusion,author of the book “Permanent Record” Edward Snowden is still in exile for exposing the secret spying programs of the government he once worked for.

The list is endless.
Among the fundamental rights of humans is the right to freedom of speech and expression and freedom of privacy.

The current internet design is taking away privacy from us, users have no place to run to,from cellphone tracking by telecom providers to pixel tracking by Facebook and tracking by google and other websites

Why less privacy today?

Privacy comes at a cost
In most third world countries,poor citizens share living spaces,they share a common toilet and bathroom and even kitchen,the results most times are disheartening as they are exposed to the worst when it does come,they could avoid the infections that come with sharing toilet if they have the means to pay for a private residence. The free model on which most apps and services operate today leaves a lot to be desired about privacy. WhatsApp,in its pre-Facebook acquisition years charged users a meagre fee on a yearly basis,both currently the app is free and Facebook is planning on devising a means to make profit from it and keep it running. It costs to build apps and websites,it costs to maintain them,since users don’t get to pay for services,they get to pay with their data. Data is oil,data is gold.

Why we need privacy?

Many argue and say : only those who engage in crime needs privacy
I beg to disagree,in our current world there are conversations that will not be engaged in the presence of certain parties for privacy reasons.
Nobody wants their location per time to be in the database of an unauthorized entity,nobody wants their purchases to be tracked per time.
We need to access any information as we please and express our thoughts whenever without the fear of been removed from a platform like was did to Alex Jones.

Stegos path to privacy

Centralized platforms like Facebook cannot be private because if they do their business will die,to ensure a sustainable ecosystem where development is encouraged,creators of messaging apps must be incentivized and those who maintain the network(be it for security or host resources).
The blockchain approach to messaging and payments is welcoming but a lots is left to be desired,the statistics from the usage of dApps is disheartening and a number of factors account for this.
Stegos is a blockchain project that attempts to build privacy in both transactions and payments,it introduces a privacy App Store and a trusted application container for the speedy development and consumption of privacy apps.
Also,it will develop a marketplace for users to transact goods and services.

Learn more

Stegos website : https://twww.stegos.com
Twitter : https://twitter.com/stegos4privacy
Telegram : https://t.me/stegos4privacy_official