The surveillance came into existence as a monitoring strategy applied to trace and track different kinds of activities in numerous places. Government use it as a security mechanism anytime there is a need for it to gather multiple information and to maintain balanced. In other words, the Government use it as a technique to curb crimes, to carry out scrutinies, and also for extensive economic development.
There are numerous functions of Government, which include enforcement of law and order, protect lives and properties, defend human rights, and ensuring freedom. The concept of monitoring all activities of the citizens in the country makes the citizens suspect the potency of the safety of their identities and the privacy of their various activities.
Globally, the concern about privacy from the Government's point of view is a different affair and a very delicate one, indeed. For this sake, the citizens of the country seem to be very unpleased and are unable to ascertain the level of privacy protection.
Insecurity has been on headlines globally in recent years, and the Government is working out modalities to keep an eye on the private affairs of her citizens in the country. They go a long length to monitor phone calls, messages, emails, bank facts, and also their private financial transactions, etc. Many security agents are established by governments to ensure that citizens dont escape surveillance in any manner.
It is an essential tool that the Government uses to develop and establish a database that serves as a data bank. The Government uses this information as a reference, economic predictions, various analyses, including to determine new policies worthy of being implemented. The Government considers surveillance useful because it assists them in controlling political opposition and restricting vulnerability on citizens' welfare.
Government surveillance comes in various types and patterns of mechanism. It could be viewed from multiple security gadgets such as cameras, audio, computer surveillance, tracking of signals. All these mechanisms are helpful in allegations examination.
There has been continuous and numerous complaints laid by a lot of individuals, companies, countries about this issue of surveillance and its effects. The Government uses it to meddle with people's privacy, besides database are also hacked, and phishing occurs often. Even important information is always found in the hands of wrong keepers, and he said to numerous attacks by hackers, including terrorists. However, this situation indeed is an epidemic and needs fast attention and solutions.
Surveillance by Government is a growing issue that has attracted lots of queries from citizens about their freedom. Too much monitoring makes people feel very much uncomfortable and unsafe in their daily activities, knowing fully well that Government is keeping tabs on them continuously. Most times, citizens dont feel too comfortable sending out specific sensitive messages. They feel so insecure as Government keeps their surveillance lamp on them.
However, it is indeed the primary reason for the birth of blockchain technology that is set to provide individuals the capacity to make untrackable financial transactions. However, many blockchain platforms provide protected and decentralized texting or messaging, but Stegos promises to offer more than usual. It gives users the ability to securely and privately disseminate messages without leaving traces about the receiver or the sender.
The issue of privacy created a platform for the introduction of stegos, which is entirely a private cryptocurrency and messaging platform designed to protect users from government surveillance. If anyone feels insecure about the watchdog of the Government, this is the perfect platform that provides guaranteed maximum protection required.
The rising problem in government surveillance led to the outcry for more private and protective means of data and cash transfers, and from the look of things, Stegos is the primary solution. It offers to ensure that;
The Users' private data is safeguarded and secured from surveillance by the Government and other security watchdogs. Users dont need to frighten concerning the message they sent across because it is in the safe hands of stegos neither can it be traced nor tracked.

The invention of Stegos set users free from the countless anxieties of government surveillance. They are now open to communicate with anyone or transact with anyone without drawbacks of any type. There will be no traces of conversation between parties nor transactions tracked.
There also existing apps created to assist the reduction or outright elimination of the tendency to be spied by security agencies. The stegos app permits users to transfer token to users that use the QR code.
Privacy security is indeed a global talk that needs urgent attention; therefore, stegos take it extremely seriously, to create a lasting solution. It will be helpful if the Government can create workable strategies that will be effective enough to safeguard the private data of both individuals and companies rather than having them exposed to spies and hackers.
Please learn more about stegos through on this link below;
WRITER: Okafor Oluchukwu Charity